Kill Acid Reflux

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Treating Acid Reflux with Natural Remedies

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If you belong to the 40% of the American population suffering from frequent heartburn and acid reflux, you may have been constantly searching for the most effective treatments for this uncomfortable condition. But do you know that the most effective help may be waiting for you right there in your kitchen?

Several naturally occurring foods and herbs may very well be the much-anticipated answer to treating acid reflux. Here is a list for your reference.

. Garlic. Yes, the lowly and smelly garlic! Garlic is one of the most important foods that should be included in your daily diet. It is known to promote the growth and proliferation of beneficial bacteria in the stomach which can effectively wipe up the Helicobacter pylori population in the stomach. H. pylori is a micro organism which causes gastritis and is the only bacteria which cannot be killed by the hydrochloric content of the stomach.

To be able to gain the most benefits from garlic, remember to crush or chew it before ingesting it to unleash the effect of its active ingredient, allicin. Use fresh garlic always.

. Aloe Vera. Aloe vera can be very effective in treating acid reflux. It has a very potent anti-inflammatory component but most people are more used to applying it as a wound dressing, as a lotion or for other such topical applications.

Unknown to many, aloe vera has the ability to spread a protective coating on the esophagus and helps in controlling the stomach contents from regurgitating. Aloe vera is commercially available in different forms. It can be bought as aloe vera juice and as gel capsules.

Taking aloe vera may cause diarrhea for certain people. To avoid this, try taking it with a gas-reducing tea such as mint or lemon balm tea. A word of caution: aloe vera is contraindicated in pregnant women and for people with kidney problems.

. Licorice. Licorice in the form of Deglycyrrhizinated licorice or DGL is a very powerful anti-inflammatory agent. Like aloe vera, it also forms a protective coating on the esophagus and the intestinal lining. It is a proven cure for ulcers, heartburn, acid reflux and other such digestive problems.

DGL can be purchased at any supplements store and is available in pill form. To ease heartburns, it is recommended that you take two 250 mg chewable tablets or you may break open a 250 mg capsule and mix it with water or juice. Warning: DGL is not recommended for people suffering from hypertension.

. Turmeric. Turmeric prevents acid build up in the stomach and aids in the proper digestion of foods. To use turmeric, you may want to incorporate it in your cooking or you may take 2 to 3 ? to 1 gram capsules before meals.

. Banana. Bananas are natural antacids and are very useful in relieving heartburn. You may eat them fresh or as ground dried bananas.

. Almonds. Some people claim that eating a handful of almonds helps easing the pain associated with heartburn.

. L-Glutamine. L-glutamine is an amino acid commonly used by body builders. However, this amino acid also aids in the maintenance of an optimal digestive environment and thus greatly helps in relieving gut problems.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Acid Reflux

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