Acid Reflux Heartburn Symptoms May be a Sign of a More Serious Condition
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You just lay down and here it comes, acid reflux is flowing up your esophagus to your throat. It burns and you start to choke and cough. You get up and resign yourself to another night of sleeping in the recliner. Your old nemesis acid reflux heartburn has come again to make your life miserable. You should have invested in the companies that make antacids years ago, because you have spent so much money on their products. You assume it is just ordinary heartburn, but is your diagnosis correct? You have not been to the doctor in a couple of years. Why pay for him to tell you to take Pepsid AC or Maalox, right? Problem is your symptoms may be part of a more serious problem.
Take a couple of minutes and complete this survey:
1. Has your acid reflux heartburn continued to bother you despite changes in what you eat and drink?
2. Do you wake up in the morning with sore throat more than 3 days a week?
3. Do you have to sleep in a recliner or in an upright position to keep acid reflux from flowing up your esophagus?
4. Does your heartburn wake you up several times each night?
5. Do you take over the counter antacids each night before going to bed? If you have answered yes to 3 or more of these questions you may be suffering from more than simple heartburn. You may have GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease and in some severe cases, something called Erosive GERD.
Acid is eating away at the lining of your esophagus and doing permanent damage. Ignoring this problem will not make it go away and everyday that goes by means more damage to your esophagus. Now what do you do? Well depending on how you did on our survey you need to call your doctor and ask for a referral to a specialist that treats severe cases of acid reflux disease. These specialists are up on the latest treatment options. The next thing to do is begin researching your condition on the Internet. There are thousands of websites that provide information on acid reflux heartburn diseases. Do not put it off or the damage may be permanent.
Why live in misery? It is up to you; take control of your symptoms and disease now.
Acid Reflux Heartburn Cures,
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