Kill Acid Reflux

Monday, February 4, 2008

5 Facts To Acid Reflux Symptoms And Its Triggers

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If you have acid reflux, then it is important that you understand some basic facts about this condition. It is only through understanding of acid reflux causes, symptoms and triggers can you know how best to manage the condition better. Here are top 5 facts about acid reflux symptoms and its triggers

1. Acid reflux is often referred to as heartburn. However acid reflux symptoms extends to more than just a heartburn. Increasingly, acid reflux is a very common complaint. There are now over 60million Americans or one fifth of the entire population who suffer from acid reflux on a monthly basis. Over half of these sufferers are said to experience the painful symptoms on a daily basis.

2. Acid reflux symptoms develop due to the over-production of acid in the stomach and by the inability of the sphincter at the top of the stomach to stop the acid from travelling up the oesophagus. Although this condition is not curable currently, you can easily prevent your symptoms from developing by eating a diet that is less acidic. Doctors also often prescribe medications to keep the condition under control.

3. Very often, you would experience the painful and uncomfortable acid reflux symptoms during the night hours when in a horizontal position. If you do not treat your condition, you can get sleep disorders, tiredness and even mental health problems. During the day, you also experience a sense of irritability, a lack of concentration and do not feel well.

4. You should consider giving up habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol as they tend to worsen your acid reflux symptoms. Smoking and alcohol have been found to have a relaxing effect on the sphincter at the top of the stomach. As your sphincter is already impaired, this can cause much more severe pain than in normal people.

5. Obesity increase your risk to developing acid reflux. The fat around the waist and abdomen presses on the stomach, especially when you lie down. Your sphincter at the top of the stomach, and indeed the one at the bottom of the stomach that leads to the small intestine, become stressed and weakened. This can and often does result in stomach acid leaking in to the oesophagus and causing acid reflux symptoms. This condition also happens to pregnant ladies in their last few months of pregnancy when the weight of the baby pushes on the stomach.

If you allow acid reflux symptoms to develop without taking any treatment action, serious complications such as the damage to your oesophagus can result. In the worst case scenerio, you can also develop oesophageal cancer. Thus, you should always take early treatment action if you are unable to stop the pain with an OTC pain relief.

Acid reflux symptoms can be easily treated with proper diet and changes to a healthy lifestyle. For more information and resources, please visit this site at

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