Kill Acid Reflux

Friday, February 20, 2009

Five Common Acid Reflux Prescription Medications

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Most medications for heartburn only need to be taken for a short amount of time to help with the damage to the esophagus. Discovering the right acid reflux prescription medications can often be easy, and your body can begin healing the damage at once.

Other times, you might have to try a few if you suffer from drug interactions or unwanted side effects. It shouldn?t be too hard to find a medication that works however, and here are five very common medications that you might be given for relief.

Prilosec (generic name- omeprazole): This drug is something that helps to stop acid production in the stomach. It is called a PPI drug, which stands for proton pump inhibitor. When the acid is suppressed for a period of time, the damage associated with acid reflux can heal while lessening the pain and flare ups. This drug claims to heal damage within two months and is given in pill form.

Nexium (generic name- esomeprazole): This is another PPI drug, and can also encourage healing of damaged tissues caused by GERD (or acid reflux). This most commonly comes in the form of a pill, but there are intravenous doses for those who might need them for one reason or another. The pill is ingested whole at least an hour before meals.

Prevacid (generic name- lansoprazole): Prevacid is another proton pump inhibitor drug that can be taken to control acid and promote healing. These come as tablets that are swallowed. It can also come as a dissolvable tab that can be put under the tongue.

Protonix (generic name- pantoprazole): Protonix is one of the lesser known PPI drugs, but it can be just as effective as the others. Not only can it help with reflux, it can also be prescribed to help clear up ulcers. This one can be taken in whole pill form about thirty minutes before a meal is eaten, and can be taken for up to sixty days.

Tagamet (generic name- cimetidine): You may think that is strictly an over-the-counter medication, but there is a stronger form available by prescription only. The stronger pill is normally used when damage has occurred to the tissues of the esophagus that needs time to heal. This type lessens acid production, but does so differently. This is known as a histamine blocker. Histamines can stimulate the acid production in the stomach leading to reflux.

It is important to note that none of the above medications are safe for pregnant or lactating mothers.

You should let your doctor know if you are on any other types of medicines before you start any of these acid reflux prescription medications. There is always a chance that two different drugs might interact with harmful results.

You normally should only have to take these acid reflux prescription medications for up to two months at a time, though your doctor should determine the time and dosages. What they want you to take will depend on how badly damaged your tissues are, and how frequently you have problems with heartburn symptoms.

By Kathryn Whittaker. Sign up for a free newsletter that has proven methods for tackling Acid Reflux, Heartburn and GERD head-on and discover more about heartburn.

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