Ask Your Doctor - Acid Reflux Disease Symptoms
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Acid reflux often occurs during or shortly after eating a meal or a snack. It affects thirty six percent of all people throughout the United States.
Acid reflux mimics symptoms of many different diseases, some as serious as a heart attack. Many people who suffer from acid reflux state that they have difficult time breathing and their chest, back, and neck tightens with pressure, and sometimes it goes into their arm. Because these are symptoms of a potentially life threatening illness, it is advised that you seek medical attention immediately.
These symptoms occur because of excessive gas from the stomach gets trapped in the esophagus and can do nothing else by expand. Once you have burped, you will feel relief.
Each part of the body has a different function. When one part is not functioning properly, it will affect the rest of the function for that region.
The Lower Esophageal Sphincter is in the upper part of the stomach. It is supposed to be the valve that keeps acids and food in the stomach. Acid reflux occurs when the Esophageal Sphincter does not close properly allowing the food and acids to travel back into the esophagus. This causes a burning painful irritation to the esophagus.
The function of the human body is fascinating. The body has its own defenses that do battle. The body can actually heal itself by simply swallowing, the body pushes the food and acids back into the stomach where the LES closes and traps it. Doctors believe that approximately ninety percent of the food and acids are pushed back into the stomach. The ten percent that is left is neutralized by saliva. This is because saliva contains a natural bicarbonate.
The majority of people who suffer from acid reflux can be treated with over the counter medication and are listed in the category of GERD. This is a general category that doctors group acid reflux patients into.
What this means is that any symptoms that are associated with GERD can be listed and often are diagnosed as GERD.
There are many causes for acid reflux. Diet is one of the biggest offenders. If your diet contains a lot of fatty foods, you are more likely to suffer from acid reflux. Consuming a lot of caffeinated beverages such as soda and coffee can also trigger an attack. Pregnant women also suffer from acid reflux because of the changes their bodies go through during pregnancy; it usually disappears after childbirth.
There are precautions you can take to limit the attacks of acid reflux.
After eating a meal or snack, do not lie down right away. Give your food time to digest. Remain vertical either sitting or standing immediately after a meal, and avoid wearing tight clothing especially around the waist. Tight clothing can squeeze the food and acids out of the stomach triggering an attack of acid reflux.
Jill Seimer discusses healthy living at and reported on acid reflux disorder symptoms from her experience using on natural cures for acid reflux.
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