Kill Acid Reflux

Monday, January 28, 2008

Understanding the Worst Acid Reflux symptoms One Can Get

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Acid reflux is an annoying condition as it gives one constant pain and discomfort. But it is amazing how some people can endure the pain and let the condition itself get worse, without seeking any medical attention. Here, let us look at the worst acid reflux symptom one can finally get. Well, hopefully after reading this, no one will ever neglect their health and allow their body to deteriorate till such serious stage.

If one do not go for medical attention, they would experience esophageal acid exposure. It is typically more frequent during the day than at night, and always the case after meals. So those who are working will have trouble concentrating while having constant pain during working hour. Irritation and injury of esophageal tissue can take place right after a meal as the acid is released from stomach for digestion. The stomach acid will flow upwards and splash onto the esophagus as the esophageal sphincter relax. One will definitely lose appetite as the thought of pain after a meal will cause one to lose any mood for food.

Worst still, heartburn tends to rear its ugly head at night. During bedtime as you lie down to sleep, you shift the stomach to a sideways position, opening up the esophageal sphincter and allow all the food in the stomach to flow back out. Obviously, this will cause sleeplessness and unease, causing one to lose sleep and wake up the next day with a tired spirit.

So what can you do about it? First, I would advise that if you smoke, it is time to quit smoking. Tobacco inhibits saliva, which is essential to help coat and protect the esophagus. Tobacco also stimulates stomach acid production which is definitely undesirable, and it also makes the esophageal sphincter weak, causing acid to splash up and irritate the esophagus.

Hence the key to relief of acid reflux is to suppress the stomach acid and keep it from irritating the esophageal tissue. So when you have any acid reflux symptoms, do seek medical help soonest possible. Acid reflux is usually treated with combination of diet and lifestyle changes, over the counter medications, or in more serious cases, surgery.

Acid reflux can affect our life and cause a lot of problems in health and in our daily life. So start seeking help before you get the worst acid reflux symptoms.

Click for more top and latest info on acid reflux symptoms

Christopher Wen is the webmaster for greenHealth information site where he provides articles, news, and remedies to current health issues we faced in our everyday life. Check out his blog at

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