Kill Acid Reflux

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Help with Acid Reflux

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There are antacids that can be bought over the counter. Prescription medications to reduce acid production in the stomach can be prescribed by a physician. Acid reflux also known as gastro-esophageal reflux, occurs when stomach contents churn and rise up into the esophagus, the tube connecting the stomach with the mouth. In some cases, the stomach contents rise up all the way into the mouth, only to be swallowed again.

The pain and discomfort felt by person suffering from heartburn is caused by the reflux of acid contents from the stomach to the esophagus. We all hope that our reflux problems are no more than a minor problem associated with too much food or alcohol, but there is always the underlying danger of stomach cancer.

Most reflux attacks occur during the daytime, but during the day the top halves of our body are upright meaning that the reflux automatically flows back down to the stomach and any problems are prevented.

Some regurgitation of acid and/or foods may be present. There are supposed to be foods that cure acid reflux, but all people may not be affected the same way. So with foods there is probably not a simple cure all.

Losing weight, avoiding coffee, alcohol, spicy foods may be necessary for long-term control of acid reflux symptoms and treatment of the condition. But at the same time, there may be some foods that do this that you are not even aware of.

Here are my top 3 acid reflux foods to avoid. There are foods to avoid for acid reflux, and food to enjoy too. Try to exclude caffeine, spices, fatty foods and citrus fruits from your diet and restrict the consumption of alcohol.

Try to replace synthetic medications with natural cures for acid reflux and introduce healthy, carbohydrate rich foods in your diet (rice, bread, pasta). Due to the fact that excessive production of stomach digestive fluids aggravates the condition, an appropriate acid reflux diet should contain only foods that don?t add to the stomach?s acidity.

Overeating Avoid Eating foods which contain high acid content. If you tend to feel bloated after eating only a small amount of food, an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy is an option for ruling out cancer that may be lurking. A person should monitor their eating habits and record each time they have acid reflux.

Chewing gum and eating hard sweets cause excessive air to be swallowed, thus causing wind and reflux. In adults, acid reflux can also manifest itself as heartburn after eating spicy food. Everyone is different; therefore people have to approach eating in different ways.

These symptoms get worse when you lie down right after eating a meal. If any of the above tests do diagnose the presence of GERD then doctors normally first suggest a change in lifestyle as many cases of acid reflux are caused by poor diet, stress and poor eating habits. Hence in order to lose weight effectively, you need to avoid eating too much fatty food and plan a healthy acid reflux diet that is low in fat content.

Article by William Dittman editor at

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