Kill Acid Reflux

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Is This A Symptom of Acid Reflux?

Get Rid of Your Heartburn and Acid Reflux INSTANTLY. Click Here To Know How


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We have all experienced it at one time or another. That burning, bloated feeling that accompanies a big meal. It is usually relieved by loosening your belt, or the top button of your pants. These symptoms are caused by indigestion. Certain foods can irritate the lining of your digestive track, and cause indigestion. It is not a frequent occurrence.

Sometimes that burning sensation creeps up behind your breastbone, accompanied by bloating, gas, nausea and a sour taste in the back of your throat. These are all symptoms of heartburn.

Any of these symptoms of acid reflux can occur individually, or all together. It is caused by the hydrochloric acid that your stomach uses to digest your food, backs up into your esophagus. When it happens occasionally, it is called heartburn. If it turns into a frequent occurrence, it is called a symptom of acid reflux.

When you swallow, your food passes through your esophagus, into your stomach. There is a muscle at the bottom of your esophagus that lets the food pass through, and then closes to prevent anything from escaping back up. This muscle can become weak for a variety of reasons, such as pregnancy, being overweight, stress, or as a natural event of ageing.

It also frequently happens in newborns. The muscle is not strong enough to seal the stomach. It is often called colic in babies, and they frequently outgrow the problem.

One study found that 57% of acid reflux sufferers also had a hiatal hernia that allowed the stomach acid to splash back into the esophagus, causing irritation and tissue damage.

If stomach acid makes it's way back into your lungs, it will cause you to be short of breath, and to suffer from asthma like symptoms. Repeated irritation of the lining of the esophagus will cause scarring and cell changes that can lead to cancer.

If you suffer from any symptom of acid reflux, or take antacids more than three times a week, it is time to contact your health care practitioner. Several good solutions to acid reflux can provide relief and prevent complications.

Gerri Stone publishes information to help you find Relief from acid reflux at

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