Seven Foods to Avoid with Acid Reflux
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Acid reflux, also known as heartburn, is the pain and burning sensation that occurs after a meal. It is sometimes accompanied by gas, bloating and nausea.
Several commercial products will reduce the acid in your stomach and provide relief. Many people find a reduction in their symptoms when they determine what foods cause them discomfort, and avoid that food.
The first step in discovering what foods you should avoid is to keep a food diary. Simply keeping track of what you eat and when you have acid reflux will show you the likely irritant. There are foods that are commonly known to cause excess stomach acid, but each person has different triggers. You might find that you are only sensitive to a few foods, or to all the foods on the list.
Acid reflux can also be a side effect of some common medications. You should check with your doctor or pharmacist to determine if your medications could be causing your heartburn.
The top seven foods to avoid with acid reflux are:
Spices used in foods,
Citrus fruit,
Fried and fatty foods,
If you are prone to acid reflux, you should also avoid after dinner drinks, smoking, having a nap after eating, and any heavy lifting after a meal, such as taking out the garbage. By eliminating these foods and keeping a diary to discover your personal triggers, you will easily be able to find the foods to avoid to prevent acid reflux.
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