Acid Reflux Can Fool You - It Might Really Be a Heart Attack or Vice Versa
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Pain radiating from your chest or surrounding areas can be frightening! The first thing you probably think is that you've had a heart attack -- but that's not necessarily so. You may be having an acid reflux attack instead. Acid reflux causes burning sensations in the chest and throat which can easily be confused with heart pain.
The symptoms of heart pain and acid reflux are similar, but there are some differences. However, don't take a chance with your life! Seek medical care at once if you experience any symptoms that could be related to a heart attack.
There are some distinguishing characteristics you might want to keep in mind, but don't resort to being your own doctor. With that firmly in mind, here are five ways in which heart attacks and acid reflux symptoms differ:
1. A strong feeling of pressure accompanies most heart attacks. The pressure could also be a powerful squeezing sensation. If you are having a heart attack, you may experience a lot of pain or just this feeling of pressing and squeezing. With heart attacks the pain or discomfort will usually go on for more than 10 minutes. If the pain or discomfort rapidly subsides, it probably is not related to the heart. However, you may be having symptoms of angina and that requires medical care as well.
2. If the pain is largely centered around your throat, it is probably due to acid reflux. The burning discomfort is probably the result of stomach acids that have backed up into your esophagus.
3. With heart conditions exercise can be followed by chest pain. This is not usually true of acid reflux since physical activity seldom makes acid reflux act up.
4. After you've eaten a meal, if you experience pain -- that's probably the result of acid reflux or heartburn and not a heart attack.
5. If pain or a tingling sensation spreads from your chest to nearby parts of your body -- such as your shoulders, neck, jaw and arms -- those symptoms may be telling you you're either having a heart attack or angina.
Whenever you experience any discomfort or pain in your chest or surrounding areas, you need to take that as a serious warning signal. Don't ignore the warning, but seek medical care as soon as possible.
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