Kill Acid Reflux

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Fighting Acid Reflux With Prilosec

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Prilosec is the trademark brand name for omeprazole, an antacid drug that suppresses or decreases the amount of gastric acid secreted in the stomach. Prilosec is used for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), including duodenal and gastric ulcers. By blocking an enzyme in the stomach wall that stimulates the secretion of gastric juices, Prilozec reduces the amount of such acid from being pulsed into the esophageal passage in a reflux reaction. It is generally thought that an overabundance of acid in the stomach will contribute to the acid reflux, as will obesity, pregnancy, or the wearing of tight fitting clothes. Therefore, a reduced quantity of acid sent up to the esophagus should cause less damage or irritation.

To fight acid reflux with Prilosec, look out for such symptoms as burning discomfort in the chest, difficulty in swallowing, and chronic chest pain. If you have heartburn more than once per week, you become more susceptible in contracting GERD; and so a course of treatment with Prilosec is advised. However, an occasional heartburn is not an uncommon thing and does not pose any risk of getting GERD.

Prilosec is not a prescription drug and so is readily available over the counter. Still, Prilosec is meant primarily for people who have frequent heartburns, such as getting it 2 to 3 times a week.

Do not overdose on Prilosec. While it is generally true that high acidity in the stomach can lead to acid reflux, the opposite is ironically true as well. A lack of acid in the stomach can also prevent the stomach's exit valve to the small intestine from opening up. Instead, the contents in the stomach get to roll back up to the esophagus, and what little acid present may still cause irritation. For Prilosec, one pill a day is enough to relieve heartburn for up to 24 hours, and this is part of a recommended 14-day course of therapy. This Prilosec treatment may be repeated once every 4 months if necessary, but not more than that. When undergoing a course of treatment, do not stop taking Prilosec even when you start to feel better. Your symptoms have improved and that's a good thing, but the condition still exists and so you need to carry through with the full length of treatment before this condition is considered as fully treated. If the heartburn condition does not improve or even worsen, you would need to consult with your doctor. However, this is not the only time you seek out your doctor.

As with all medicines, OTC or not, before taking Prilosec, always let your doctor know if you have any instance of painful swallowing, difficulty in swallowing, vomiting blood, and bloody or black stools. Furthermore, if you have heartburn that has lasted three months or longer, or experience heartburn combined with wheezing, arm pain, jaw pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, chest pain, dizziness, lightheadedness, or sweating, make sure you let your doctor know before taking Prilosec.

Contact your physician if you experience frequent chest pains, inexplicable weight loss, vomiting, nausea, or stomach pain while taking the medication.

Disclaimer: The information above should not be interpreted as medical advice. Please talk to a qualified professional for more information about Prilosec.

. This information concerning Prilosec sent here by Heather Colman from:

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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Acid Reflux and Heartburn - Are You Suffering?

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by William McRand Sr

Does your morning coffee cause you pain? Are you frustrated when a night out dining with friends ends in discomfort instead of relaxed conversation? Do you carry antacids with you every day?

Heartburn is more than just a nuisance. It can detract from enjoying a meal, force you to change your routine and hang over your every decision - what to eat, what to drink, when to lay down. What is this monkey on your back and how can you find relief?

WHAT CAUSES HEARTBURN? Heartburn occurs when the acid content of the stomach makes its way back into the esophagus. A burning sensation and even a bitter taste are experienced by heartburn sufferers.

If you are suffering more than twice a week you may have acid reflux disease-also known as GERD. Why is this important? Not all heartburn is caused by GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease). Occasional heartburn can be caused by a variety of factors but if you have regular episodes there are things you can do to help.

WHAT CAN I DO? If you have regular heartburn the first thing you should do is stay away from regular use of antacids. Antacids can relieve the pain of occasional heartburn, but because they are designed to neutralize the acids in your stomach they can cause the stomach to create MORE acid - a cycle called 'acid rebound'. Some medications can also cause diarrhea or constipation or even increase the risk of food poisoning by inhibiting the growth of good bacteria.

Watch out for trigger foods such as caffeine, alcohol, citrus, chocolate, minty, spicy or tomato-based foods as well as fatty or fried foods, onions or garlic.

Being overweight or smoking also increases the risk of GERD and lifestyle changes may help to control the symptoms. Activities such as lying down after a meal, bending forward, lifting heavy items or eating large meals can bring acid reflux on. Avoiding these activities after a meal, eating smaller portions and raising the head of your bed several inches may help. Some natural products such as orange peel extract are being researched for their abilities to curb heartburn.

WHO IS AT RISK? Anyone. But it should be noted that pregnant women, children, overweight individuals and smokers are all likely candidates. Young babies have immature digestive systems. National Digestive Diseases (NDDIC) says that most children outgrow GERD by the time they are one year old. However, because the symptoms are painful precautions like frequent burping and keeping the infant upright for 30 minutes after eating can reduce the occurrence.

Older children may have to take similar precautions in diet and activity as adults. You should always consult your doctor when you suspect GERD to avoid future complications. Being overweight or pregnant increases the pressure in the abdomen. 25% of pregnant women experience heartburn at some time during their pregnancy . If you suspect GERD it is important to contact your doctor as there can be harmful side effects of persistent heartburn including scaring of the esophagus, asthma, erosion of the teeth and even increased risk of esophageal cancer. Frequent, persistent heartburn can also be a symptom of other serious conditions and should be checked on by a professional.

Cure Your Heart Burn

William Lagadyn, is the author and researcher of the popular publication, "Cure Your Heartburn" Click

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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

What Are The Symptoms of Infant Acid Reflux

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Medical conditions strike often without regard to age, gender, or nationality. Young and old alike often suffer from the same ailments. Acid reflux disease, medically termed Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) seems to be one of those holds no discrimination for age. The lower end of the esophagus is protected by a flap or valve that is referred to as the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES). This valve opens in order to allow food to flow from the esophagus into the stomach. It should then close in order to keep the stomach acids from 'boiling over' into the lining of the esophagus.

There are several conditions that hinder the valve from operating properly and allow the contents of the stomach to enter the esophagus. Very much like adults, infants occasionally suffer from the pains of heartburn. In infants, heartburn is often the result of their essentially liquid diets that are high in dairy proteins. The sad things for the little ones is that unlike adults, they can't exactly tell you they have heartburn so GERD isn't exactly easy to diagnose.

Infant GERD is often the combination of many factors than the sole responsibility of one indicator. Most of the factors that would contribute to acid reflux are aggravated because infants spend much of their days lying down in addition to the fact that their diets are almost entirely liquid. There are however, physical reasons that infants much sometimes endure the suffering that this brings about. These could be any of the following: improper or incomplete development of the lower esophageal sphincter while developing, food allergies, poor diet, and being overweight. There are other factors but these are some of the most common.

Since infants can't complain about their symptoms like adults can, it is important to watch for certain clues that may indicate a problem. If you notice any of the following symptoms, it is wise to consult your pediatrician and have a closer examination: trouble sleeping, weight loss, frequently spitting up, coughing, excessive crying, an apparent sore throat or chest pain, bad breath, and unusual crankiness.

GERD can also cause respiratory problems such as pneumonia, malnourishment, and strictures or ulcerations on the esophageal wall. These signs may or may not indicate GERD but definitely warrant a visit to your pediatrician.

Keeping your child upright for a good portion of the day, particularly after feeding is one of the best things you can do for him or her in order to minimize the risk of acid reflux, also be sure to watch for signs of chest pain and any of the other symptoms listed above. Prevention is always the best cure, but if you notice symptoms, see a doctor immediately.

infant acid reflux symptoms - For more info on infant acid reflux symptoms, visit

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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Acid Reflux Treatment

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Sunday, December 23, 2007

What are the best natural cures for acid reflux?

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Acid reflux is quite a serious condition that must not be overlooked. Many people experience heartburn from time to time, but those suffering from acid reflux feel it a few times a week, and eventually the esophagus can get too erroded and stomachal acids can leak into the lungs and into the mouth.

Many things can cause acid reflux, from drinking too much alcohol and eating too many acidic foods to too much stress.

Acid reflux can be treated with medication prescribed by the doctor or with natural remedies. Since medication can have side-effects many people prefer the natural cures for acid reflux. But if both natural cures and prescribed medication fails to give any results then surgery is required before acid seriously damages the esophagus.

The first symptoms of acid reflux are a sensation of heartburn that keeps appearing more and more often and stomach content coming back inside the mouth. These symptoms get worse when you lie down right after eating a meal.

There are a lot of natural cures for acid reflux, and many have reported that these natural cures gave good results in the treatment.

You shouldn't lie down right after eating a meal, because this can help what's inside the stomach leak back. You should also elevate the side of the bed where you put your head. Digestion is usually done in 2-3 hours, so you can lie in bed all you want after this time passes. It's also better to eat more small meals instead of few beg ones, to keep the stomach from filling.

Then you should avoid certain types of foods that stimulate acid production, like chewing gum and chocolate. Cut down alcohol and smoking because these irritate the esophagus' walls even more.

Some natural substances are recommended in the heartburn and acid reflux condition. These can relieve the symptoms and reduce the pain. They do not have any side-effect. The most effective are :

-peppermint - makes digestion easier and prevents tension and cramps that can push the acids backwards

-lavender - this miraculous herb does wonders for the body. In the acid reflux' case it can reduce the quantity of gastric acids from the stomach, just like an antiacid medicine

-aloe vera - the juice from this plant can heal the damaged esophagus

In order to heal your acid reflux you need to do two things: to cure the damaged esophagus and to lower the quantity of acid inside the stomach. If you loose weight, exercise regularly lift you bed as mentioned before, and also take some herbs you will certainly feel some effects, and everyone can do these things. is one of the best acid reflux information sites on the net. Visit it if you are looking for great information on natural cures for acid reflux, acid reflux diet, acid reflux treatment and many more.

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Friday, December 21, 2007

Acid Reflux. Will lifestyle change make a difference?

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With major improvement in the understanding, diagnosis and management of acid reflux, family doctors and gastro-enterologists have a greater variety of options for treatment of acid reflux.

The acid suppressant drugs available today are extremely effective. Drugs such as omeprazole and other proton pump inhibitor have become the mainstay of treatment. These drugs are now available over the counter and easy for patients to obtain. It is therefore so easy for practitioners and patients to ignore the simple basic ways to control acid reflux disease.

A simple and effective part of treatment is lifestyle modification and reassurance. This includes changing the types of food consumed, avoiding certain medication, stopping smoking, losing weight, elevating the head of the bed and sensible use of antacids and alginates . The most important foods to avoid are fatty foods. In this group are whole milk, butter, chocolate and some fast foods. In time a patient will know what foods to consume and what to avoid. Peppermint oil relaxes the lower oesophageal sphincter and can cause reflux. If it is used for IBS, be aware of this important side effect. If in doubt consult your GP or stop if you develop reflux symptoms. Smoking has a similar effect on the lower oesophageal sphincter. Give up smoking if you have acid reflux. It is making it worse.

Certain foods should be taken in moderation. Decide for yourself if citric foods, spicy foods or caffeine containing foods are problematic. Avoid these foods if they aggravate acid reflux . Obesity causes increased abdominal pressure and as a result produces increased pressure on the lower oesophageal sphincter. This pressure can result in acid reflux. Losing weight will reduce this pressure. It is very surprising how losing a small amount of weight can make a significant difference.

In nocturnal acid reflux, lying down at night causes refluxate to track up the oesophagus. Raising the head of the bed will help reduce this. In addition it reduces sensitisation overnight which leads to problems during the day. Evidence shows that extra pillows make no difference. Wearing tight clothes will increase intra abdominal pressure and stimulate reflux. Wearing loose clothes will avoid this.

Eating small regular meals is better than having a few big meals. Large volume of food will distend the stomach and affect the efficiency of the sphincter. Similarly do not lie down soon after a meal. Make sure your last meal before retiring is at least three hours earlier.

A review of the medical literature and the few placebo controlled trials suggests that most patients with gastro-oesophageal disease (GERD) can be reasonably controlled by reassurance and lifestyle modification.

Chronic and relapsing acid reflux, however, will need more than lifestyle changes and reassurance. Management should incorporate the use of effective dosage of acid suppressant drugs to gain satisfactory control of acid reflux symptoms.

If your symptoms are persistent in spite of the changes you make, see you family doctor. The thought of having an endoscopy may be daunting but persistent acid reflux can cause long term problems. Acid in the lower oesophagus can cause inflammation leading to oesophagitis. Recurrent oesophagitis can cause bleeding, strictures and Barrett's oesophagus. 3 to 5 % of Barrett's Oesophagus develops adenocarcinoma. This condition is diagnosed by biopsy at endoscopy. Bear these facts in mind if your symptoms persist.
Dr. Phil Hariram has spent 27 years in General Practice. He has seen the significant changes that has transformed Acid Reflux treatment. His blog provides up to date information on all aspects of Acid Reflux. Dr. Phil Hariram.

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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Inner Contentment - Can Acid Reflux Come From Bulimia?

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Bulimia (bulimia nervosa) is a psychological eating disorder whereby the subject will eat large quantities of food and then purge what they've eaten from their bodies. This desire to be rid of the food they've just eaten stems from a persons self-image of themselves being either overweight or simply not thin enough. First recognized as a serious medical condition in 1979 bulimia continues to plague many people (mostly young women) all over the world. In severe cases bulimia can prove to be fatal.

So how are bulimia and acid reflux related?

Well when a bulimic wants to purge the food from their stomach they resort to either vomiting or using powerful laxatives. The vomiting reflex is far more common as it provides them with an immediate way to get rid of the food. This then allows them to binge again shortly afterwards and then continue the purging process several times in a row.

The Potential For Damage

What most bulimics never stop to consider is the damage they're doing to their body. When a person vomits food is not the only thing forced through the esophagus - stomach acid is also present. Some bulimics can binge and purge several times per day which means that their esophagus is exposed to strong stomach acid over and over again. This continued exposure to stomach acid can leave the esophagus raw and worn down. This can then lead to one of the more serious diseases caused by acid reflux such as Barrets Esophagus.

How Bulimia Can Cause Heartburn

Another issue is that if you continually force the body to produce extra stomach acid during these binge/purge phases then this can form a "pattern" for the body. Your body can "learn" to expect certain situations to occur and if you get it into the habit then it will produce more stomach acid than it actually needs on an ongoing basis. This will then lead to acid reflux which, of course, will just make a bulimics life far worse. Vomiting will then become extremely painful.

Other Complications

Acid reflux is not the only problem that can arise from bulimia. If the body is starved of proper nutrients then organs can start to slow down and malnutrition can set in. This leads the bulimic into a further psychological downward spiral whereby the bingeing/purging process can actually increase in frequency and severity. Severe bulimia can result in death but this is often very hard to explain to anybody with an eating disorder.

Is There Hope?

Bulimia can be treated but it's a two-part process. Firstly medication will need to be prescribed to prevent vomiting and promote a healthy and constant appetite in the sufferer. Far more serious are the emotional issues that cause bulimia in the first place. Any person with an eating disorder should also receive psychological therapy as part of their healing process. Trained counsellors can get to the root of the problem if you'll let them. Bulimics who don't take part in the psychological healing process often run the risk of simply getting into the same old habits all over again.

If you can categorize yourself as a bulimic then it's time to stop and take a quick review of your life. Do you really want to cause harm to your body? Why would you deliberately go about causing yourself potentially permanent pain? With the right help you can have a second chance at life and really enjoy your life too.

Jill Seimer shares healthy lifestyle tips at She recently published natural healing for heartburn with her own experiences on natural cures for acid reflux.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Pregnant - Fighting the Burn of Indigestion and Acid Reflux

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If you sit and talk to any group of pregnant women anywhere in the world about the various discomforts they must endure during pregnancy they'll all likely agree on one that's worst than most. What is it? Acid reflux. Many years ago there was an old wives tale that women who suffered from heartburn would give birth to a child with a full head of hair. This, of course, is purely mythical. That aside acid reflux is still a hugely annoying thing to have to endure while you're pregnant.

Reasons For Acid Reflux In Pregnant Women

There are several reasons why pregnant women are more likely to experience heartburn:

1. Hormone levels in a pregnant woman are far higher than a woman who isn't pregnant. This dramatic increase in hormone levels can have a huge effect on every aspect of your body and especially your digestive system. The most common effect is that the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) can loosen up a bit. This is a type of valve which typically holds the food in your stomach. If this valve is loose then acid can flow back upwards into your gullet (esophagus). You'll then experience heartburn to a varying degree.

2. During pregnancy your body will change shape. This normally doesn't happen until later in pregnancy. When these changes do happen your stomach area will keep expanding and this expansion is what can lead to acid reflux. Your stomach enlarging in this way puts far more pressure on the esophagus which can then lead to indigestion and acid reflux in general.

Is There Anything You Can Do? There is always something you can do to help yourself! Firstly watch what you eat. Citrus foods, mint, spicy foods, fried foods, and chocolate should all be avoided as much as possible.

Eat smaller meals too. This will help a lot if you're experience a lot of morning (and daytime, evening and nighttime) sickness too. If you eat several small meals throughout the day you're far less likely to experience heartburn. Your body will be able to process those small meals far easier than 2 or 3 large ones.

Correct Your Posture Believe it or not practicing correct posture can help an awful lot with acid reflux. Be especially careful of how you bend. Whilst pregnant you should always bend down at the knees - although later you'll have no choice but to do so as your stomach expands. However earlier on in your pregnancy bending down at the knees will put far less pressure on your stomach and therefore your esophagus. This can and will help you with the discomforts of indigestion.

You can fight back against acid reflux during your pregnancy. You simply have to choose to. Don't suffer in silence however and don't ever be afraid to consult with your doctor for medication if the heartburn becomes too painful to bear.

Jill Seimer shares her passion for healthy living at She has recorded her personal experiences on infant acid reflux and dealing with heartburn.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Acid Reflux

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Monday, December 17, 2007

Natural Medicine For Acid Reflux

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Natural medicine for acid reflux can be found in the more nutritious foods we should be eating. We have run so fast and hard after the harmful fast foods that relief from reflux literally stares us in the face daily.

Acid reflux disease has a stranglehold on millions of people. It is also known as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or GERD.

At the very top of your stomach is a muscle. This muscle is called the lower esophageal sphincter. Basically it has two main tasks. First, it opens to allow your food to enter your stomach.

Second, it closes to prevent the powerful acid in your stomach from backing up into your esophagus. With GERD sufferers, the lower esophageal sphincter goes a bit haywire and opens when it shouldn?t.

When this happens the powerful stomach gases reflux, or backup into the esophagus. Leaving a painful burning feeling in your chest just behind the breastbone and a burning sensation in your throat.

The acid can then easily be regurgitated into your lungs. Causing you to cough or wheeze or to suffer with hoarseness. Many people use Prilosec, Nexium and Prevacid for their GERD. The problem with taking these and other prescription drugs is side effects.

The best natural medicine for acid reflux disease is Acidgone. It is a completely natural medicine that leaves you with absolutely no side effects.

The active ingredients in Acidgone are Alfalfa Leaf. It has traditionally been used to reverse digestive problems. Apple Pectin sweeps the intestines clean. Aloe Vera is well-known for its healing properties.

Burdock Root a blood-purifier and Dandelion Root, promotes regularity in digestion. Several other soothing and healing ingredients are also added. These harmless ingredients combine to make a potent mixture that effectively tackles Acid Reflux Disease.

For those who suffer with GERD these few common sense natural remedies can provide some relief immediately.

? Drink a large glass of water. This helps to wash back and dilute those powerful stomach acids.
? Put an unpeeled potato into your juicer and drink the potato juice.
? Don?t lie down. Help gravity to keep those acids in their place.
? Keep the belt around your waist really loose.
? Chew your food well, eat slowly.
? Eat more raw vegetables.

In conclusion, don?t bend over or pick up heavy objects. Don?t compress your stomach. This forces the acid back up. Don?t prop those extra pillows under your head, they still compress your stomach. Eat 2-3 hours before you go to bed.

Stay away from soft drinks, hard drinks and milk. Greasy fried foods and also dairy products. They?re all harmful.
Natural medicine for acid reflux can be found in our cabinets. Acidgone is a very effective natural remedy for GERD. It will relieve the heartburn and the uncomfortable feelings that come with GERD. Grab your Acidgone here!

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Friday, December 14, 2007

The Acid Reflux Blues -An Easy Antidote!

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The real antidote to acid reflux, gerd, heartburn and indigestion has to do with what we eat, how we eat, where we eat and when we eat. This may sound a little too simple, but it is not. Everyone is different; therefore people have to approach eating in different ways.

There are many foods and beverages which trigger heartburn. Not all of these affect everyone in the same manner. For instance, I have difficulty digesting raw bell peppers, but I know others who cannot eat raw tomatoes, but have no trouble with raw bell peppers. Ironically, I can eat fresh raw tomatoes all day long and not have gerd. So anyone who makes blanket statements regarding this subject has got it all wrong.

Through trial and error, we all discover what we can and cannot digest with ease. There are, however, some foods that cause problems for anyone who is susceptible to acid reflux. Any food or drink that causes the LES (lower esophageal sphincter) to relax should be consumed in strict moderation. The LES is a ring of fibrous muscle which separates the esophagus and the stomach. When this muscle relaxes, acid and pepsin can splash up from the stomach into the esophagus and throat, thereby causing acid reflux.

The hydrochloric acid in the stomach is very powerful. It has been compared to the acid in a car battery, but it is a necessary part of our physical anatomy. It constitutes the initial stage of the digestive process. It not only breaks down the food we eat but keeps potentially dangerous bacteria which live in the digestive tract in check. This is the reason that drugs which stop the acid pumps from functioning are potentially dangerous. These drugs are called proton pump inhibitors (PPI drugs). They interfere with the digestion and assimilation of food and allow the overgrowth of bacteria.

Eating jagged foods like crackers or corn chips can cause little lacerations to develop in the esophagus and LES. Then later consuming acidic foods like spicy over cooked tomato sauce can exacerbate the problem. This scenario is typical of why many people have acid reflux to begin with. It can easily be avoided.

Foods and beverages, like chocolate, caffeine, fried foods, tomato products and alcohol, can cause the LES to relax and should be avoided until the esophagus has had time to heal.

How and where we eat is very important, as well. Chewing food properly is essential to correct digestion. Saliva in the mouth is actually very alkaline in nature. It acts as sort of a lubricant to assist the teeth in grinding food to a fine pulp, making it easier to digest. When I was a little boy, I had an elementary school teacher who constantly reminded me to chew my food twenty-two times before swallowing. She said that if I didn't I would have indigestion. At the time, I thought she was crazy, but she was right on the money.

Eating slowly in a relaxed atmosphere is also crucial to good digestion. When we eat too fast we don't chew properly forcing crude clumps of food into a shocked and traumatized stomach. This is certainly a perfect way to insure a good case of indigestion. People who grab meals on the run are the worst offenders and I think you will find many of them at fast food restaurants. Unfortunately, they are teaching their children to do the same.

Finally, there is the important consideration of when you eat. It's a proven fact that eating several small meals, spaced throughout the day, is far healthier for the digestive system than the traditional "three big meals". Eating too much at one time is one of the biggest causes of acid reflux and also contributes to unwanted weight gain.

Last but not least, I must mention the most relevant antidote to the acid reflux condition; never go to bed with a full stomach. If we want to avoid acid reflux, we must allow at least two hours after eating before lying down. Three hours would be even better. This, of course, means that a late night bowl of ice cream in bed would be strictly taboo.

So you see, the real antidote to the acid reflux blues is not so much about "what to do", but about "what not to do". It is not about drugs, surgery or even doctors. The natural cure for acid reflux is all about common sense.

For free recipes, articles and information, visit:

Charles Stewart Richey is a self-educated expert on how to cure acid reflux disease by natural means. He has written an extensive report entitled, REFLUX GONE FOREVER, Natural Acid Reflux Remedies.

For free recipes, articles and information, visit:

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

How is acid reflux surgery performed and who needs it

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There are many ways to treat acid reflux, and the simplest way is to make some changes in your lifestyle and diet. But this will not cure your illness, it will only prevent the acid from the stomach pass the valve that separates it from the esophagus and get inside the esophagus which does not have any protection against the acid, therefore damaging it.

A good method of permanently curing acid reflux is acid reflux surgery. Surgery is the last thing that doctors recommend, because in many cases medication that stops the stomach from producing to much acid works just fine. But sometimes medication does not give any results. If two months pass after the patient started taking medication and no improvements are noticed then doctors recommend acid reflux surgery.

Surgery tries to fix the defective valve in order to stop the acids from leaking through it. The procedure is called fundoplication and it pulls the hiatal hernial sacs under the diaphragm bone and makes it stay there by stitching it. Furthermore, the opening through which food passes is narrowed so the chance that acids leak through it decreases.

In other words, a part of the stomach is placed around the lowest part of the esophagus and fixed under the diaphragm bone.

This seriously tightens and strengthens the border between the stomach and the esophagus and it also creates a new valve that only allows food to go from the esophagus into the stomach and not otherwise.

Acid reflux surgery is very efficient in stopping acid reflux, more that 95% of the patients reported that they had no more problems after it and the heartburn sensation was completely gone.

The surgery is performed through a small incision that the surgeon does in the abdominal area, and uses a laparoscope. The laparoscope is a small device used in many surgeries that is remote-controlled and that also has a small camera attached to it. The doctor inserts small surgical tools through the incision and then performs the surgery by looking at the images from the laparoscope camera. This way the scars left will be as small as possible, a major incision would have been required for the doctor to see the operation without the camera.

Sometimes, depending on how severe the acid reflux is, the patient will still have to take the medication after the surgery.
In some cases light complications appear after the surgery because larger chunks of food can't pass the narrowed canal anymore, but this is temporary, food will eventually go down.

After one or two days the patient can return to his/her normal activities and never worry about acid reflux anymore. is one of the best acid reflux information sites on the net. Visit it if you are looking for great information on natural cures for acid reflux, acid reflux diet, acid reflux treatment and many more

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Prevent acid reflux with the acid reflux diet

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Acid reflux occurs when the acids that can be found in the stomach get into the esophagus because the valve that separates the esophagus from the stomach cannot close properly. These acids are very strong, and they can severely damage the esophagus' walls. They do not damage the stomach's walls because it is protected by a special membrane.

Acid reflux is pretty serious, it can cause pain in the chest area, and if it is left untreated the esophagus will become very erroded and gastric acid will also reach the lungs, where is can cause coughing and asthma, and the mouth, where it corrodes the teeth.

Diet has an important role in both treating and preventing acid reflux, and an acid reflux diet is not expensive or hard to follow. The idea is to reduce the acids inside the stomach and to keep it from filling, which can cause the food and acid inside it to reach the esophagus.

Here is what you can eat and what you should avoid:

You can eat all the cereals and vegetables you want. They contain a lot of vitamins and nutrients that help the body fight not only acid reflux, but other illnesses too.

You should definitely stop smoking, because tobacco smoke damages the esophagus' walls and weakens it. You should also avoid chewing gum, because when you chew the stomach starts to produce acids that it won't use and that can get into the esophagus.

If you are overweight you should try to loose some of your weight, and avoid fatty food, because at overweight people the levels of gastric acid are higher.

The foods that are know to help acid reflux advance by stimulating the acid production are: chocolate, milk, chewing gum, fatty foods, spicy foods, alcohol and garlic. Coffee can irritate the esophagus so try not to drink any.

Also try to avoid wearing tight clothing that can press the stomach, because this way the acid inside it is almost forced to leave the stomach. Furthermore, if you lie down right after you eat you help the content of your stomach came back, so try sitting on a chair for a few minutes, depending on how damaged the valve that separates the stomach from the esophagus is.

If you follow the advises mentioned above you can prevent acid reflux, and your treatment will be more effective, but also consult your doctor and take the medication that he prescribes you if you want to be fully cured.

For more resources about many acid reflux subjects like acid reflux symptoms, acid reflux treatment or many more please visit us at

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Free Acid Reflux

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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Herbal Home Remedies for Heartburn and Acid Reflux

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When you are suffering from heartburn, the main thing that you want to do is to stop the pain. Today's medical knowledge of heartburn has led to the development to various drugs that have the ability to stop or ease heartburn. However if you want to try alternative forms of medication, then what are the remedies that you have available to you?

There are some Herbal heartburn remedies that have been known and used for quite some time now. The three most commonly used herbal remedies are chamomile, which is botanically known as Matricaria Recutita. Peppermint which is also botanically known as Mentha Piperita and Ginger that is botanically known as Zingiber Officinale.

These three herbal heartburn remedies fall into a group of herbs that are described by the General Nutrition Center as "carminative". They all have the ability to relieve indigestion and ease irritation that occurs in the intestines. The herb chamomile is traditionally recognized for its calming properties. As chamomile has a high calcium content it has the ability to decrease stomach acid. Therefore chamomile is thought to help ease esophageal irritation and help with proper digestion.

Ginger has been used traditionally for dealing with many different gastrointestinal (stomach) problems. Ginger also has some anti-inflammatory as well as anti-nausea properties. Both these actions of ginger give relief to heartburn sufferers. There is one other action that ginger is widely known for. Ginger is a very good herbal heartburn remedy as it aids in the proper digestion process by promoting spontaneous intestinal movement.

Peppermint is also thought to have healing properties against indigestion. Peppermint also has the additional property of calming the stomach. A study that was done of peppermint in combination with the caraway fruit found that they have the same ease of relieving the symptoms of heartburn as Chamomile and Ginger do.

The General Nutrition Center has suggested that herbs that have a "bitter digestive stimulant" property might be used as well. They believe that theses herbs may produce natural digestive enzymes. Herbs like blessed thistle are advocated in the hopes that they will alleviate heartburn. As there is no clear way of knowing their effects, blessed thistle and other such herbs are not as universally recommended.

Whereas chamomile, ginger and peppermint are known and recognized for their potential as a herbal heartburn remedy. As with all medications, you should consult a doctor before you begin using any sort of herbal remedy. This way you can take care that the herbal heartburn remedy will not conflict with your other ongoing medicational treatments.

So, if you want to go 'chemical free' in your quest to find your heartburn cure, then I suggest you go about finding your own herbal heartburn remedy now. After all there's time like the present!

Get Rid of your Heartburn Naturally Visit Here

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Friday, December 7, 2007

Hiatal Hernias And Acid Reflux

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A hernia is caused when the muscle that holds an internal organ in place relaxes, allowing for movement of that organ, which can cause a multitude of problems, and in some cases, and inordinate amount of pain. The hiatal hernia, simply put, occurs when the stomach slides from the abdominal cavity partially into the chest cavity.

We know by now that what causes acid reflux is the failure of the valve, or the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) to close properly after food has been ingested, thereby allowing for the fluid to rise from the stomach into the esophagus. A hiatal hernia will weaken the LES, thereby making it more difficult for it to close properly, and thus allow for fluid to reflux out of the stomach.

Although it is clear that there is a direct correlation between acid reflux and hiatal hernias (most people discover that they have a hiatal hernia when they get examined by their doctor for acid reflux), they are not necessarily always seen in tandem with each other. You may have GERD without having a hiatal hernia and vice versa.

Common causes of a hiatal hernia are; pregnancy, obesity, tight clothing around the abdomen, constipation, chronic coughing, strenuous weightlifting, or abdominal injury. Many people who have a hiatal hernia do not know because unlike other forms of hernia, the hiatal hernia does not show itself physically, i.e. there are no bumps or protrusions recognizable on the outside of the body. Generally, hiatal hernias are more common amongst people over fifty; it is very rare for a young adult or child to have this condition.

In order to alleviate, or to reduce the intensity of these symptoms, you should do the following;

- Eat smaller meals more frequently
- Avoid acidic or spicy food
- Do not eat before going to bed
- Avoid heavy lifting
- Avoid bending after heavy meals (which you won?t be having anyways, because you?ll be grazing instead!)
- Lose weight
- Quit smoking.

There are a variety of medications that you can take as well including antacids, proton pump inhibitors, and but the easiest, most effective way to decrease your symptoms is to alter your diet to include foods that are easily digestible and avoid those that stimulate flare ups.

Surgery in the vast majority of cases is extremely rare as most people with hiatal hernias continue to live a normal life without discomfort or additional problems. With that said, however, you never want to ignore an issue that is going on in your body and will probably want to address it. If you are having trouble swallowing, a sore throat, wheezing or coughing, or difficulty breathing, then you most certainly will want to consult your doctor.

While most specialists recommend that you make the lifestyle changes noted above rather than resorting to pharmaceuticals as the first line of defense, you definitely should make an appointment to see your doctor if you have any persistent symptoms.
Kathryn Whittaker has an interest in Acid Reflux. For further information on Acid Reflux please visit or .

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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Acid Reflux And Bad Breath

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Say you are at a party and all of a sudden you get that stinging feeling in your throat. You scrunch up your face, look around the room and walk to a place where nobody can see you as you try to swallow away that biting liquid. Your loosen your collar, swallow some more of your wine, and try to get back into the conversation. Yet, when you do get a circle and join in the conversation, people start to back away from you, pretend to scratch their nose, and claim to be needed elsewhere. You can?t help but wonder if your recent bout of heartburn is related to your recent unpopularity?

One way that you can check if you have bad breath (if your best friend isn?t at the ready), is to lick the inside of your wrist and let it dry for a few seconds and then smell it. If there is an odor, then your breath isn?t as fresh as it should be.

If you are experiencing bad breath, or halitosis, then part of your problem might be either related to, or a direct result of acid reflux/GERD.

Most experts, medical and naturopathic alike will tell you that bad breath is caused by what you eat, lack of saliva swishing around in your mouth, stress, dehydration, and stomach activity, i.e. acid indigestion. Since many people experience acid reflux in their sleep, chances are good that morning breath isn?t just a lack of saliva activity, but is related to GERD.

Most commentators speaking on bad breath list acid reflux as a major cause, in addition to the items mentioned above. It makes sense really. It stands to reason that acidic liquid rising up from your stomach is not going to smell pretty, and if that is getting up to your throat, through a loosening in the collapsible valve at the tip of your stomach, it?s going to make your breath smell pretty foul.

Not only that, but many of the factors that contribute to bad breath, are also causal factors for acid reflux. The foods that you eat are a major contributor to bad breath, like spicy or garlicky foods, which are also a major contributor to acid reflux. Stress is also a cause for both upsets.

It stands to reason then, that by counteracting the causal factors of GERD, you will also reduce your chances of having bad breath, not only in striking what may be the heart of your problem, but you?ll combat one or both of these ailments as well.

Contrary to popular belief, making changes to your diet and stress levels aren?t as difficult as some of the makers of pharmaceuticals would like you to believe. They would prefer you to think that a few changes in your diet, or a simple exercise plan will mean re-vamping your life entirely, but this is simply not the case.

Long term solutions are just that?long term. So, make the changes, but make them slowly, incorporating them into your life in small steps so that the changes don?t seem too drastic, making them easier to swallow (so to speak) and more likely steps that you will stick with.

Kathryn Whittaker has an interest in Acid Reflux. For further information on Acid Reflux please visit or .

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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Asthma As Related To Acid Reflux

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Asthma is a chronic lung condition that is characterized by breathing difficulties. People who suffer from asthma have air passages that are extra sensitive or hyper-responsive. In the course of an asthma attack, the airways become irritated and react by narrowing and constricting, causing increased resistance to airflow, and obstruction of the flow of air through the air passages to and from the lungs.

There is research to indicate that the symptoms of asthma may worsen when stomach acid rises in your throat. This condition is called gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, or GERD. It is commonly referred to as acid reflux. One result of acid reflux is painful heartburn which can be relieved with the administration of antacid medicines. These are special medications which neutralize stomach acids. Acid reflux commonly affects older and overweight people. However, it can also occur in children and people of all types.

There have been studies in which researchers have injected acid into the stomachs of asthma sufferers and it had a significant impact on their asthma resulting in worsened asthma symptoms. Evidence also suggest that asthma sufferers get acid reflux with greater frequency than people who do not suffer from asthma. This is probably due to great pressure changes present in the chest of people with asthma during the course of breathing. This high pressure could cause liquid to travel up the esophagus from the stomach.

In these cases, it would seem that people who have asthma lose out twice: they suffer from asthma and they may suffer from acid reflux more often than people who do not suffer from asthma. However, there is more to this story. If acid reflux was an genuine and important cause of increase in asthma severity, then acid reflux treatments should make the asthma better, however, this is generally not the case.

In the meantime, if you suffer from both asthma and acid reflux, it could just be that careful management of your reflux will ease your breathing. If your asthma is severe and the cause is unknown, some doctors might test to see whether you have or had acid reflux by conducting tests to measure your stomach acidity. If the result showed acid reflux tendencies, then your doctor would most likely attempt to improve your lungs by treating your stomach.
David Brown writes for several popular online magazines, on wellness and diet and health and fitness subjects.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Naturally Affects Of Acid Reflux

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Monday, December 3, 2007

Acid Reflux Recovery Diet and Recipes Presents the Perfect Cold Weather Dinner

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As the leaves start to turn to fall colors and in the evenings we are tempted to sit by a warm fire, hearty food comes to mind. The fall and winter bring a host of root vegetables, squashes greens and fruit from which hearty meals can be easily made. The challenge is to keep these dishes healthy ? that means keeping them as alkaline as possible.

When attempting to reverse the symptoms of acid reflux, diet is probably the most important consideration. That old clich?, ?You are what you eat?, has never been more true. If you eat food and drink beverages which are acidic in nature, then it follows, that you will be acidic in nature, as well. If you eat a diet which mainly consists of so called ?convenience food?, you don?t stand a chance of being alkaline.

In order to defeat the acid reflux condition, one must strive to correct the pH factor of the body. 7.5 pH is the ideal alkaline body level. You can test the pH level of your saliva with pH paper, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Some medical authorities claim that all illness, including cancer, cannot exist in an alkaline environment. If that is true, it is certainly food for thought!

It is important to remember that the acid reflux condition could not perpetuate itself without a damaged esophagus. In order to heal this affliction, the esophagus must be allowed to repair. This can be accomplished by eliminating food and drink that are irritants and, or acidic. Avoiding anything which relaxes the LES (lower esophageal sphincter) is another important consideration. The LES is the muscular valve which separates the esophagus and the stomach. It is when this valve relaxes, that acid and pepsin splash up from the stomach into the esophagus and throat, causing acid reflux.

The hydrochloric acid in the stomach has been compared in strength, to the acid in a car battery. With acid reflux, the constant assault of acid causes little lacerations to develop on the lining of the esophagus. Until these lacerations have had a chance to heal, spicy foods, such as acidic tomato products, hot peppers, raw garlic and raw onions should also be eliminated from the diet. They just further irritate the condition. Smoking, drinking alcohol and eating chocolate also relax the LES, thus impeding the healing process.

The key to acid reflux recovery is to eat alkaline, easy to digest nourishing food until the esophagus has healed. Eating early, allowing at least three hours before lying down is an essential habit to develop. Eating slowly and chewing food completely in a relaxed, pleasant and stress free environment is of paramount importance, as well.

I have listed a few of my favorite hearty fall and winter recipes that I enjoyed during my own recovery period. Cooking meat, vegetables, fruit and shellfish in liquids produce delicious dishes which can be made quickly and easily. I have employed a technique called ?braising? for the main dish below. It is one of my favorite cooking methods, because it concentrates flavor in a one pot dinner. I have also included a seasonal soup starter and a special desert to complete the perfect cold weather dinner.

Try doubling the main dish and desert recipes so that you can have them later in the week?..less time in the kitchen. Remember, that cooking from scratch instead of relying on convenience foods is a better approach to good health, in general. It?s also nice to know what you?re really eating.

I hope that you enjoy the following seasonal recipes. Even though I have cured myself of acid reflux, I still serve these wonderful hearty dishes on a regular basis. The entire family should enjoy these, too. Well, the children might not like the oysters, but you certainly will. This menu is great for entertaining, as the main and last courses are made in advance and the first course is a breeze. For those of you who live in warmer climes, remember that winter is a state of mind.

Bon appetite!


This is a rustic country-style dinner dish which truly embodies the concept of ?Comfort Food?. Unlike thick cuts of meat, braising chicken takes a fraction of the time and the chicken absorbs all the flavors of the vegetables and liquids. Mashed potatoes are a perfect accompaniment. This is a serving for four and requires about an hour to prepare.

1 (3 ? lb.) chicken, cut into 8 serving pieces
? cup flour for dredging
Olive oil
2 medium sweet onions roughly chopped
4 medium turnips peeled and sliced into ?? pieces *
3 cloves of garlic, finely minced
2 cups chicken stock
2 cups white wine or dry vermouth
2 sprigs of thyme or ? tsp. dried
1 tbsp. parsley, chopped

Pat chicken dry and season with salt and pepper. Dredge in flour and set aside.
Heat a heavy skillet to medium high and add enough olive oil to coat well
Brown chicken pieces skin side down and turn over in about 7 minutes (This can be done in two batches, if necessary)
Transfer browned chicken to a plate and cover to keep warm
Pour off all but 2 tbsp. of the fat and lower heat to medium low
Add onions and cook covered, stirring occasionally until soft and lightly golden
Add turnips and garlic and cook uncovered for five minutes stirring occasionally to keep onions from burning
Return browned chicken to skillet and mix with vegetables to coat both sides, arranging chicken skin side up
Pour stock and wine over chicken mixture
Sprinkle with thyme
Cover and lower heat to gently simmer until chicken is cooked through and turnips are tender, about 30 to 40 minutes
Transfer chicken and vegetables onto a serving dish
Reduce sauce over high heat, if needed, to thicken
Season sauce with salt and pepper to taste and pour over chicken and vegetables
Sprinkle with parsley

*Parsnips may be substituted for the turnips, or a mixture of the two.


I have heard rumors that oysters are a bit acidic; however, they have never given me indigestion. I confess that this is a rather rich dish, but a small serving will give you more pleasure than pain. One has to spoil themselves occasionally.

1 ? tbsps. unsalted butter
I dozen freshly opened oysters (or the freshest you can find) with liquid
1/8 tsp. celery salt
1 ? ounces sherry
Splash of Worcestershire sauce to taste
Cayenne pepper
1 ? cups whole milk with a little cream added
Chives, chopped
Oyster crackers

Into a double boiler place butter, oysters with liquid, celery salt, sherry and Worcestershire sauce (water in the bottom pan should not touch the top pan)
With a wooden spoon, stir until the oysters are just curling on the edges (do not overcook), about a minute
Pour in milk mixture and continue stirring
Remove from heat just before the boil and serve immediately
Sprinkle each serving with a little cayenne pepper
Garnish with chives
Offer oyster crackers on the side


You have to plan a little ahead for this dish. The pears should be ripe, but still springy to the touch. Buy them a week ahead and place in a paper bag with a banana. Don?t ask me why, but this works. Choose pears with the stem in tact.

8 smallish red Anjou pears
Juice of one lemon
1 cup extra fine granulated sugar
2 cups red wine
? tsp. vanilla extract
1 cinnamon stick

Carefully peel pears to the stem (the stem comes in handy for turning and for presentation)
Coat each peeled pear with lemon juice and set aside
Into a saucepan place the sugar, wine, vanilla and cinnamon
Stir over medium heat until the sugar is dissolved
Add pears and reduce heat to a gentle simmer, covered
Poach pears until they are just tender, about 10 to 20 minutes, depending upon the size of the pears, turning once
Remove from heat and allow pears to sit in liquid, turning again so that color is even, another 20 minutes
Remove pears from liquid to desert plates
Reduce liquid over medium high heat to a syrupy consistency and pour over pears
Serve with a dollop of whipped cream and a sprig of mint

? 2006 Wind Publishing

For more information on how to heal acid reflux the natural way, go to:
Charles Stewart Richey is a former chef and self-educated expert on how to cure acid reflux disease by natural means. He has written an extensive report entitled, REFLUX GONE FOREVER, Natural Acid Reflux Remedies. For more information on how to heal acid reflux the natural way, go to:

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Sunday, December 2, 2007

Acid Reflux and Looking Younger!

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Many people suffer daily from the effects of acid reflux, to one degree or another. Unfortunately, the constant strain of this condition on the body can lead to premature aging.

The reflux of stomach gas and fluids during the night, even on a modest level, inhibit proper sleep patterns. It is a known fact that sleep is the most important factor affecting the aging process. If you do not get enough quality sleep at the r.e.m. level, you face each day with low energy, which can be described as a form of chronic fatigue. This syndrome will eventually drag you down and make you feel and look older than you should. It may even shorten your life. Many people are not even aware that they suffer from this condition.

Acid reflux or gerd (gastroesophageal reflux disease) occurs when the LES (lower esophageal sphincter) relaxes and allows gas and fluids from the stomach to move upward into the esophagus. The LES is a ringed muscle at the bottom of the esophagus. It opens in order to allow food to enter the stomach, and then closes in order to keep the digestive fluids where they belong. It is when this muscle is too relaxed or damaged, that the contents of the stomach can escape up into the esophagus thereby causing acid reflux.

The medical community would have us to believe that drugs are the only answer to the problem of gerd. Of course this is not true. Antacids are, at best, a temporary fix and are loaded with harmful ingredients such as sodium and aluminum. PPI drugs (proton pump inhibitors) like Nexium and Prilosec should only be used for eight weeks, at most. It says so right on the label. Furthermore, these drugs only mask and hide the symptoms and they have hundreds of harmful side effects.

The acid reflux condition can be the result of poor eating habits or even the aging process itself. We all know that certain foods can trigger indigestion; tomato sauce, raw garlic and onions, chocolate, coffee and alcohol. The ingestion of these foods can make you acidic in nature, resulting in acid reflux. Yet most of us can?t resist one or more of these items on a daily basis. Besides eliminating ?trigger? foods from our diets, there are many natural herbs and supplements that can be helpful in staving off this malady.

Chronic indigestion can also be caused by a lack of hydrochloric acid. Some people produce insufficient amounts of stomach acid as they grow older. Besides the proper digestion of food, hydrochloric acid is necessary to keep harmful bacteria, which are found in the digestive track, in check. Without this defense, infections can develop which make the acid reflux condition even worse. This particular condition can be improved with hydrochloric acid supplements, or even ingesting small amounts of apple cider vinegar. Although these conditions are different in nature, they both cause acid reflux and can result in premature aging.

Other things that should be considered in dealing with this condition are:

* Smoking cessation (Smoking creates an acidic body)
* Loosing weight
* Eating small portions of food throughout the day
* Chewing food well and eating slowly
* Eating at least three hours before retiring

There are many subtle changes in lifestyle which can remove the threat of the acid reflux condition. By eliminating this unnecessary and harmful strain on the body, one can live a more healthy life. Getting better quality sleep will increase your chances of retaining life-force, which means living a longer and more youthful existence.

? 2006 Wind Publishing

For more information on how to heal acid reflux the natural way, go to:

Charles Stewart Richey is a self-educated expert on how to cure acid reflux disease by natural means and has written an extensive report entitled, REFLUX GONE FOREVER, Natural Acid Reflux Remedies. For more information on how to heal acid reflux the natural way, go to:

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