Kill Acid Reflux

Monday, April 7, 2008

Acid Reflux Disease, Potential Treatments and Solutions

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Life style modification: the only real, safe and legitimate way to decrease the symptoms and safely cure your acid reflux. Changing your diet, your habits, and getting in better shape will certainly have a positive effect on the burning sensation in your throat created from stomach acid re-entering the esophagus. Everything from coffee to spinach may cause acid reflux, though it differs from person-to-person.

As a general rule, coffee and alcohol are the worst contributors for causing acid reflux, followed closely by pops such as Coke and Pepsi, or any acidic, sugary substance. Elimination of these from your diet should have a dramatic effect on the reduction of the acid reflux symptoms.

Other major dietary contributors to your ailment are chocolates, mints, high-fat foods, cigarette smoke, spicy or acidic foods, onions, cabbage, broccoli and spinach. Milk, and other high-calcium products are large contributors as well.

Another type of "all-natural" "self-implemented" therapy is known as positional therapy. If your acid reflux is occuring in a sleeping-situation, positioning of the head slightly higher than the rest of the body, or tilted at a more sitting-like angle has been seen to give ~90% of patients complete relief, and the remainder at least partial relief.

If dietary changes are out of the question, and the positional changes are not helping or don't apply, antacids and gastric H2 receptor blockers are both effective in about 60% of patients. Finally, "Nissen fundoplication" - the wrapping of the upper part of the stomach to strengthen it - is effective in all those treated, however, surgery is out of the question for the majority

Adam X. Knife is the author of, the site covering everything from acid reflux symptoms to the general definition of acid reflux disease.

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