Kill Acid Reflux

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Acid Reflux Disease

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When talking about acid reflux disease people think that the best solution to the problem is summarized by the clich? "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man health, wealthy and wise". Unfortunately this is not the case. Many people underestimate the dangers of acid reflux disease if not treated appropriately causing serious consequences to stomach and not only that.

Most people have heartburn every once in a while, but patients with acid reflux disease experience it more than twice a week. Gone untreated, acid reflux can lead to more serious health problems and can become uncontrollable.

As a matter of fact, if left untreated, it could even lead to chest pains and other serious life threatening consequences, such as a heart attack. This of course does not happen to everyone and the experts are still debating on the reason why the pain caused by acid reflux disease and its association with chest pains is so evident in some and totally absent in others.

One thing for sure is that acid reflux disease is caused by the acidity accumulated in the esophagus. No one really knows the cause of acid reflux disease. When an upper part of the stomach is above the diaphragm, the diaphragm is not able to keep the acid from rising up into the esophagus, thus contributing to acid reflux. Acid reflux disease can occur in people of any age and any gender.

The intense acidity could be very damaging if not cured on time and lead to painful bleeding ulcers which are difficult to take care of. The best thing to do is to carefully control the levels of acidity and have appropriate medication to relieve the problem.

Once you have been diagnosed with acid reflux disease, and you have been given a certain medication by your doctor, there is usually fast relief from the pain. The important thing in this phase is to stop smoking if you are a smoker and to quit drinking alcoholics together with tea or coffee for a while. Ask your doctor advice on what diet to use and the frequency you should be eating during the day. Most important of all, do not take any medication without eating first. Certain foods can aggravate your heartburn symptoms, and it's best to limit or avoid completely those foods and drinks that result in acid reflux. There are some foods that should be avoided entirely, as they are usually responsible for a higher occurrence of heartburn.

Treatment for acid reflux disease is very personal; what works for one patient will be ineffective for another. Some patients are told to eat several small meals rather than fewer large meals and to avoid eating at least two hours before falling asleep. And of course you should also avoid foods that are known to trigger heartburn and should take an antacid whenever symptoms begin. Sleeping with the head and shoulders elevated will reduce the chances of acid reflux disease.

If you are having problems with conventional medicine, there are alternative cures for acid reflux disease such as herbal treatment and even yoga has been found to benefit the health of some people, deep breathing in the yoga way is really good... Stress may worsen symptoms. Therefore, relaxation, such as yoga, tai chi, and meditation are worth considering, as part of your whole, comprehensive treatment plan.

The most important herbal treatments are:

1. Chewable DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice) is a form of licorice that can be chewed to reduce heartburn.

2. Aloe Vera Jiuce from the aloe vera plant is another natural home remedy that is used to soothe an irritated esophagus.

3. Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) contains mucilage, which is thought to coat and soothe the lining of the esophagus.

Last but not least, whenever you are taking these medications for acid flux disease don?t forget to consult your doctor first.
A. Fimiani a man who has the passion for writing and likes to express his emotions through the net. Visit

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Friday, October 24, 2008

5 Great Herbs For Acid Reflux

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Taking herbs for acid reflux may be a beneficial way to avoid heartburn so you don?t ever have to worry about confusing heartburn symptoms with a heart attack. Herbs can help you stop heartburn before it starts which will help you limit the number of antacids or other medications you may take for heartburn relief.

There are various herbs used as health remedies, but only some are truly effective at preventing and relieving acid reflux. The following are 5 effective herbs for acid reflux.

1 ? Black Pepper ? This is an aromatic herb that enhances taste, improves gastric circulation, and stimulates digestion. Black pepper can be added to recipes or can be an additional feature to prepared meals. For best results, use a small (approximately a tsp.) amount of fresh black pepper whole and grind it over food.

2 ? Indian long pepper ? Indian long pepper is a powerful stimulant for digestion, and is one of the most recommended for enhancing digestion, assimilation, and metabolism for foods ingested. In addition, Indian long peppers are fantastic herbs for acid reflux disease, as studies have found it can provide considerable protection against the development of gastric ulcers.

Indian long pepper should be taken in small amounts (approximately a tsp.), and can be purchased dry and used in recipes, or added to meals for flavor. Simply crush the pepper to add it to food. Keep in mind that if you use too much, the flavor can become too intense, and you may find it too hot to eat.

3 - Ginger ? Ginger has been used for thousands of years to aid in digestion and treat stomach distress such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Ginger is one of the most highly effective herbs for acid reflux, and it is likely the most pure. The effectiveness of ginger is due to its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic properties.

Fresh ginger root can be added to recipes or added as an extra garnish to a finished meal. Ginger can also be taken in powder form and in tea.Ginger is considered to be one of the safest herbal remedies to take, and you can ingest moderate amounts of it daily (I.E. tsp. of powder ginger, or an inch of a ginger root). However, be advised that if taken excessively, it may lead to mild heartburn.

4 ? Liquorice ? Liquorice is a powerful herb and anti-inflammatory that studies have found are showing much promise as inhibiting the development of ulcers, wounds on the mucous membran, and gastritis. Liquorice also acts like an antacid.

Liquorice was also found to improve the secretion status of Brunner?s gland, which is located throughout the duodenum system. Brunner?s gland works to protect against the development of duodenal ulcers. Liquorice is available in powder form and can be taken in tea. A cup of tea or 3 tsp. of powder liquorice daily is considered safe to take. High doses of liquorice can lead to symptoms such as headache, water retention and high blood pressure.

5 ? Indian gooseberry ? Indian gooseberry is a fruit that has been used to treat peptic ulcers and ingestion that is non-ulcer related. Studies have found Indian gooseberry to have considerable antioxidant effects, and it significantly reduced gastric mucosal injury and acid secretion. Indian gooseberry is made up of cell-protective properties as well as antiulcer, and antisecretory properties.

You can eat an Indian gooseberry raw with a little salt, or you can take it in powder form and in the form of tea. This herb is not associated with side effects, but should still be ingested in moderation, as it can act as a laxative if eaten in copious amounts.

When considering herbs for acid reflux, keep in mind that you shouldn?t take herbs as a form of medicinal treatment without first consulting your doctor about your plans. This is because some herbs may interact with other herbs, with medications you may currently be taking, or other health conditions you may have.

By Kathryn Whittaker. Sign up for a free newsletter that has proven methods for tackling Acid Reflux, Heartburn and GERD and find out more about herbs for acid reflux and other natural heartburn treatments.

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Don't Let Acid Reflux Ruin Your Vacation

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Acid reflux, also called GERD, is an annoying and painful condition that occurs when stomach acid backs up into your esophagus. This results in a burning sensation after you eat, or for some, while sleeping at night.

The majority of symptoms can be controlled with lifestyle changes, and occasional medication. Vacations can induce a bout of acid reflux due to irregular meal times, unusual foods, and the basic urge to over indulge in both food and alcohol while at play.

For most of us, it really isn't a vacation unless we loosen up a bit, so here are a few tips to help you keep your acid reflux symptoms under control and still enjoy your vacation.

1. When you indulge, limit the high fat foods, and high spice foods. You can enjoy a taste of the local foods, but in moderation. Use your common sense, if you know a particular food is one of your heartburn triggers, avoid it.

2. Drinks mixed with citrus juices can bring on the symptoms of GERD, as can alcohol. Drink both in moderation.

3. Try to eat small meals or snacks through out the day. Starving all day and making up for it at suppertime is a sure way to start a severe episode of acid reflux at night.

4. Wear comfortable clothing. The pressure of a tight waistband can promote heartburn symptoms. Don't force yourself into your favorite pants just to look good- dress comfortably, and you will look and feel great.

5. Remember to bring your medication. Even if your symptoms are under control at home, don't let heartburn ruin your vacation. Pack some extra medication, just in case you end up eating and drinking more than you anticipated.

6. Don't spend all your time lying down. Sleeping too much and relaxing in the sun can encourage acid reflux symptoms. When you recline, it is easier for stomach acid to back up into your esophagus. To prevent this, be sure to elevate your head on two or more pillows at all times

While this list sounds like you will be missing all the fun of vacation time, taking precautions against heartburn will make your time off much more enjoyable.

Find the information you need to conquer acid reflux and heartburn Stomach Solutions

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

What Foods To Avoid To Relieve Acid Reflux Disease

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Acid reflux disease or GERD can cause a great deal of discomfort for anyone diagnosed with it. Some people will only suffer occasional episodes of it, while for others it turns into a chronic state.

Acid reflux disease starts when the muscle at the bottom of the esophagus becomes weak, and does not properly work. Generally, it functions as a one-way valve- allowing food to pass through into the stomach, then closing to prevent stomach acid from splashing back up. When this valve malfunctions, stomach acid can back up into the esophagus, irritating the lining, and causing a persistent burning sensation. Left untreated, the damage can develop into complications such as hoarseness, coughing, asthma-like symptoms, and even pre- cancerous conditions due to cell damage.

The first step in solving the puzzle of what foods to avoid is to keep a food diary. Track which foods trigger symptoms in your own digestive system. Often, identifying your personal food triggers and avoiding them is all that is needed to relieve the problem.

Common food triggers include acidic fruits and juices, such as orange and grapefruit, strong spices, tomato sauces, dairy products, coffee, alcohol and tobacco. This list may appear to include all of your favorite foods, but not all foods are triggers for all people. You might find that eliminating only one or two foods from this list will bring you relief.

For some people, changing from eating three full meals a day to having six smaller meals is successful for controlling the symptoms. Others find that not eating for three hours before bed solves the problem.

Most physicians will recommend these types of dietary and lifestyle changes before prescribing medications. There are many different types of acid reflux medications available, and you may have to try several of them before you discover one that works well for you.

You might be one of the lucky ones that easily discover what food to avoid to make the symptoms disappear. If not, it is important to see your health care provider and work out a plan to get your acid reflux under control before severe damage is done.

Find the information you need to conquer acid reflux and heartburn Stomach Solutions

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