Kill Acid Reflux

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Soda vs Acid Reflux

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Do you enjoy drinking carbonated beverages but frequently suffer from acid reflux? Did you know that carbonated beverages are not conducive to your condition? Drinking carbonated beverages on a daily basis can lead to more than just a bad case of heartburn. In fact, research is finding that frequent consumption of these beverages over time, can actually dramatically increase your risk of developing esophageal cancer.

Esophageal cancer was a disease that was non-existent two generations ago, now it?s becoming a common concern. Researchers in India discovered a link between the rise in carbonation consumption and esophageal cancer in America over the past two decades. They found that the average consumption of carbonated soft drinks sky rocketed from less than 11 gallons per year in the late 1940?s to nearly 50 gallons per year by 2000. They also found that since the 1980?s, esophageal cancer has increased by more than 565% among white American men.

Studies have concluded that soft drinks have a direct link to gastric distension, a condition that brings on reflux. It was found that the consumption of liquid from a single standard soda can cause acid levels to remain elevated in the stomach for more than 52 minutes. Thus, if a person were to drink one can of soda a day, for a year, that would add up to more than 32,000 minutes of the esophagus being exposed to elevated acid levels.

Furthermore, the lower esophagus has a much higher chance of being damaged by soft drink consumption than by other non-carbonated beverages. For instance, if you were to drink 8 oz. of a carbonated beverage, your stomach might distend to 16 oz., instead of only distending by 8 oz. when drinking the same amount of water.

The distending that carbonation causes to the stomach results in acid reflux. Recurring acid reflux dramatically increases the risk of developing esophageal cancer, and drinking carbonated beverages increases gastric pressure, which may lead to an increase in reflux.

How exactly does acid reflux and esophageal cancer result from drinking carbonated beverages? The following is a basic breakdown of what occurs:

? The carbonated beverage is ingested

? The carbonation induces a burp ? otherwise known as acid reflux

? The burp goes up through the esophagus and carries acid with it

? Over time the carbonation causes mechanical damage to cells causing lesions. Mechanical cell damage increases the risk of cancer.

? Frequent drinking causes a radical increase in the mutation of cells and excessive level of free radicals which can eventually lead to cancer.

Carbonated beverages don?t only include soft drinks like cola, root-beer and ginger ale. Any beverage with carbonation can cause acid reflux. Other beverages that contain carbonation include:

? Soda water ? regular or flavored water with carbonation

? Beer

? Champagne

? Fruit juice

To find out if a beverage is carbonated, ?carbonated water? is usually listed in the ingredients.

If you suffer from frequent acid reflux or GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease), it?s a good idea to eliminate carbonated beverages from your diet altogether. However, if you really enjoy drinking carbonated beverages, and aren?t ready to go cold turkey, here are some tips for you to keep in mind when it comes to limiting your carbon consumption:

? Take one sip at a time - Don?t gulp down your drinks as this encourages burping, making it more likely for the esophagus to become irritated.

? Limit your intake ?Treat yourself to one drink once in a while; don?t make it apart of your daily diet.

? Buy bottles not cans ? If you purchase soft drinks, avoid buying cans and opt for a bottle instead. A bottle will allow you to control the amount you drink without making you feel obligated to finish the whole drink as you would with a can.

For more information about acid reflux syndrome and the natural treatments available take a look at Stop Acid Reflux Now

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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Does Losing Weight Help Acid Reflux?

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Regular exercise is a must for everyone, regardless if they suffer from chronic acid reflux or not. Exercise is what helps to keep our bodies strong and healthy. Exercise is what also helps us lose those extra pounds; extra pounds that many researchers believe may be encouraging acid reflux.

Research has found that for those who are overweight and obese, losing weight can actually help reduce the risk of heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) symptoms. Why? Many studies have been conducted on the link between BMI (Body Mass Index ?a method of measuring body fat) and GERD. Virtually all studies concluded that as the participants? BMI increased, so did their GERD symptoms.

How does obesity increase the risk of developing GERD?
Researchers are not entirely sure of the exact cause, but there are many theories being closely considered. For instance, some believe that excess body fat that occurs around the stomach, increases the pressure against the stomach, and causes fluid to rise up into the esophagus. Thus, the more weight a person accumulates, the more fat and pressure is placed on the stomach.

Another theory is that many of those who are overweight and obese tend to lead a more sedentary lifestyle, indulge in a diet rich in fatty foods and overeating. This type of lifestyle dramatically increases the chance of chronic acid reflux, heartburn and GERD.

One recent study that was conducted on women with normal BMI in Boston, Massachusetts, found that as these women increased their weight (gaining 20 pounds or more) during the study, they increased their risk of developing acid reflux symptoms by three times. Thus, this study actually discovered that a person doesn?t need to be obese in order to increase their risk of heartburn and GERD symptoms. Simply gaining 10 pounds, a slight change from their regular weight could tip the scale.

Therefore, if you are prone to acid reflux or have GERD, be mindful of your weight. If you are maintaining a normal weight (BMI 18.5-24..9) there is no reason for you to consider losing weight, unless you have gained a few pounds and notice a change in your heartburn symptoms, even if you are still in the normal weight range. Other than that, keep in mind that a BMI of 25 and over is considered overweight, and a BMI 30 or higher is a sign of obesity. To help monitor your weight, you can find free BMI calculators online.

If you need to lose weight, your goal is to do so effectively and sensibly. This means avoiding crash diets, and adopting a new lifestyle focused on healthy eating habits that involve smaller portions, and include exercise. Your goals is to gradually lose weight and keep the excess pounds off by making a lifestyle change you can realistically live with, which doesn?t compromise the health and wellbeing of your body.

There are many exercise and diet programs and books that can help you lose weight. However, before you jump headfirst into a weight loss program, you should first visit your doctor and discuss your weight loss plans with them before you take action. Your doctor can provide you recommendations and lead you down the path to healthy weight loss.

Another good idea is to visit a licensed dietitian. This is a health care professional who specializes in advising people about meal planning and controlling their weight. They can help you make nutritional and healthy eating choices.

In addition, talk to others who are watching their weight. Find out what they are doing to help keep off the extra pounds. Exercising with others and introducing your family or friends to healthy meal choices, is an effective way to lose weight successfully, because it?s always easier to change when you?re not going it alone.
For more information on how an acid reflux disease diet works please visit Stop Acid Reflux Now and sign up for the free newsletter.

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux

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Acid Reflux is a condition that deteriorates primarily due to bad eating habits. In todays fast-paced and workaholic lifestyle, the common man cannot find time to control the haphazard (or non-existent!) lunch timings and eating routine.

Acid Reflux is caused when, due to several reasons, the stomach cannot withstand the pressure of the contents in it, thus forcing it toward the Oesophageal sphincter. This valve kind of structure in the lower end of the food pipe, or oesophagus, as we know it, allows food to go into the stomach, but prevents the contents in the stomach to come back into the oesophagus. Due to the pressure from the stomach, the sphincter becomes weak, and in extreme cases, loses its ability to keep the stomach corrosive stomach juices from entering the sensitive food pipe. Visit to learn more about acid reflux.

Since eating habits forms a major cause for this condition, it is but obvious that only a healthy eating practice can fix this problem. Natural remedies, thus, are what patients are looking for. Pills are not a wise choice. It is difficult to forget the drug called ?Propulsid?, which was used as a means to lower acid reflux levels in the body, but eventually was taken off the market after its consumption resulted in many deaths.

One of the most common natural suggestions given to people suffering from Acid Reflux is to drink lots of water. About one gallon is required on a daily basis to detoxify the stomach. However, if one is suffering from Acid Reflux, it is usually suggested that one must drink enough water to keep the urine a light yellow color.

Another natural remedy for Acid Reflux is garlic. Garlic may have a pungent odour and taste, but it is extremely effective in keeping bowel flora in optimum levels as well as kill pathogenic germs such as H. pylori, which is the only organism that the hydrochloric acid in the stomach cannot kill. But it is important to remember that the garlic should be chewed or crushed and then swallowed, or added in juices, otherwise the allicin in the garlic will not transform into its active ingredient.

Apart from that, recent studies have showed that orange peel extract, made from fresh extracted oranges, is a very effective means to keep the acid levels in the stomach to its minimum. Anise, peppermint, and lavender are also excellent for the stomach. Other helpful natural remedies include digestive enzymes such as, Betain and Pepsin, which is found in Papaya, as well as, pineapples and chicory root.

Learn more about chinese remedy for Acid Reflux and side effects of acid reflux medication.

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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Are There Home Remedies For Acid Reflux?

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Acid Reflux or heart burn as it is commonly called is a very unpleasant condition in which the liquid from the stomach gets into the esophagus (throat). This liquid contains acid produced by the stomach (hence the name acid reflux) such as pepsin which is an enzyme that is required for the digestion of protein, which can also contain what is known as bile. This acid is dangerous and can sometimes cause injury to the lining of the throat. Although there are a lot of commercial remedies for acid reflux there are a lot of people now turning to home remedies as an alternative. With the increasing awareness of herbs as a valuable medicine for healing, more people are turning to home remedies to solve their medicinal needs.

The most effective and simple treatment for acid reflux is to change your diet. To avoid acid reflux at night it is suggested that you sleep in an upright position. This can easily be accomplished by propping up yourself with a couple pillows by placing them at the beginning of your upper back, or you can try lying towards your left side because experts swear that in this position acid reflux is less likely to occur. This would force the liquid to quickly go back down to your stomach. Daytime is not so bad because you are almost always in a standing position or sitting upright and this makes it difficult for the acid reflux to get to the throat.

Some home remedies for acid reflux are Apple Cider Vinegar. Two tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar in water three times a day to be taken right after a meal. Apple Cider Vinegar can also be purchased in tablet form. This remedy seems to be the favorite from what the researches have shown and most people seem to think that it really works.

Other alternatives are Ginger. Fresh ginger should be ground and added to foods or it can be taken with tea. Some herbalists recommend drinking a glass of ginger diluted in water after each meal. Digestive enzymes is another alternative, because it helps speed up the digestive process for food. It can sometimes stop acid reflux from occurring. Other alternatives are to increase the amount of fiber in your everyday food, because fiber absorbs excess acid and gas and this enables your body to rid itself of toxins more efficiently. Yet another suggestion would be to try tea, especially herbal tea, because herbal tea contains such ingredients as peppermint, licorice roots, chamomile and ginger and should be taken after a meal. So now you know some of the home remedies you may now be able to sleep easily.
Find more relevant articles on health related matters at a website offering views, opinions and factual resources on topics such as dealing with the sciatic nerve, healthy eating advice and even popular cleansing herbs which are so much in demand today.


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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

10 Ways to Relieve Acid Reflux and Heartburn

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The condition of acid reflux is also commonly known as heartburn. This is a condition that is characterized by the inflammation of the esophagus, caused by the backing up of food from the stomach into the esophagus. This food is partially or mostly digested and usually has a high acidic content, which causes pain and/or discomfort in many people.

Several treatments have been used successfully in the fight against heartburn (acid reflux). Some of these forms of treatment include one or more of the following:

1. Baking Soda and Water: Usually a teaspoon of baking soda mixed in a glass of water will help most people, since it neutralizes excess acidity. This is one of the most natural ways to cure heartburn/acid reflux.

2. Alka-Seltzer: This is a tablet that dissolves in water that is taken orally as a liquid. This product has a similar effect as baking soda and water. It can be purchased at a pharmacy or grocery store without a prescription.

3. Pepto-Bismol: This is a liquid medication that is taken orally to help alleviate the effects of heartburn. This is available without a prescription.

4. Clear Soda (such as Sprite or 7-UP): The carbonation in clear sodas can help to relieve the acid buildup in a person's stomach and can also help a person to release gas.

5. Tums: These are tablets that come in chewable form which contain calcium carbonate, an ingredient that helps relieve symptoms of upset stomach and heartburn. It is termed an antacid.

6. Prescription Medications: Those who need relief from chronic heartburn (acid reflux) can consult a doctor or other qualified health care professional. They may prescribe more potent or different medications than those sold over-the-counter in stores. They will also provide instructions on how to take these.

7. Exercise: Those who engage in regular exercise will also find relief from heartburn in many cases. Usually it is good to do a variety of aerobic and anaerobic movements. Examples of an aerobic exercise involve fast-paced step exercises and dance movements, as well as jogging, stair climbing, and bicycling. Types of anaerobic exercise include weight and resistance training and stretching exercises. More information can be found about specific exercise programs that can help people.

8. Diet Changes: If heartburn sufferers want relief, they may need to alter their diets.

9. Heat or Feet Pillows: Heartburn sufferers can also prevent or relieve acid reflux, particularly at night, if they raise their head or feet with pillows, or other object (such as a bed wedge). Propping up of the head usually works best since gravity can help keep food from creeping upward into the esophageal area.

10. Relaxation: If people take time to rest and relax, they are able better able to reduce the amount of stress that could lead to poor choices. For example, it could reduce a person's desire to consume large amounts of alcohol which can certainly aggravate the pain and discomfort associated with heartburn.

There are also remedies for acid reflux other than the ones described above. There are many published guides on how to lessen or eliminate heartburn. Guides regarding diet and exercise can also be found quite easily. The fastest and easiest way to find these articles is to do a site search or to search in your favorite Web browser.

Jacqueline Courtiol, M.A. Ed. is a teacher, mother and business owner. Jacqueline has authored numerous articles on topics of childcare, natural health, parenting and pregnancy. She is also the co-developer of Colic Calm, a natural homeopathic formula for relief of acid reflux in infantsand colic. More information can be found at or contact us if you have questions.

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Sunday, June 8, 2008

When to See a Specialist about Acid Reflux

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Most people typically suffer from heartburn at some point. Indigestion or acid reflux usually occurs after a meal and millions suffer from heartburn at least once per month. If heartburn causes suffering more frequently or more severely, then a doctor should be consulted about it.

Many heartburn symptoms could indicate an acid reflux problem. Frequent and severe heartburn that persists after numerous over-the-counter medications have been tried can indicate an acid reflux problem. Heartburn that interferes with sleep, lifestyle and daily activities can also indicate an acid reflux problem.

Difficulty and pain with swallowing, the frequent feeling of food caught in the throat or chest and pain in the neck, back or chest may be indicators of acid reflux. Excess saliva, heartburn that causes vomiting and vomiting blood are known symptoms of acid reflux.

Acid reflux may also cause black stool resulting from digesting blood. A persistently sore throat and episodes of choking, coughing or wheezing may also indicate the presence of acid reflux. Finally, a dramatic episode of weight loss can also be an indicator for acid reflux.

Seeing your doctor for any of these symptoms is advised and can help you in finding relief from the symptoms. Your doctor should be able to determine if you have Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and with treatment, help you to stop experiencing most if not all the symptoms. Finding the right medical professional to help with your health and solve your heartburn problems is also very important.

Several websites may be useful in finding the right doctor to help solve your problem.

The AARP's magazine and online website list the top hospitals for the over-50 frequent heartburn sufferers.

Castle Connolly Medical Ltd. researches and compiles a list of the top doctors and hospitals in dealing with this disease.

The American Medical Association provides a Doctor Finder service that provides information on over 700,000 physicians practicing in the United States.

Health Grades provides profiles and quality reports on hospitals and doctors by specialty.

A government-sponsored site called Hospital Compare provides hospital quality assurance rankings and patient rights information.

The National Institutes of Health developed the Medline Plus site with links to health professionals' directories in your area.

InfoPlease is a site listing the best hospitals in the United States based on rankings coming from the U.S. News and World Report.

LocateADoc is a patient reviewed site helping you to find physicians and their patient's reviews.

With so many options available, you can easily find a doctor familiar with acid reflux who can help you receive the treatment you need.

About the Author: Elizabeth Radisson is the editor of For more articles on acid reflux and related topics, such as heartburn and indigestion, visit

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