Kill Acid Reflux

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Acid Reflux - Causes and Emptying the Stomach

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The cause of GERD or Acid Reflux disease symptoms can come from a variety of things ? emptying the stomach is one of them. Many who suffer from the heartburn symptoms only look at fatty foods or foods high in cholesterol, but the fact are many events in ones life can cause and contribute to acid reflux.

Some sufferers simple produce more stomach acid above the normal range, others may experience stress at work. Whatever the cause understanding the process of how the stomach is emptied is important in handling the heartburn symptoms.

Most people experiencing acid reflux symptoms usually suffer them after eating a meal.

After eating a large meal the temporary relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter caused by the swelling in the stomach may occur. The stomach will empty over a long period of time causing greater discomfort for a longer period of time as acid reflux skyrockets. This condition found in those suffering from GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease) it is not common that, only occurring in about 20% of those with the condition.

If you experience heartburn or acid reflux symptoms but you are not sure of the cause it is advised to consult with your doctor or medical professional on addressing the problem. If your reflux conditions result from a lifestyle or working conditions a change in diet may need to be reviewed or a variety of medications are on the market. You can find off the shelf medications, which may give some relief from the discomfort but before you try any remedy consult, your doctor first.

Jill Seimer reports on diet issues at and published acid reflux in infants from her experience dealing with heartburn in children.

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