Acid Reflux: What You Really Need To Know.
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The formation of gases and acidic substances in the stomach and its backing up into the esophagus causes severe pain or burning sensation in the stomach and chest area that is clinically known as Acid Reflux or Gastroespohageal Reflux Disease. Because of the feeling of burning sensation in the center of the chest this disease is also popularly known as Heartburn disease.
? The Causes of "Acid Reflux" or Heartburn Disease
The main causes of Acid-Reflux or the Heartburn disease is the formation and backing up of gases and acids from the stomach to the esophagus. The patient experiences severe pain or burning feeling in his stomach and chest area as the acidic stomach gases come in contact with the damages or lesions on the inside of his esophagus. When someone drinks orange or tomato juice or any kind of similar fruit juice, the acid in the juice comes in direct contact with the lesions or sores in the esophagus causing severe pain and burning feeling in the stomach. Sometimes when people burp they experience pain or heartburn because of the esophageal damage. Our stomach contains enzymes and hydrochloric acid which help in the digestive process. The acidic contents of our stomach exert some force against our Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES) valve. If the valve is damaged or swollen then the valve is overpowered by this pressure. When the pressure manages to overcome the LES valve, the acidic gases or fumes from our stomach readily starts to release into the esophagus. In our esophagus the acidic fumes make contact with the lesions or sores and the result is severe pain or feeling of a burning sensation in the chest area.
? The Symptoms:
This is a disease with some very common symptoms. The most common symptom of acid reflux disease is heartburn. The other symptoms of this disease are as follows:
1) Feeling of burning sensation or pressure sensation in the chest area that may even radiate upward toward the back and neck.
2) Regular chest pain that occurs at the time of bending over or lying down especially soon after taking food.
3) Feeling of hot, acidic, or sour tasting fluid at the back of the throat or in the mouth.
4) A feeling of coming back of food into the mouth from the stomach or sticking of food in the chest or throat.
? The Effects:
Generally it causes severe pain and burning sensation in stomach and chest area. In some cases the sufferers experience a pressure sensation along with burning sensation in their chest area. This pressure sensation can even radiate into the arm, back or neck area. This pressure is sometime relieved when we burp. The acid reflux may even cause extra mucus for which one might experience a constant cough or sore throat. The vocal cords can also be affected by the acid reflux disease. To prevent the occurance of AR disease we have to avoid certain foods such as Fried foods, Fatty foods, Spicy foods, etc.
Tyson J Stevenson creates useful articles & reviews on a wide variety of everyday subjects. Expect to see his name often. View further samples of his work at News2Reviews or at Acid Reflux Natural Cure
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