Kill Acid Reflux

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Vitamin C And Acid Reflux Syndrome Reason For Moderation

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Vitamin C affects acid reflux in two different manners. One way is direct, and the other is in a very roundabout way. Many things that are well known for having vitamin C in them are trigger foods for acid flare-ups and the subsequent heartburn. These include many citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, pineapple, and lemons. They are highly acidic, and they also trigger the stomach to produce more acid. Vitamin C is vital for good health, but when the acid production is stimulated by these foods, you have to find alternatives, or you have to take a supplement.

Vitamin C is essential for many reasons. The most well known benefit of vitamin C is that it helps the body fight off colds. It is also a key part of collagen production. Collagen is an essential part of healthy skin, blood vessels, and joint tissues. It is also needed for repair. When you suffer a wound of any type, vitamin C races to the site to help heal. It is also important for the strength and growth of bones and teeth. However, many who find that citrus and vitamin C aggravates or stimulates stomach acid production will avoid the foods, and thus, problems start to appear.

When you notice that you are not getting enough vitamin C, you might be tempted to take a supplement. This is something you should discuss with your doctor before you begin. Though you can get some from supplements, they can cause problems. If you are taking too much, your body must work overtime to get rid of the excess. This can lead to liver damage over time. It might also contribute to joint pain in some people. If it is used excessively, it can produce softening of the bones. Also, these supplements can trigger excess acid production and irritation in the stomach in the very same ways that citrus fruits will. It is far safer to find your vitamin C in food sources that will not trigger your acid reflux.

There is some food sources for vitamin C that you can include in your diet to make up for what you are not getting from the more obvious sources. If you find that citrus does not bother you very much in regards to your acid reflux syndrome, then you can eat those and be done with it.

However, if it does bother you, as it does many others, you should try to have some of the following each day and even each meal. You can try papaya, strawberries, bell peppers, brussel sprouts, broccoli, kale, cantaloupe, and kiwi. Some may exacerbate symptoms but you may find you can get what you need from some of them. Tomatoes are a great source, but they tend to aggravate acid reflux.

If you are concerned about your vitamin C intake, you can talk to your doctor. Remember that a supplement might actually do more harm than good if you have acid reflux syndrome, and many doctors will not suggest taking vitamin C as a supplement. If your doctor recommends the supplement, taking them in small doses in the middle of meals might help reduce excess acid production. Keep track of what foods you are eating and how many supplements you might be taking. Remember that the body does not store vitamin C, so you should find out what your body needs each day, and make sure you are getting it from the foods that are easily tolerated by your system.

Grab your free copy of Kathryn Whittaker's brand new Acid Reflux & GERD Newsletter - Overflowing with easy to implement methods to help you discover more about acid reflux disease diet

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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tips To Get Acid Reflux Babies To Eat

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Tips to get acid reflux babies to eat are not numerous. It is one thing for an adult to experience acid reflux, and quite another for an acid reflux infant. Adults can learn what causes the problem, and deal with its symptoms. Acid reflux symptoms in infants are just another form of pain, with no understanding of what is causing them.

Brief Consideration of Acid Reflux In Babies

Acid reflux is when the band of muscle, called a sphincter, at the bottom of the esophagus fails to close, or reopens too quickly, allowing stomach juices to reflux (back-flow) into the esophagus. This lower esophageal sphincter is often called the LES, and when weak, will be forced open when it should be closed.

Every infant has a little bit of LES weakness. Their muscles, including the LES, need time to mature. That's why we use burp cloths when burping a baby that has just finished nursing.

Acid reflux infants, however, do this a lot. Eventually, the stomach juices that flow back into the esophagus are not those that have just been diluted with a bottle of milk. The milk has been gone for a while, sometimes for hours, and the LES is allowing strong acid to flow into the esophagus.

Acid reflux is painful to the baby, and can cause extended crying and/or vomiting. This can rapidly become a vicious cycle: the baby feels pain, cries, vomits, and does not want to eat. Parents, siblings, and daycare providers are all pressed to the limits of their knowledge and patience.

Tips to Get Acid Reflux Babies to Eat

The tips given here are not from a medical professional. They are intended for educational purposes only, but they may help your get your acid reflux baby to eat and get necessary nourishment.

1. Schedule frequent, small meals for your baby. Keeping the stomach less full gives it opportunity to digest food without pressuring the LES and risking acid reflux. If acid reflux does occur, there will be little food to come up. If you have been nursing or giving a bottle every 4 hours, offer food every 2 hours for a while. Do not let the baby continue nursing to the point of being full. Small meals are better.

2. Always be sure your baby is in an upright position for nursing or drinking from a bottle. Avoid pressure against the baby's stomach while feeding. This will give the LES maximum ability to function as it should, to keep milk in the stomach.

3. After feeding your baby, continue to hold him or her upright. This will help keep the food in the stomach where it can be digested. Hold the baby up to your shoulder, and pat to be sure the baby is burped very well. Every little air bubble is potential pressure on the weak LES, and potential acid reflux. Avoid bouncing the baby while burping. It is better to sway back and forth, comforting with the motion while patting the back.

4. Check your infant's clothing frequently to be sure diapers and other clothing around the waist is comfortably loose. Pressure at the waist is often a contributing factor in acid reflux.

5. Never shake your baby for any reason. You are only encouraging acid reflux, and may cause your infant to connect your action with the pain.

6. NEVER allow anyone to smoke around your infant. Tobacco smoke only further weakens LES muscles, and causes acid reflux symptoms in infants to worsen.

7. Be sure that anyone responsible for your infant's care knows that extra care and attention are needed, as are extra patience and understanding.

Words of Encouragement for You!

It is important for all concerned to remember that an acid reflux infant will usually stop having symptoms by age 1. The LES strengthens, and the baby is able to enjoy eating normally.

© 2007, Anna Hart. Anna went through months of endless crying with her infant son, and she empathizes with your problem. She invites you to read more of her articles about acid reflux and heartburn at Anna continues to research and post additional weekly information on that site. If you are eager to get more information about acid reflux, please visit now.

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Could You Be Suffering Heartburn Acid Reflux Symptoms?

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More and more people are having problems with heartburn acid reflux symptoms. The burning and pain associated with it are costing people both money and time.

This increase has a lot to do with our modern lifestyle, so this means that there are steps people can take to control symptoms. Being overweight is one of the causes behind this problem, and with the numbers of obese people climbing each year, it is understandable that the cases of chronic heartburn are piling up. Stress is a big problem too, as it leads to behaviors that make reflux worse.

It is a good idea for someone with heartburn acid reflux to understand the difference between an occasional nuisance and a problem that needs medical attention.

Almost everyone will have a bout of heartburn or two at one point or another in their lifetime. This happens when eating spicy foods or perhaps when someone has been drinking a lot of coffee and has forgotten to eat. Many of the foods that promote excess acid production can cause problems for anyone on occasion. Normally this is harmless and goes away with a simple over-the-counter medication and is forgotten about. Occasional sufferers never wake up at night with pain, and they never have any of the secondary symptoms.

Those who are diagnosed with GERD have a different story to tell. The main thing they feel most of the time is the burning that is associated with the acid production, and when that acid leaks up into the esophagus and throat, it hurts.

When this is happening, there may be damage to these tissues as they are not capable of handling that acid. There are many times when someone with GERD feels like they have a lump in their throat, or they may experience a sore throat on a regular basis. They will probably find that they are also waking up many times during the night. Sinus problems are sometimes a secondary symptom that points to problems with acid reflux.

There are other secondary symptoms that indicate a case of acid reflux might need medical intervention. They may seem unrelated, but when you add them to the more common and obvious hearturn symptoms, they are an indication that medications might be needed.

These might include a sore throat in the morning and even a feeling like there is a lump in throat or it is closing up. A person with GERD might feel tired each day from waking up many times in the night with pain and other symptoms. Once all of these fall into place, it will be obvious that something is wrong and damage from acid escaping into the esophagus may have occurred.

These symptoms are hard to deal with, but there is a lot of hope for anyone who has heartburn acid reflux. There are medications that can help reduce the amount of acid produced in the stomach. These are called proton pump inhibitors. They stop the production of acid so that the tissues that have been damaged have a chance to heal. These are only needed for about two months and healing should be complete.

Add a change in diet and stress management to that and these together can greatly help with many of the heartburn acid reflux symptoms.

By Kathryn Whittaker. Sign up for a free newsletter that has proven methods for tackling Acid Reflux, Heartburn and GERD head-on and discover more about heartburn acid reflux.

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Monday, March 16, 2009

How To Create A Food Diet For Acid Reflux

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Many know that acid reflux is caused when stomach acid rises up into the esophagus, and this is usually because the muscular ring connecting it to the stomach has weakened and doesn?t close fully. This happens for a few different reasons, and some of them are unavoidable. However, there are certain drinks and foods that will trigger excess acid production making matters much worse. Those who have occasional problems with heartburn pain know that it is usually food that triggers the event. Those with GERD also know that many foods give them problems every single day. So, as a form of treatment it can be really beneficial to come up with a personalized food diet for acid reflux to minimize symptoms.

There are some things that should never be eaten by those with acid reflux, and there are others that some suffering from this condition can tolerate once in a while, but the following are a guide to those foods not tolerated by most, but each person will be different.

Some of the biggest problem foods are citrus fruits like oranges and other related fruits such as tangerines and pineapple. Potatoes can also be problematic, and some experience reflux when eating grains that are commonly in pasta.

Meats can be a good option for those with GERD, but they should be in as natural form as possible. That means no preservatives.

Milk products can be a bit controversial and cause issues for some and not others. If you find they can bring on reflux symptoms then try switching to the low-fat versions. Salty treats like potato chips can be more trouble than they are worth, and fats are always an issue. Many sufferers also find that sweet desserts cause problems due to the high sugar and fat content.

There are some foods that are okay for some, but bother others. It will be a matter of trial and error to see if these will exacerbate your symptoms. These would include fruits like strawberries and blueberries.

Tuna is another option that some people tolerate well and hotdogs might be on the okay to have list as long as they are not packed full of preservatives and you go easy on the onions and mustard. When it comes to cheese, mozzarella can be okay along with some types of cheddar. Low fat dairy is generally all right for many, although you may find adopting a moderate approach to these foods the best way to go. Desserts that are low in sugar and fat can be okay as occasional treats when craving something sweet.

There are some great foods that almost everyone with acid reflux can handle rather well. These should be the largest part of someone?s diet. As a general rule bananas and apples don?t cause issues for most people, and beans and broccoli are always a great idea.

Fresh cuts of meats that have not been soaked with preservatives are a good idea, but go for the leaner cuts when possible. For other sources of protein, eggs and fish are tasty options. Sour cream and cream cheese are generally well tolerated, and most sufferers find they can have breads and cereals without any nasty side effects. Some of the best sweet items are jelly beans and anything that is low fat and lower in sugar.

It is important to remember that every case of acid reflux is different. What makes a great food diet for acid reflux for one person might not work as well for another - it?s a case of elimination and experimentation. These guidelines offer a great place to start and you can start to build your diet from these foundations.

By Kathryn Whittaker. Sign up for a free newsletter that has proven methods for tackling Acid Reflux, Heartburn and GERD head-on and discover more about food diet for acid reflux.

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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Dealing With Acid Reflux Syndrome

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You are in a very important meeting and just about to close the biggest business deal of your career. You should be feeling great but you can barely manage a smile. The burning pain in your esophagus and throat is almost too much to bear. The stress of the deal and food from lunch have combined to give you heartburn, at least that is what you think it is but in reality you have acid reflux syndrome.

Acid reflux syndrome sounds like a serious disease and lets face it, it can be if left untreated. It is serious if it interferes with your lifestyle and well-being. Acid reflux syndrome will affect your job performance and your relationship with others. Many people think they just have a more severe form of heartburn or indigestion. The symptoms of acid reflux syndrome are similar to both heartburn and indigestion and include pressure in the stomach and chest, intense heartburn pain, indigestion, bad breath with a foul or bad taste in your mouth, hoarseness, persistent sore throat and cough. More advanced symptoms include difficulty or pain during swallowing. A good number of people will be in denial as to the extent of their symptoms and disease.

Ignoring acid reflux syndrome will most likely add to further problems and complications. The easiest way to ascertain your condition is make an appointment with your physician for a correct diagnosis. An exam and tests will determine the amount of scarring of the esophagus and damage to the LES (lower esophageal sphincter). Prolonged and persistent acid reflux can lead more serous problems like GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease) or cancer. Just like any other health problem the earlier you address the problems of acid reflux syndrome the more likely you will have a positive outcome from treatment.

Acid reflux syndrome like heartburn and indigestion symptoms can be reduced by simple but sometimes tough lifestyle changes. The hardest but the most effective change you can make is to quit smoking. Smoking causes the LES to become relaxed letting acid from the stomach to reflux or flow back up into the esophagus and in severe case into the larynx. Remember frequent acid reflux causes scaring and thus the body?s repair of scare tissue increases the risk of GERD and cancer. If you needed another reason to quit smoking than preventing acid reflux syndrome is it. Additional lifestyle changes that will reduce your acid reflux syndrome and its symptoms include eating more and smaller meals each day, not eating for at least 3 hours before retiring for bed, a daily routine of exercise to reduce stress and increase digestive function and of course avoiding all the foods and drinks that have caused your acid reflux symptoms to flare up. I am sure you know everyone by heart.

Ignoring acid reflux syndrome symptoms can lead to further complications and make your life miserable. It is up to you to take charge of your life and address the root causes of your affliction. You cannot do this on your own. You should employ the assistance of medical professionals that treat Acid reflux syndrome to assure that you are taking the proper corrective measures to cure your acid reflux syndrome. The sooner you address your problem with acid reflux syndrome the sooner your symptoms will be controlled.

James Kesel, MS. is the publisher of Acid Reflux Heartburn Cure. Find additional information on GERD, Acid Reflux Disease, Heartburn, Heartburn Medication, Gastric Reflux or Acid Reflux Disorder visit

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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Creating Your Personal Acid Reflux Recipe Book

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Acid reflux is a reality for many, and there are many reasons why it might happen. Though stress can be a problem, often the foods and drinks that people choose are the biggest triggers. Things like alcohol, soda, spicy foods, fatty foods, and come citrus can bring on a world of pain for some. Some who have GERD like to put together an acid reflux recipe book to keep track of the foods that don?t bother them. Having such a book will make it easier for anyone with this condition to eat the right foods more often.

Before you begin compiling recipes, you should think about how you are going to store them. You print can them out or write them down, but you may not be able to keep track of them that way. That means you probably aren?t going to use them because you can?t find them. A simple three ring binder is always a great idea, or you can use a box with index cards. These will keep all of your acid reflux recipes in one place.

When it comes to recipes, you might want to consider laminating the pages. This is extra work and an extra expense, but regular paper gets ruined very easily when in the kitchen. Laminating will help keep your recipes safe from grease, and they can be wiped off easily if something were to spill.

Finding recipes might be a matter of trial and error, but the there are tons to be found online. A simple search can dig up hundreds. You have to decide what you think sounds good. You can print them out and put them in your binder, or you can write them out on your index cards.

You should start with things that you know you would like, and then slowly add new things you would like to try. GERD sufferers should make sure their recipes are well balanced with proteins and carbs, and should be low fat most of the time. Keep that in mind as your browse online. Don?t forget that you can also find great recipes by asking your doctor for recommendations.

You can also find recipes by tweaking some of your favorite recipes that give you problems. You can also write them from scratch if you pay attention to what you can eat, and what is known to give you problems.

Things you should avoid would be citrus fruits, milk products (if you suffer from lactose intolerance), spicy foods, many sweets, fatty meats (buy lean cuts), and many forms of white potato. Though taking the hot spices out of foods might sound like it makes for a bland diet, there are plenty of great herbs and seasonings that won?t aggravate acid reflux.

It might take you a while to come up with your own collection, but if you add a few new ones a week, your acid reflux recipe book will grow rather quickly. Though some of the foods that should be avoided bother many, they may not bother you. That is what will make your recipe book unique. If you don?t have problems with spicy foods, then by all means include them.

There are no hard and fast rules for all people who have GERD. Even more important than what you eat is how you eat. Remember to eat smaller and more frequent meals, and keep servings small so your meals are not sitting in your stomach. That might be one of the biggest things to avoid.

Grab your free copy of Kathryn Whittaker's brand new Acid Reflux & GERD Newsletter - Overflowing with easy to implement methods to help you discover more about acid reflux disease diet

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