Kill Acid Reflux

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Creating Your Personal Acid Reflux Recipe Book

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Acid reflux is a reality for many, and there are many reasons why it might happen. Though stress can be a problem, often the foods and drinks that people choose are the biggest triggers. Things like alcohol, soda, spicy foods, fatty foods, and come citrus can bring on a world of pain for some. Some who have GERD like to put together an acid reflux recipe book to keep track of the foods that don?t bother them. Having such a book will make it easier for anyone with this condition to eat the right foods more often.

Before you begin compiling recipes, you should think about how you are going to store them. You print can them out or write them down, but you may not be able to keep track of them that way. That means you probably aren?t going to use them because you can?t find them. A simple three ring binder is always a great idea, or you can use a box with index cards. These will keep all of your acid reflux recipes in one place.

When it comes to recipes, you might want to consider laminating the pages. This is extra work and an extra expense, but regular paper gets ruined very easily when in the kitchen. Laminating will help keep your recipes safe from grease, and they can be wiped off easily if something were to spill.

Finding recipes might be a matter of trial and error, but the there are tons to be found online. A simple search can dig up hundreds. You have to decide what you think sounds good. You can print them out and put them in your binder, or you can write them out on your index cards.

You should start with things that you know you would like, and then slowly add new things you would like to try. GERD sufferers should make sure their recipes are well balanced with proteins and carbs, and should be low fat most of the time. Keep that in mind as your browse online. Don?t forget that you can also find great recipes by asking your doctor for recommendations.

You can also find recipes by tweaking some of your favorite recipes that give you problems. You can also write them from scratch if you pay attention to what you can eat, and what is known to give you problems.

Things you should avoid would be citrus fruits, milk products (if you suffer from lactose intolerance), spicy foods, many sweets, fatty meats (buy lean cuts), and many forms of white potato. Though taking the hot spices out of foods might sound like it makes for a bland diet, there are plenty of great herbs and seasonings that won?t aggravate acid reflux.

It might take you a while to come up with your own collection, but if you add a few new ones a week, your acid reflux recipe book will grow rather quickly. Though some of the foods that should be avoided bother many, they may not bother you. That is what will make your recipe book unique. If you don?t have problems with spicy foods, then by all means include them.

There are no hard and fast rules for all people who have GERD. Even more important than what you eat is how you eat. Remember to eat smaller and more frequent meals, and keep servings small so your meals are not sitting in your stomach. That might be one of the biggest things to avoid.

Grab your free copy of Kathryn Whittaker's brand new Acid Reflux & GERD Newsletter - Overflowing with easy to implement methods to help you discover more about acid reflux disease diet

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