Kill Acid Reflux

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Acid Reflux Syndrome Testing

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Severe or prolonged acid reflux heartburn symptoms that do not respond to natural remedies need to be addressed by your physician. This should be done well before complications arise as a result of a more serious condition. Remember you can ignore acid reflux heartburn for a short time but the symptoms will not go away without treatment. You need to take action and get help now.

First You need to contact your family physician. A correct diagnosis of your condition will lead your doctor to prescribe medications that will assist you in curing your acid relux heartburn. Occassionally he may also prescribe additional test. Commonly an EMS or esophageal motility study will be performed. The test will allow the doctor to closely examine the function of the valve between the stomach and the esophagus.

During the test the doctor or physicians assistant will run a catheter into the nose, guiding it down the esophagus and into the stomach. Also during the test you will told to take deep breaths as well as drink small amounts of water. The catheter will be withdrawn slowly and pressure readings will be taken during this process. It is critical to measure the ability fo the sphincter valve to function correctly. Only then can your acid reflux heartburn condtition be addressed.

Depending on the individual the motility test can be frightening and uncomfortable. It is seldom painful and the key is to remain as relaxed as possible. A small amount of gagging or coughing is normal during the initial phase of the test. Normally the test is completed in less than a hour and after a short period of recovery many people return to work or home. You may suffer from a slight sore throat for a short time but this is usually gone within 24 hours.

Now days this process is frequently done using a small fiber optic cable attached to a camera or monitor. This has special advantages in that it can also observe damage to the esophagus and sphincter caused by acid reflux. It also can detect other problems associated with esophagus like GERD, cancer or possible hernia.

Remember not contacting your physician about your severe acid reflux problem may lead to a more serious condition. Simple outpatient testing may be required to get a good diagnosis of your problem. Most of the time you can cure your acid reflux by using natural remedies in conjunction with changes in your lifestyle. If you continue to have serious symptoms you need to get help. There is no reason to suffer from the pain of acid reflux heartburn.

James A. Kesel, MS Acid Reflux Syndrome Testing,

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Help Information About Acid Reflux in Infants

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Many adults think that acid reflux in infants is absurd but it does occur. If you are a parent, then you would like to know if your baby has the disorder. Of course, you will also be interested to know how to treat this condition. Let me give you some information that can help you identify the symptoms and some approaches you can take to treat acid reflux in infants.

Vomiting is one of the common symptoms of this disorder. Now, you have to take note that this is different from the common spit-up that parents face on a daily basis. Babies that have acid reflux in infants may suffer from excessive vomiting that reoccurs through the day and through the night as well. It would be a good idea to seek medical attention if your baby throws up significantly throughout the course of the day.

The other symptoms of this disorder are subtle and may be difficult to recognize. For instance, a baby may have acid reflux disease if that infant is suffering from a cough that does not seem to go away and has difficulty breathing. Heartburn and abdominal pain are symptoms that are difficult to detect simply because the baby can?t tell you what specifically is wrong.

Gas and stomach discomfort are also signs of acid reflux in infants. These symptoms usually go with fussiness and crying, especially during and right after feedings. A baby that is suffering from this disorder may also have difficulty eating. These more subtle symptoms resemble colic and it is important to note that the two conditions may be related in some cases. Colic and acid reflux in infants often go hand in hand.

Let us proceed with the treatment of acid reflux in infants. Babies usually outgrow the condition but it is crucial that you consult his pediatrician if you believe that your baby has acid reflux. You can also try to reduce the symptoms while you are waiting for your appointment.

The first thing that you may try is to elevate the baby?s head. It is important to keep the baby?s head elevated since the problem with the condition is that that the contents in the stomach come up into the esophagus. Hold the baby upright for about 30 minutes after each feeding to make sure that his stomach has settled completely. Of course, you don?t want to pile pillows under your baby?s little head. You can purchase raisers that can be put under the mattress in the crib or right in the bassinette. You can easily install these inexpensive items.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning Acid Reflux in Infants. Visit our site for more helpful information about Natural Medicine For Acid Reflux and other similar topics.

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Monday, April 7, 2008

Acid Reflux Disease, Potential Treatments and Solutions

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Life style modification: the only real, safe and legitimate way to decrease the symptoms and safely cure your acid reflux. Changing your diet, your habits, and getting in better shape will certainly have a positive effect on the burning sensation in your throat created from stomach acid re-entering the esophagus. Everything from coffee to spinach may cause acid reflux, though it differs from person-to-person.

As a general rule, coffee and alcohol are the worst contributors for causing acid reflux, followed closely by pops such as Coke and Pepsi, or any acidic, sugary substance. Elimination of these from your diet should have a dramatic effect on the reduction of the acid reflux symptoms.

Other major dietary contributors to your ailment are chocolates, mints, high-fat foods, cigarette smoke, spicy or acidic foods, onions, cabbage, broccoli and spinach. Milk, and other high-calcium products are large contributors as well.

Another type of "all-natural" "self-implemented" therapy is known as positional therapy. If your acid reflux is occuring in a sleeping-situation, positioning of the head slightly higher than the rest of the body, or tilted at a more sitting-like angle has been seen to give ~90% of patients complete relief, and the remainder at least partial relief.

If dietary changes are out of the question, and the positional changes are not helping or don't apply, antacids and gastric H2 receptor blockers are both effective in about 60% of patients. Finally, "Nissen fundoplication" - the wrapping of the upper part of the stomach to strengthen it - is effective in all those treated, however, surgery is out of the question for the majority

Adam X. Knife is the author of, the site covering everything from acid reflux symptoms to the general definition of acid reflux disease.

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