Kill Acid Reflux

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Small Investment Goes a Long Way - Dealing with Acid Reflux in Infants

Get Rid of Your Heartburn and Acid Reflux INSTANTLY. Click Here To Know How


>>  STOP acid reflux and heartburn problems. Click Here <<


You know what it feels like when you push away from the table after your favorite spicy meal ? satisfying. You also know what it?s like an hour or so later when you feel the payback of the meal with a burning in your stomach.

Does the burning fire churning in your stomach equal the pleasure of the meal? When you first sat down you had a good idea what the end result would be. You made the choice of taking that fork and putting to your mouth, infants on the other hand don?t enjoy that luxury.

As we grow older we learn of the foods we should avoid or only enjoy in small quantities or special occasions. Infants on the other hand don?t get to make those choices. Often their eating times are run a schedule. When they experience heartburn or acid reflux, they communicate that discomfort with crying.

Face it, no one wants to experience indigestion or the symptoms of heartburn. Stop for just a moment and think how painful the burning of stomach acid must be to an infant or young child?

Indigestion in infants, no matter what form, is painful, not just the child but everyone involved. I?m sure if you asked any of the millions of parents how many of them would gladly take the sickness and pain their child is experiencing on themselves if they could, just to give their infant some relief. The answer who be a resounding ? ?give it to me!?

Infants with acid reflux or indigestion are usually treated with some form of medication. Pediatricians will often prescribe medication acid reducers such as Prevacid or Zantac, which reduce stomach acid production.

Acid reflux is very common in infants and remedies such as medication now come in water-soluble forms and can be mixed with breast milk or formula, plus it dissolves almost immediately upon contact with the mouth. This makes administering medication much easier and effective almost instantly.

A friend?s child was treated with Prevacid and also took over the counter Mylanta. The doctor said it would treat the infants acid reflux symptoms since it immediately soothed the esophagus and stomach lining, reducing the burning sensation and discomfort.

Now at one year of age, this toddler is not taking any medication for acid reflux and runs around like any healthy child his age. There were absolutely no ill side effects from taking the medication prescribed, and the medication helped the whole family sleep better, the child spit up less was more comfortable, lead to a much happier babyhood.

With a passion for helping others Jill Seimer shares healthy lifestyle at She recently discussed Acid Reflux in Infants from a personal perspective.

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