Kill Acid Reflux

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Acid Reflux Diet - Lifestyle Change From Greasy to Healthy

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After a person has been diagnosed as having acid reflux, they will need to change their diet. This can be difficult for some, but not for others. It depends on what a person's current diet is and then finding ways to alter it to fit into their lifestyle. Once a person has been diagnosed, they should look for a few cookbooks for those who suffer from acid reflux. Filled with lists of acceptable and unacceptable food as well as recipes, a person can begin to add other food to their diet and remove ones that aggravate.

Foods that are greasy or contain too much daily should be avoided. These foods can cause the acid reflux to return. Too much red meat is also discouraged. For those who enjoy drinking wine or other alcoholic beverages, they should try to drink them in moderation as alcohol can have adverse effects on a person who has acid reflux. Fast foods, such as hamburgers, French-fries, and chicken nuggets should also be avoided. While this seems like a lot of food that one would miss, once a person discovers new recipes, they will learn how to prepare food in different ways. It is not only about avoiding certain foods; it is about how they are prepared as well.

This does not mean that all recommended foods should be avoided. This will depend on the person's stomach and the kinds of food that bother them. Experimentation is the only way to really tell. Nevertheless, for the most part, this list is a good reference guide especially when eating in a restaurant and not at home. Some food that are on the to be avoided list may be acceptable as long as they are prepared another way. Deep frying most foods will not work for someone who has acid reflux. However, baking these foods instead may be better. A person will have to experiment when preparing these foods as well.

Ask the doctor for a list of foods that are to be avoided and a list of foods that are good for those with acid reflux. Eating more vegetables and fruit that is not acidic is actually better for those who have acid reflux. Also, ask which beverages should be avoided as well. The more a person knows about the kinds of food they should be eating, they better off they will be. At first, a person will miss eating whatever they feel like. However, after a while they will begin enjoying better quality food and will no longer want greasy fast food. They may even develop a fondness for cooking like they never had before. Preparing good food will also make a person healthier in the long term. It is better to miss certain foods than have to go through an acid reflux episode. Acid reflux can always reappear. Eating a healthy diet will help keep the episodes to a minimum and help a person live a long life.

Jill Seimer offers tips for a healthy lifestyle She recently discussed natural medicine for acid reflux with her views on natural cures for acid reflux.


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