Kill Acid Reflux

Friday, February 27, 2009

Acid Reflux Home Treatment Options

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When you suffer the symptoms of acid reflux, you want to find relief right away. These symptoms can include chest pain after eating a big meal, when bending over, or a burning feeling behind the breastbone. You may also experience a sour or acid taste in the back of your throat. Whatever symptoms you suffer from, your first thought is to find relief as fast as possible.

Simple lifestyle changes are one of the easiest home treatments for acid reflux. If you suffer at night, try to stop eating three hours before you go to bed. You can also place small wooden blocks under the head of the bed, to elevate it. This helps to keep your stomach contents in your stomach, rather than slipping up into your esophagus and causing problems.

Eating fewer fried foods and high carbohydrate foods will also reduce acid reflux attacks. Smaller meals that are more frequent will help as well. Both of these solutions work because your stomach will produce less acid, so there is less chance of irritation.

Daily stress relief is another great acid reflux home treatment. Schedule a few minutes of quiet time into your day. Relieving the stress of day-to-day life gives your natural stress response a break. This will help your stomach to produce less acid, and digest your food more easily.

If you find yourself suffering from an acid reflux episode, loosen your waistband. Tight fitting clothes increase the pressure on your stomach, and can cause the stomach acid to push up to the esophagus. By relieving the pressure, your stomach contents will settle back where it belongs, and you will feel instant relief. A tall glass of cold water can also provide temporary relief, as it will dilute the stomach acid.

Fennel tea is another good home treatment for acid reflux. Pour boiling water over two teaspoonfuls of fennel seeds, and let it steep for several minutes. Your symptoms will be gone by the time you are finished your tea.

If these home treatments for acid reflux don't seem to work for you, you might need a prescription from your doctor. There are many medications that are effective for the symptoms of acid reflux. If you frequently suffer from acid reflux, or your symptoms are severe, you need to see your health care professional to rule out a more serious condition.

Discover a free simple test to determine how acidic you really are, and the safe, all natural, guaranteed cure for permanent freedom from your heartburn and digestive problems at

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Friday, February 20, 2009

Five Common Acid Reflux Prescription Medications

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Most medications for heartburn only need to be taken for a short amount of time to help with the damage to the esophagus. Discovering the right acid reflux prescription medications can often be easy, and your body can begin healing the damage at once.

Other times, you might have to try a few if you suffer from drug interactions or unwanted side effects. It shouldn?t be too hard to find a medication that works however, and here are five very common medications that you might be given for relief.

Prilosec (generic name- omeprazole): This drug is something that helps to stop acid production in the stomach. It is called a PPI drug, which stands for proton pump inhibitor. When the acid is suppressed for a period of time, the damage associated with acid reflux can heal while lessening the pain and flare ups. This drug claims to heal damage within two months and is given in pill form.

Nexium (generic name- esomeprazole): This is another PPI drug, and can also encourage healing of damaged tissues caused by GERD (or acid reflux). This most commonly comes in the form of a pill, but there are intravenous doses for those who might need them for one reason or another. The pill is ingested whole at least an hour before meals.

Prevacid (generic name- lansoprazole): Prevacid is another proton pump inhibitor drug that can be taken to control acid and promote healing. These come as tablets that are swallowed. It can also come as a dissolvable tab that can be put under the tongue.

Protonix (generic name- pantoprazole): Protonix is one of the lesser known PPI drugs, but it can be just as effective as the others. Not only can it help with reflux, it can also be prescribed to help clear up ulcers. This one can be taken in whole pill form about thirty minutes before a meal is eaten, and can be taken for up to sixty days.

Tagamet (generic name- cimetidine): You may think that is strictly an over-the-counter medication, but there is a stronger form available by prescription only. The stronger pill is normally used when damage has occurred to the tissues of the esophagus that needs time to heal. This type lessens acid production, but does so differently. This is known as a histamine blocker. Histamines can stimulate the acid production in the stomach leading to reflux.

It is important to note that none of the above medications are safe for pregnant or lactating mothers.

You should let your doctor know if you are on any other types of medicines before you start any of these acid reflux prescription medications. There is always a chance that two different drugs might interact with harmful results.

You normally should only have to take these acid reflux prescription medications for up to two months at a time, though your doctor should determine the time and dosages. What they want you to take will depend on how badly damaged your tissues are, and how frequently you have problems with heartburn symptoms.

By Kathryn Whittaker. Sign up for a free newsletter that has proven methods for tackling Acid Reflux, Heartburn and GERD head-on and discover more about heartburn.

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Friday, February 13, 2009

Do Acid Reflux And Sinus Problems Go Together?

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Those suffering from acid reflux might experience a host of other problems that don?t seem to be related to each other, but in reality, they might just be. One common questions a lot of sufferers ask is whether acid reflux and sinus problems are related, and there are times when they are.

Though there is no hard evidence that gives them a definitive link, it does make a lot of sense to say that they can be connected. There are other conditions that are also related to acid reflux that seem to be unrelated, but in fact they often occur due to acid reflux. Most people want to treat each one individually, when in fact, you might only have to treat the reflux to clear up all the ailments.

Heartburn is not that uncommon, and most people will experience it once in a while. This is something that is occasional for some people, and they can usually trace the acid reflux back to a food or an event. You can get flare ups from eating the wrong foods or drinking the wrong beverages. That?s not uncommon, and it can usually be cleared up with something straight from the store shelf. For those who have to deal with acid reflux on a daily basis, however, a prescription medication that is taken daily might be needed. These folks don?t need to eat anything for a flare up, as it just happens.

The most common problem for those who suffer from the chronic form of acid reflux is the burning sensation that occurs when the acid moves from the stomach up into the esophagus. There is a ring of muscles at the top of the stomach that is supposed to stop the acid from leaving the stomach, but this can fail for many reasons. When this happens, the acid can move up as far as the mouth and throat. Not only is this uncomfortable and painful, it can lead to damage. This also leads to a host of other problems, and sinus issues are just one of the problems you might have.

A person with chronic acid leakage can suffer from respiratory problems and also from tooth problems. The acid produced by your stomach will not harm your stomach, as it is made to handle it. Other tissues do not cope with it as well. When this acid hits these other tissues, problems begin right away. The acid can reach the mouth and the sinus cavities. Many who have reflux like this have dental problems, and can see an increase in sinus infections and sore throats.

Though you may not link acid reflux and sinus problems, it might be something that you should consider. You should look back to before you were aware of any problems with acid reflux to see if you remember having a lot of sinus issues.

If you did, your acid reflux and sinus problems might not be related, or the reflux might be making things worse. However, if you don?t remember having too many problems, the reflux might be the root of your problems. You might need a stronger medication, or to start taking one if you haven?t thus far. You might find that treating the reflux more effectively will reduce or eliminate all of your other problems.

By Kathryn Whittaker. Sign up for a free newsletter that has proven methods for tackling Acid Reflux, Heartburn and GERD head-on and discover more about acid reflux.

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Suffering With Acid Reflux And Back Pain?

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Though there are a lot of impacts on the body when you have problems with acid from your stomach invading parts of your digestive system, you may not have thought to connect acid reflux and back pain to one another. Though there really is no direct connection to damage to your back from acid reflux, there are a few things that can occur to leave you with back pain. The pains you feel are usually indirectly related, but having acid reflux can be behind the root of your back problems.

When you experience acid reflux, you know that stomach acid is getting up into your esophagus when it shouldn?t be there. This happens because the valve between the stomach and the esophagus is not closing properly. This happens for a variety of reasons, and those reasons weaken the muscles so that acid is not contained.

Though the stomach is designed to handle the acid, the rest of the tissues in your body can not. This leads to pain and burning, and also to some tissue damage that might be permanent when the acid escapes. Though this is an occasional problem for some, it can be a daily problem for others. The latter group usually forced to medication every single day in order to feel better.

How does back pain relate? It does so in a round-about way. Those who suffer acid reflux on a daily basis often have to make lifestyle modifications. One of these is to raise the head and upper body while sleeping. In order to do this a special pillow is needed, and in some cases, a bed must be raised at the head end. This stops gravity from sending the acid from your stomach up into your mouth and esophagus.

Problems occur when people attempt to elevate their bodies improperly, and this leads to chronic back pain. When you attempt to sleep in any other position rather than lying flat, you run the risk of this pain. It might not be evident right away, but night after night of improper posture while sleeping will take a toll on your back.

Though it is not common, there are times when the pain associated with acid reflux can spread to the back. This is not something you can expect each time you are having pain elsewhere, but it can happen on occasion. You will notice this pain always coincides with the pain you are having elsewhere, and it will be obvious that this is the cause. This will not be a continuous and chronic back pain however, but will be stabbing pains that are obviously not muscle related.

If you are having acid reflux and back pain at the same time, you should consider that they might be related, but if they are it usually won?t be too serious of a problem. However, if you talk to your doctor and decide that they are not related, it would be in your best interest to find out what is going on. Though most pain in the back that is related to reflux can be alleviated, there might be something more serious going on with your body that you should know about so steps can be taken to rectify it.

By Kathryn Whittaker. Sign up for a free newsletter that has proven methods for tackling Acid Reflux, Heartburn and GERD head-on and discover more about acid reflux.

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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Herbal Tea Home Remedy For Acid Reflux

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There are many things that cause problems for those who have GERD (otherwise known as acid reflux). There are some things you can?t eat, and some that you should. There are times when this can be very confusing, and many don?t want to rely on medications to make all foods tolerable. If you want a home remedy for acid reflux, there are things you can try. One of these things is drinking herbal teas. Some of them will help, and some might make matters worse, so you should know which to have and which to avoid.

When choosing herbal teas, there is one important thing to think about when you are choosing what you want to try. Caffeine is a known trigger for acid reflux, and it should be avoided. That means that any herbal teas that you try must be caffeine-free. Though you can get decaffeinated coffee to drink, even that is known to aggravate GERD and should be avoided. This makes decaffeinated herbal teas the best choice when you seek a hot and soothing drink. Some of them might even help with some of your symptoms of acid reflux.

Many suggest that ginger can help sooth acid reflux symptoms, and if you can find it in a tea, a cup after a meal might help your stomach settle down for the night. You can mix peppermint with aniseed and lavender for a great tasting and soothing blend. You should boil a few cups of water and a teaspoon of your herbal mix, then drain the herbs after sitting for about ten minutes. If you boil this tea and want to have it sweetened, you might try honey instead of sugar or artificial sweetener.

Chicory Root can also be used to make a great herbal tea. You boil a few cups of this and then let sit for a while. You can then drink the tea with honey if you wish. Marshmallow tea might also help. This is not tea made from the marshmallows in your cupboard as the name might suggest, but from a root by the same name. This is known to soothe the digestive system. Another popular type of tea is Chamomile. This is also known to help soothe the symptoms of acid reflux.

You can make many of these on your own, but you can also find them in natural food stores or special sections of your grocery store. Any of these teas might help you feel better, but you won?t know until you try them. However, it is important that you talk with your doctor before you try them, as some can have side effects that you need to know about, and they might also mix badly with any prescription drugs that you might be taking for your acid reflux or for any other reason. You usually will not have any problems with this type of home remedy for acid reflux, but you don?t want to take a chance with your health.

Grab your free copy of Kathryn Whittaker's brand new Acid Reflux & GERD Newsletter - Overflowing with easy to implement methods to help you discover more about acid reflux disease diet

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