Managing Acid Reflux Symptoms While Sleeping - Changing Your Life For The Better
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Getting good nights sleep can be very difficult when you suffer from indigestion or acid reflux. Heartburn or nausea may keep you awake, or tossing and turning. Nighttime is one of the most common times that people battle acid reflux. If you are one of those people, you have become aware just how important a restful night of sleep can be. So, how do you relieve the symptoms of acid reflux so you can get the night of sleep you need and deserve. Following are some thing so to keep in mind during the day.
Eating After 6pm
Doctors say that if you suffer from acid reflux, you should push your dinnertime back. Try to eat no later than three hours before bedtime. What happens is that you eat at eight o?clock, but then go to bed at ten o?clock, and your body does not have time to digest dinner. That is understandable because you get home from work about six o?clock, eat at seven and are in bed by nine so you can get back up at six and go to work. To top it off, your diet is probably not the best. Give your body a chance to digest your dinner by going to bed at ten. You maybe surprised that even tough you stay up an hour later, the sleep you get will be more restful.
Raising Your Body
Elevating your head and upper body is another thing you can do to get better sleep at night. By placing blocks under the legs of the bed, you can successfully raise the top of the bed without having to think about it. The nice thing about that is your partner may not even notice the difference. But you will!
Another way to raise your body at night is to place some pillows under your head, neck and chest. The higher you can raise the top of your body, the better you will feel. There are also pillows made in a wedge shape so you don?t? have to worry about the pillows slipping out of place.
Medication Times
Medication is also an important piece of the puzzle. Keep in mind, however, you need to e careful with the timing of that as well. You want it to be most effective while you are trying to sleep. Check with your doctor or pharmacist to determine when the best time is to take the medicine. This can be figured by how long it takes for the pill to start working once you have swallowed it, and then you will know how much time to give it to kick in. This may or may not be effective for you, but it is an option.
Acid reflux and indigestion are very controllable conditions. It may take some trial and error before you find a system that works for you. But keep trying. I will be worth it when you find a way to get good nights sleep. It may be a combination of a few techniques. It is worth finding what works best for you because the more restful your sleep, the better you will feel in the morning, and the more productive your day.
Jill Seimer talks healthy living at and reported on acid reflux disorder symptoms from her experience using on natural cures for heartburn.
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