Kill Acid Reflux

Monday, November 19, 2007

Tips And Treatment For Acid Reflux Or Heartburn

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Unhealthy diets laden with saturated fats and fried foods affect people?s digestion. One of the major digestive problems that result from this situation is heartburn. If you are suffering from acid reflux, here is a brief overview of the medications used to treat acid reflux.

What is heartburn?

Heartburn is a result of digestion. It affects the esophagus and the stomach. The esophagus is a tube through which the food enters the stomach. There is a valve, which opens to let the food in and closes to keep it down while it is being digested. Sometimes this valve loosens up or is pressurized by excess intake of food or excess acid. This results in the stomach acids to come back up through the valve into the esophagus. It causes burning sensation and discomfort in the center of the chest.

Is there a cure for acid reflux cure?

The answer is both yes and no. Though you can treat it effectively, there is no definite cause that you can pin the blame on. Hence it is very likely that the problem may recur. The common remedy for this problem is medicine and making lifestyle modifications and handling stress positively. Many times, simple lifestyle changes like giving up smoking and drinking and eating healthy can go a long way in controlling the problem than using acid reflux medicines.

How does Acid Reflux Medication works?

The way the different acid reflux medications treat heartburn differ greatly. If you have a serious problem that occurs repeatedly, you might have to take histamine antagonists. They suppress the secretion of acid, which is triggered by histamine and gastrin. One of the newer medications is proton pump inhibitor that blocks the final process in acid secretion. Prokinetic agents raise the pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter, thus pushing the food down faster.

How do I get relief from acid Reflux?

The ideal solution to the problem is to alter your lifestyle. Change your diet to eat healthy, stop smoking, do not lie down immediately after eating and manage stress. Sleep on the specially designed pillows that raise your head over your stomach, thus preventing the acid from going up. Go for natural herbal remedies that have totally natural components, which aid in relieving the heartburn. Besides they are easy on the body. If the situation is severe and chronic, take prescription drugs after consulting your doctor.

Click for great acid reflux facts or recommended acid reflux advice. For great general interest information go to

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