Kill Acid Reflux

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Acid Reflux - Indigestion at its Worst

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You may be suffering acid reflux disease if you are feeling a burning feeling coming from your stomach, into your lungs and finally into your throat. You are not alone. It affects many millions of people every year. There is no cure, but simple changes in diet, more exercise and the use of medication can ease symptoms. Basically, acid reflux occurs when your stomach produces above normal levels of stomach acids. The acid escapes your stomach and goes to your lungs. When this happens you can get very ill. People with acid reflux are also at risk of heart attacks. Stomach acid can damage your arteries and impede your blood flow. Immediate treatment is a priority.

When you eat too much too fast or eat far too much fatty food, you can get indigestion. Therefore, you have to suffer about three hours before the discomfort begins to subside. An acid reflux sufferer can wait days before the condition subsides. If you have acid reflux more than three times you should seek medical advice. Your doctor will give you medication and get you to change your diet to help avoid recurrences. Unfortunately this is easier to suggest and harder to practice for some. This is especially hard for those who eat large amounts of not so healthy foods.

Most people thoroughly enjoy munching on fast food. An acid reflux sufferer may be unable to enjoy these pleasures unless they can find fatty free foods. Grease ridden foods can quite easily trigger this condition. For some, it is hell and for others, it is just a minor discomfort. If you have acid reflux you should create a food diary, noting the good and bad reactions each one gives you. In a few weeks, you will have a better view of what you can eat and what you cannot. Sometimes you can, with your doctor's help, regulate your acid reflux with medication. However, in some cases, medications are simply not enough, but for others it makes the difference between a suffering free life and a life of discomfort. Some medicines reduce acid production; others close ulcers and sores within the stomach that can cause increased acid production. The other benefit to acid reflux is that the medication can reduce the pain suffered. However, you should be sure that any medications you take that you are not allergic to it. You must tell your doctor of all known allergies that you have so they can prescribe a safe one just for you.

Sadly, acid reflux is a condition that you may have to try to live with. In time, you may be able to control the recurrences. If you combine healthy eating and the right medicines, you will be able to not only enjoy food again, but begin again to enjoy your life. Though establishing which foods are good and which are bad may take some time, once you do, you can make healthy meals and will be best able to pick out what to eat when dining out.

Jill Seimer shares tips for a healthy lifestyle at She recently discussed acid reflux natural cures with her views on alternative remedies for acid reflux.

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