Kill Acid Reflux

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Identifying The Causes Of Acid Reflux

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If you experience some acid reflux disease symptoms and suspect that you might be suffering from acid reflux disease, also known as GERD, it is important that you make a trip to your doctor for a diagnosis. Acid reflux causes pain and inflammation in the lower part of the esophagus.

There are a number a possible contributing causes of acid reflux disease, although doctors are still not sure what the original cause might be. Some argue a recent increase in those suffering from acid reflux is due to our modern sedentary lifestyle, and (at least in America), a diet high in fat, sugar and caffeine, all of which are believed to worsen the condition. Acid reflux is generally believed to result from the contents of the stomach washing up into the esophagus. Strong stomach acids, necessary for proper digestion, cause intense pain and burning, and when acid reflux is left untreated, can cause tissue damage.

It has also been found that people with asthma and diabetes have a higher incidence of acid reflux disease. Peptic ulcers and an insufficiency of digestive enzymes in the stomach can also be conditions that cause stomach acids to build up and back up. In prone individuals, greasy food and certain food items like chocolate and peppermint can also relax the LES and increase the chances of reflux.

Most times during acid reflux, the materials from the stomach remain in the lower part of the esophagus, where they can cause heartburn and nausea. There are many possible acid reflux disease symptoms that a general practitioner will check for, since the signs can vary from person to person. It should be noted that these acid reflux symptoms do not occur every meal or even every day.

Acid reflux treatment can vary from person to person once it is diagnosed. Some people, regardless of how it makes sense, will decide to create a home remedy for acid reflux. Some doctors will recommend staying away from caffeine, alcohol and smoking. Other things to avoid or limit if acid reflux is diagnosed are overeating, alcohol, coffee and smoking.

The important factor is in getting into the physician to have your acid reflux disease symptoms checked before the problem gets worse and damage occurs. Although there are many causes of acid reflux disease, there are also many treatment possibilities to keep the symptoms at bay. The good news for acid reflux sufferers is that the disease can be diagnosed and treated fairly efficiently and easily in most cases.

Gloria Fanz is an expert writer. For more information on acid reflux causes, visit acid reflux cure.


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