Helpful Natural And Practical Tips For Acid Reflux
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Natural medicine for acid reflux can be found in the more nutritious foods we should be eating. We have run so fast and hard after the harmful fast foods that relief from reflux literally stares us in the face daily.
Acid reflux disease has a stranglehold on millions of people. It is also known as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or GERD.
At the very top of your stomach is a muscle. This muscle is called the lower esophageal sphincter. Basically it has two main functions. First, it opens to allow your food to enter your stomach.
Second, it closes to prevent the powerful acid in your stomach from backing up into your esophagus. With GERD sufferers, the lower esophageal sphincter goes a bit haywire and opens when it shouldnt.
When this happens the powerful stomach gases reflux, or backup into the esophagus. Leaving a painful burning feeling in your chest just behind the breastbone and a burning sensation in your throat.
The acid can then easily be regurgitated into your lungs. Causing you to cough or wheeze or to suffer with hoarseness. Many people use Prilosec, Nexium and Prevacid for their GERD. The problem with taking these and other prescription drugs is side effects.
The best natural medicine for acid reflux disease is Acidgone. It is a completely natural medicine that leaves you with absolutely no side effects.
A few of the active ingredients in Acidgone are:
Alfalfa Leaf which has traditionally been used to reverse digestive problems.
Apple Pectin sweeps the intestines clean.
Aloe Vera is well-known for its healing properties.
Burdock Root a blood-purifier.
Dandelion Root, promotes regularity in digestion.
Several other soothing and healing ingredients are also added. These harmless ingredients combine to make a potent mixture that effectively tackles Acid Reflux Disease.
For those who suffer with GERD these few common sense natural remedies can provide some relief immediately.
Drink a large glass of water. This helps to wash back and dilute those powerful stomach acids.
Put an unpeeled potato into your juicer and drink the potato juice.
Dont lie down. Help gravity to keep those acids in their place.
Keep the belt around your waist really loose.
Chew your food well, eat slowly.
Eat more raw vegetables.
Dont bend over or pick up heavy objects.
Dont compress your stomach. This forces the acid back up.
Dont prop those extra pillows under your head, they still compress your stomach.
Eat 2-3 hours before you go to bed.
Stay away from soft drinks, hard drinks and milk.
Also greasy fried foods and dairy products. Theyre all harmful.
Natural medicine for acid reflux is Acidgone. It is a very effective natural remedy if you suffer with acid reflux. It will relieve the heartburn and the uncomfortable feelings that come with acid reflux. If you want relief, grab this link. Natural medicine for acid reflux
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