Kill Acid Reflux

Friday, July 11, 2008

Discover How To Stop Acid Reflux

Get Rid of Your Heartburn and Acid Reflux INSTANTLY. Click Here To Know How


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Acid reflux affects the digestive system, it has affected many of us and it normally takes place behind the breastbone. There are many different names for the burning sensation that this acid reflux causes, the most common being heartburn.

The acids that digest foods come back up due to acid reflex. This symptom is caused by a weak oesophageal sphincter muscle (LES), or it is just unable to function properly.

It is possible to cure the symptoms and stop acid reflux in many different ways, there are numerous medicines, and there are also several surgical solutions. All of these different methods are designed to relieve the symptoms of acid reflux completely from our lives.

Antacids is a popular medicine that is used to treat acid reflux, these have to be taken on a regular basis for them to be effective.

There are two types of antacids available, those in tablet form, and also in a liquid form. Many people do not like taking the tablets, so the liquid medicine is normally favoured. You should take antacids between half an hour and an hour after eating.

There are also tablets known as Alginic Acid and antacids, these are a combination drug which you must chew before swallowing. These cover the inside of the stomach in a layer of foam to prevent and stop acid reflux.

There are some medicines that work by strengthening the LES muscle, however these medications have some pretty nasty side effects to them and so you should discuss them with your doctor, even though you don't actually need a prescription to obtain them.

There are two popular drugs which work in this way, Reglan, and bethanecol, both of these directly strengthen the LES muscle. There was one previous medicine known as Propulsid which has been removed from the market due to it increasing the risks of heart attacks.

There are some prescription medicines which are also capable of relieving the symptoms of acid reflux, you will need to discuss these with your doctor before considering taking them (if not just for the prescription!).

Some drugs known as anti-spasmotic's actually make the LES muscle weaker. Some drugs such as Isoptin inhibit the calcium intake.

A surgical option to cure acid reflux is known as Endoscopic surgery, this uses a laparoscopic technique. The surgery is conducted through tiny holes which reduces scaring and also reduces the recovery time required.

There are so many ways to stop acid reflux, therefore there's no need to continue living with the symptoms.

Discover the 100% all natural cure for your acid reflux and stop heartburn today. Luke Cameron is the owner of that reveals how you can cure acid reflux in your own home.

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