Remedies For Acid Reflux Disease - 7 All Natural Tips!
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Acid reflux or GERD (gastroesophigeial reflux disease) is caused when stomach acid leaves the stomach and enters the esophagus. When this happens, a mild to severe burning sensation can be felt in the esophagus. Because of this uncomfortable burning sensation, the term heart burn was coined to describe this disorder.
The cells of the stomach lining are equipped to handle exposure to hydrochloric acid.These special stomach cells secrete large quantities of mucous that creates a barrier between the acid and the stomach lining. When functioning properly, the lower esophageal sphincter stops stomach acid from moving into the esophagus by creating a barrier between the esophagus and the contents of the stomach.
With GERD, the sphincter relaxes between swallows thereby allowing acid to escape into the unprotected esophagus. Unfortunately, the cells of the esophagus are not equipped to handle exposure to hydrochloric acid. Because of this, acid reflux can cause very uncomfortable burning sensations in the lining of the esophagus.
The safest approach to controlling acid reflux disease is to actively manage the factors that are know to cause acid reflux. Follow these tips to begin taking control of your acid reflux today!
#1 Work to maintain a healthy bodyweight. Obesity increases abdominal pressure which can force stomach contents into the esophagus, because of this it has been linked to acid reflux disease. Limit the amount of foods that you eat and add regular exercise to your daily routine. This will help you to maintain a healthy bodyweight.
#2 Avoid eating within 2 - 3 hours of bedtime. This will allow your body adequate time to digest the foods that you have eaten. Eating a large meal prior to bedtime will ensure that your body will be digesting the foods as you sleep. If your body is digesting foods and you are in a sleeping position, you are increasing the chance that stomach contents and acids will leak out into your esophagus.
#3 Limit greasy foods, chocolate, caffeine, garlic, onions, spicy foods and citrus fruit. All of these foods have been shown to increase occurrences of acid reflux.
#4 The choices that you make in your everyday life will have an impact on the frequency of acid reflux flare-ups. By limiting your alcohol intake and refraining from smoking, you will be eliminating two of the most common causes of acid reflux.
#5 Work to maintain good posture. Slouching, especially while seated, can allow your sphincter to relax. This in turn allows stomach acid to reflux into your esophagus.
#6 Avoid working out, bending, or stooping on a full stomach. If you are prone to acid reflux flare-ups, any type of movement on a full stomach is a bad idea.
#7 Elevate your head while you sleep. Lying down flat creates pressure in your abdomen. By elevating your head a few inches, you can alleviate some of this pressure. Try elevating the top portion of your bed by placing wood blocks underneath the feet of your bed.
Hopefully these tips will help you to take control of your acid reflux disease. If you implement them today, you will be on your way to feeling a difference tomorrow!
Did you find these tips helpful? For more information on controlling heartburn and acid reflux disease visit:
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