Kill Acid Reflux

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Suffering With Acid Reflux And Back Pain?

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Though there are a lot of impacts on the body when you have problems with acid from your stomach invading parts of your digestive system, you may not have thought to connect acid reflux and back pain to one another. Though there really is no direct connection to damage to your back from acid reflux, there are a few things that can occur to leave you with back pain. The pains you feel are usually indirectly related, but having acid reflux can be behind the root of your back problems.

When you experience acid reflux, you know that stomach acid is getting up into your esophagus when it shouldn?t be there. This happens because the valve between the stomach and the esophagus is not closing properly. This happens for a variety of reasons, and those reasons weaken the muscles so that acid is not contained.

Though the stomach is designed to handle the acid, the rest of the tissues in your body can not. This leads to pain and burning, and also to some tissue damage that might be permanent when the acid escapes. Though this is an occasional problem for some, it can be a daily problem for others. The latter group usually forced to medication every single day in order to feel better.

How does back pain relate? It does so in a round-about way. Those who suffer acid reflux on a daily basis often have to make lifestyle modifications. One of these is to raise the head and upper body while sleeping. In order to do this a special pillow is needed, and in some cases, a bed must be raised at the head end. This stops gravity from sending the acid from your stomach up into your mouth and esophagus.

Problems occur when people attempt to elevate their bodies improperly, and this leads to chronic back pain. When you attempt to sleep in any other position rather than lying flat, you run the risk of this pain. It might not be evident right away, but night after night of improper posture while sleeping will take a toll on your back.

Though it is not common, there are times when the pain associated with acid reflux can spread to the back. This is not something you can expect each time you are having pain elsewhere, but it can happen on occasion. You will notice this pain always coincides with the pain you are having elsewhere, and it will be obvious that this is the cause. This will not be a continuous and chronic back pain however, but will be stabbing pains that are obviously not muscle related.

If you are having acid reflux and back pain at the same time, you should consider that they might be related, but if they are it usually won?t be too serious of a problem. However, if you talk to your doctor and decide that they are not related, it would be in your best interest to find out what is going on. Though most pain in the back that is related to reflux can be alleviated, there might be something more serious going on with your body that you should know about so steps can be taken to rectify it.

By Kathryn Whittaker. Sign up for a free newsletter that has proven methods for tackling Acid Reflux, Heartburn and GERD head-on and discover more about acid reflux.

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