Kill Acid Reflux

Thursday, April 30, 2009

What Foods To Avoid To Relieve Acid Reflux Disease

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Acid reflux disease or GERD can cause a great deal of discomfort for anyone diagnosed with it. Some people will only suffer occasional episodes of it, while for others it turns into a chronic state.

Acid reflux disease starts when the muscle at the bottom of the esophagus becomes weak, and does not properly work. Generally, it functions as a one-way valve- allowing food to pass through into the stomach, then closing to prevent stomach acid from splashing back up. When this valve malfunctions, stomach acid can back up into the esophagus, irritating the lining, and causing a persistent burning sensation. Left untreated, the damage can develop into complications such as hoarseness, coughing, asthma-like symptoms, and even pre- cancerous conditions due to cell damage.

The first step in solving the puzzle of what foods to avoid is to keep a food diary. Track which foods trigger symptoms in your own digestive system. Often, identifying your personal food triggers and avoiding them is all that is needed to relieve the problem.

Common food triggers include acidic fruits and juices, such as orange and grapefruit, strong spices, tomato sauces, dairy products, coffee, alcohol and tobacco. This list may appear to include all of your favorite foods, but not all foods are triggers for all people. You might find that eliminating only one or two foods from this list will bring you relief.

For some people, changing from eating three full meals a day to having six smaller meals is successful for controlling the symptoms. Others find that not eating for three hours before bed solves the problem.

Most physicians will recommend these types of dietary and lifestyle changes before prescribing medications. There are many different types of acid reflux medications available, and you may have to try several of them before you discover one that works well for you.

You might be one of the lucky ones that easily discover what food to avoid to make the symptoms disappear. If not, it is important to see your health care provider and work out a plan to get your acid reflux under control before severe damage is done.
Find the information you need to conquer acid reflux and heartburn Stomach Solutions

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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Diagnosing Acid Reflux In Children

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Acid reflux is difficult to diagnose in children, and as with my first child, it can take weeks or months to find out the reason for their constant crying and vomiting. I was certainly put out when I found out she had been suffering for weeks and we couldn?t help! No parent ever wants their children to experience illness or pain, and it?s even more difficult when you are a first time parent. The doctor advised us that babies and infants commonly suffer with acid reflux, but thankfully there are medications that relieve all their symptoms almost immediately.

If food, milk or stomach acid manages to make its way up the esophagus instead of being contained in the stomach for digesting, it is painful and very uncomfortable. This is acid reflux, and often it is accompanied by acidic burps and acidic vomiting. Since all babies are known to spit up a lot it?s hard to tell if they have reflux. If the vomiting occurs regularly, accompanied by crying and sleeping difficulties, or arching their back and throwing their head side to side, the doctor or pediatrician will usually advise you that acid reflux is the problem. The reason babies tend to suffer with the problem more than any other age groups is because their sphincter muscles at the base of the esophagus haven?t strengthened or grown enough to hold the food in. Visit to learn more about acid reflux treatment, prevention and symptoms.

When acid reflux is the diagnosis, medication will be prescribed. For less serious cases, Mylanta or the like can be purchased without a prescription. For a baby you would use only a few drops to help relieve their pain, and you should do so only on the advice of your doctor. If Mylanta doesn?t help, a stronger preventative medicine will be needed. Prevacid, Losec or Zantac are examples of what the doctor could prescribe, and they prevent the stomach from producing any acid, which in turn stops the burning. I do know some families who have taken their child to a good naturopath to resolve their child?s acid reflux problem with great success as well. One child was actually dairy intolerant and when the parents changed him to goat?s milk instead of dairy the reflux ceased all together.

In most cases such as mine, babies outgrow acid reflux and make full recoveries. When we had another child, we knew exactly what to watch out for and picked up on the signs straight away. As with my daughter, my son also needed a combination of Mylanta and Prevacid to control the problem. As soon as they started taking their medicine, all the symptoms stopped; they slept better, vomited rarely and were much happier. My daughter is now seven and my son is five, and neither has had acid reflux or any other illness since they were about twelve months old.
Learn more about signs of acid reflux and Gastroesophageal reflux disease at

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Monday, April 13, 2009

Top Herbal Remedies For Acid Reflux

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Suffers of acid reflux experience pain just behind the breastbone, this pain is nothing to laugh about it can be extremely painful. This is why most acid reflux sufferers want to find a way to prevent the pain. There are hundreds of different drugs available, all of which are capable of relieving the symptoms of heartburn, however you don't have to stick to modern medicine.

Alternative are herbal remedies for acid reflux, many people are against taking drugs and so are looking for an alternative.

There are a number of herbal remedies for acid reflux, the most common are chamomile, peppermint, and ginger. All of these herbs are known to relieve indigestion, and also soothe any irritation in the intestines.

Chamomile is thought to have relaxing, calming properties and even has the ability to reduce the amount of stomach acid. Chamomile not only helps indigestion, it also sooths the esophagus.

Ginger has long been used for many different stomach complaints, ginger also has anti-inflammatory and anti-nausia properties. These properties greatly benefit acid reflux sufferers, ginger also helps intestinal movement, which speeds up digestion.

Peppermint is good for indigestion, and it also calms the stomach, and is thought to be very good for people suffering from indigestion. Taking peppermint in combination with the caraway fruit give it the same healing properties as ginger and chamomile.

Certain herbs are able to promote the production of natural digestive enzymes, herbs like this are thistle. These herbs are not known to work, to their use is not recommended.

Chamomile, ginger and peppermint are all known for their healing properties in regard to heartburn, they are all recognized as herbal remedies for acid reflux. Herbal remedies are not always safe, they can be just as potent as any drug, so it's important to go to consult your doctor before taking them. It's also important to make sure that the herbal medicine won't react with any prescription drugs that you're taking.

So there you have it, if you've had enough of conventional drugs then we've proven that there is another way. Herbal remedies for acid reflux are a great way to prevent the symptoms of acid reflux.

Discover the 100% all natural cure for your acid reflux and stop heartburn today. Luke Cameron is the owner of that reveals how you can cure acid reflux in your own home.

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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Discover How To Stop Acid Reflux

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Acid reflux affects the digestive system, it has affected many of us and it normally takes place behind the breastbone. There are many different names for the burning sensation that this acid reflux causes, the most common being heartburn.

The acids that digest foods come back up due to acid reflex. This symptom is caused by a weak oesophageal sphincter muscle (LES), or it is just unable to function properly.

It is possible to cure the symptoms and stop acid reflux in many different ways, there are numerous medicines, and there are also several surgical solutions. All of these different methods are designed to relieve the symptoms of acid reflux completely from our lives.

Antacids is a popular medicine that is used to treat acid reflux, these have to be taken on a regular basis for them to be effective.

There are two types of antacids available, those in tablet form, and also in a liquid form. Many people do not like taking the tablets, so the liquid medicine is normally favoured. You should take antacids between half an hour and an hour after eating.

There are also tablets known as Alginic Acid and antacids, these are a combination drug which you must chew before swallowing. These cover the inside of the stomach in a layer of foam to prevent and stop acid reflux.

There are some medicines that work by strengthening the LES muscle, however these medications have some pretty nasty side effects to them and so you should discuss them with your doctor, even though you don't actually need a prescription to obtain them.

There are two popular drugs which work in this way, Reglan, and bethanecol, both of these directly strengthen the LES muscle. There was one previous medicine known as Propulsid which has been removed from the market due to it increasing the risks of heart attacks.

There are some prescription medicines which are also capable of relieving the symptoms of acid reflux, you will need to discuss these with your doctor before considering taking them (if not just for the prescription!).

Some drugs known as anti-spasmotic's actually make the LES muscle weaker. Some drugs such as Isoptin inhibit the calcium intake.

A surgical option to cure acid reflux is known as Endoscopic surgery, this uses a laparoscopic technique. The surgery is conducted through tiny holes which reduces scaring and also reduces the recovery time required.

There are so many ways to stop acid reflux, therefore there's no need to continue living with the symptoms.

Discover the 100% all natural cure for your acid reflux and stop heartburn today. Luke Cameron is the owner of that reveals how you can cure acid reflux in your own home.

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What To Do: Acid Reflux In Infant

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As a parent, you may not think about the problem of acid reflux in infant. The truth, however, is that this is a common part of childhood.

You are likely familiar with the expression "spitting up" food? This usually applies to mild acid reflux. In most cases, children grow out of it. This is less a medical problem and more of the body reacting to food. As children age, the need to vomit lessens and, eventually, disappears.

There are times, though, that infant acid reflux remains. That is why you must know how to recognize it and what to do about it.

Infant Acid Reflux: Why Does It Occur
Many seem to believe that acid reflux only effects adults. This is not true; the symptoms of it can occur in children as young as two months. Acid reflux is not limited to age. It does, however, usually disappear with time.

Most children can grow out of acid reflux. This is because it is not so much a problem as a natural impulse. Children do not have full control over their bodies and spitting up food can become a by-product of that. Until your child is eighteen months, he or she can easily display symptoms of acid reflux.

Infant Acid Reflux: Symptoms
Keep in mind that the symptoms found here are typical for most children. If your son or daughter is exhibiting these, then you should not be alarmed. It is only when they persist after eighteen months (or occur too often to be deemed "spitting up") that you should talk with your doctor. Things to look for include:

?Irritability during feeding
?Refusing to eat
?Vomiting after feeding
?Hiccuping after/during feeding
?Coughing after/during feeding
?Bad breath

These are things that can occur in any child; it is when they continue to happen that you should contact your doctor.

Infant Acid Reflux: What You Can Do About It
There is no cure for acid reflux in infants. If your child is diagnosed with it, medication and basic lifestyle changes will be needed to keep the symptoms from flaring. While your doctor may prescribe certain medicines, in most cases, he/she will offer these suggestions:

?Hold your baby upright for half an hour after feeding
?Feed your baby in smaller meals to avoid acid build-up
?Do not use tight fitting diapers or clothes
?Burp your baby periodically during feeding
?Try to let your baby sleep on his or her back

These are simple steps, but they will do much in keeping the symptoms from returning. As was mentioned before, your doctor may prescribe medications. Many of these can be taken by children aged two and up.

Sign up for our free acid reflux newsletter and discover natural remedies that soothe the symptoms of acid reflux fast.

Recognizing the difference between a mild reaction to food and vomiting after every meal is essential.

You need to understand what acid reflux in infant actually means (not panicking, for example, when your child throws up after being fed too much). Knowing if your child is just going through a natural period of development or experiencing a larger problem is necessary. Learn the difference and spot the symptoms.

By Kathryn Whittaker. Sign up for a free newsletter that has proven methods for tackling Acid Reflux, Heartburn and GERD head-on and discover more about acid reflux in infant.

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