Kill Acid Reflux

Friday, May 30, 2008

Acid Reflux and Heartburn - The Symptoms of Pain

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Everyone from infants to elderly people can suffer from acid reflux. It happens when stomach acid is refluxed or regurgitated back into the esophagus. There are many possible causes. An above normal level of acid in the stomach can be as a result of an ulcer. Eating too fast can cause undigested foods to clog up and cause acid to be refluxed. Acid reflux can also occur if a person does any exercise too soon after eating. In fact, there are five major symptoms that you should look for if you think you suffer from acid reflux. If these symptoms worsen or your ability to function is compromised for long time periods then you should see a doctor.

Symptom number one is a sensation of burning in the area in front of the lungs and heart. The onset can happen within minutes after eating or even during eating. This is the most uncomfortable and severe of the symptoms. Unfortunately, people mistake this for a heart attack. The best solution is to take an antacid and try to lie down for three minutes. Usually, when you feel more comfortable the symptom will simply disappear. Another remedy is to drink water, which will lubricate the digestive tract, and help jammed food go down.

Symptom number two is persistent daily burping and coughing. This can indicate that there is excessive gas in the stomach. The movement of stomach gas can also force acid back out. The coughing is a result of stomach acid getting near the lungs. However, if the cough continues for two weeks or more without any other cold like symptoms then you should see a doctor.

A long period of voice loss is the number three symptom. If you are coughing continuously, you do risk losing your voice because the throat becomes dry. Acid reflux can give a person the impression they are getting a cold, but this is deceptive. A doctor can only make a diagnosis based on keeping a watch on the cough, any throat dryness, and any other symptoms for a week's time. If the symptoms and the cough have disappeared at the end of this then it probably was a cold. If it is acid reflux, the symptoms will reoccur or may continue for an indefinite period.

Symptom number four is a sour taste inside the mouth. This can go on for a few months and needs to be assessed by a doctor.

Symptom number five is a hoarse voice, usually as a result of the persistent cough. Though this may also be another symptom of the common cold, a combination of them needs a visit to the doctor. There are a few tests the doctor can do to properly diagnose acid reflux. Then and only then will the doctor prescribe medication to control your acid reflux.

Jill Seimer shares tips for a healthy lifestyle at She recently reported on acid reflux natural cures with her views on alternative remedies for acid reflux.

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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Acid Reflux - Indigestion at its Worst

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You may be suffering acid reflux disease if you are feeling a burning feeling coming from your stomach, into your lungs and finally into your throat. You are not alone. It affects many millions of people every year. There is no cure, but simple changes in diet, more exercise and the use of medication can ease symptoms. Basically, acid reflux occurs when your stomach produces above normal levels of stomach acids. The acid escapes your stomach and goes to your lungs. When this happens you can get very ill. People with acid reflux are also at risk of heart attacks. Stomach acid can damage your arteries and impede your blood flow. Immediate treatment is a priority.

When you eat too much too fast or eat far too much fatty food, you can get indigestion. Therefore, you have to suffer about three hours before the discomfort begins to subside. An acid reflux sufferer can wait days before the condition subsides. If you have acid reflux more than three times you should seek medical advice. Your doctor will give you medication and get you to change your diet to help avoid recurrences. Unfortunately this is easier to suggest and harder to practice for some. This is especially hard for those who eat large amounts of not so healthy foods.

Most people thoroughly enjoy munching on fast food. An acid reflux sufferer may be unable to enjoy these pleasures unless they can find fatty free foods. Grease ridden foods can quite easily trigger this condition. For some, it is hell and for others, it is just a minor discomfort. If you have acid reflux you should create a food diary, noting the good and bad reactions each one gives you. In a few weeks, you will have a better view of what you can eat and what you cannot. Sometimes you can, with your doctor's help, regulate your acid reflux with medication. However, in some cases, medications are simply not enough, but for others it makes the difference between a suffering free life and a life of discomfort. Some medicines reduce acid production; others close ulcers and sores within the stomach that can cause increased acid production. The other benefit to acid reflux is that the medication can reduce the pain suffered. However, you should be sure that any medications you take that you are not allergic to it. You must tell your doctor of all known allergies that you have so they can prescribe a safe one just for you.

Sadly, acid reflux is a condition that you may have to try to live with. In time, you may be able to control the recurrences. If you combine healthy eating and the right medicines, you will be able to not only enjoy food again, but begin again to enjoy your life. Though establishing which foods are good and which are bad may take some time, once you do, you can make healthy meals and will be best able to pick out what to eat when dining out.

Jill Seimer shares tips for a healthy lifestyle at She recently discussed acid reflux natural cures with her views on alternative remedies for acid reflux.

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Acid Reflux - Is GERD a Hereditary Disease?

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The question of acid reflux being a hereditary condition has not been researched very often. However, specialists have concluded that genetically speaking the chances of getting this disease by inheritance may account for 50% of the sufferers. They have also concluded so far that the other 50% is due to diet.

Of all the digestive diseases in the world, acid reflux is considered to be the most common. It is estimated that nearly 1 in 5 people suffer from acid being regurgitated into the mouth and esophagus and/or heartburn. It is also known that a regular cycle of acid reflux occurrences gives people a higher risk of getting esophageal cancer.

In July 2003, scientists did studies with 2000 pairs of non-identical and identical twins, and found that 43% of the total who suffered frequent gastrointestinal symptoms and the chances of them developing acid reflux, were suffering or would suffer do to hereditary genetics. However, whether acid reflux is hereditary or not, there are other main causes. It is known that there are at a minimum of ten possible considerations.

Coffee, tea and other caffeinated beverages account for the first possible cause. These trigger problems by relaxing the digestive system and let the stomach's contents to regurgitate into the esophagus.

The second possibility is chocolate which contains known amounts of theobromine.

This can relax the esophageal sphincter, allowing stomach acid to spurt back into the esophagus.

Fatty and fried foods are another possible culprit. Such foods stay in the stomach a lot longer and reduce the speed of digestion. This causes over-filling of the stomach and the risk of food regurgitation.

Tomatoes and foods containing tomatoes can also cause acid reflux. Again, tomatoes and the like will relax the digestive system.

Alcohol helps to increase the amount of acid in the stomach. It also relaxes the digestive system, greatly increases the risks.

Another troublemaker is tobacco smoking. As cigarette chemicals enter the lungs and the blood, they also impede on the ability of the digestive system and esophagus to work properly.

Meal sizes are a critical factor. Too large a meal over fills the stomach and can prevent the esophageal sphincter (lower) from closing. Again, the chance of regurgitating food into the esophagus increases.

Citric juices and fruits can relax the lower esophagael sphincter. It can also add further acid to the stomach.

Food consumption in the few hours before going to bed is a definite trigger. Once you lie down with a full stomach the pressure is increased on the lower esophageal sphincter.

Finally, tight fitting clothes and belts can impede on digestion. Anything that puts pressure on the abdominal area will do the same to the stomach. This will force food out of the stomach and into the esophagus.

Jill Seimer offers tips for a healthy lifestyle at She recently discussed natural medicine for acid reflux with her views on natural cures for acid reflux.


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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Closer Look At Acid Reflux Disease.

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Generally known as ?heart burn?, acid reflux disease is a condition wherein the liquid content of the stomach refluxes into the esophagus. It can be both agonizing and annoying. But if you want to know the truth, the reflux of the stomach's liquid contents into the esophagus occurs in most normal individuals. Though, when heartburn becomes acid reflux disease or Gastro esophageal reflux disease, also referred to as GERD, it is s real problem. This is because with GERD, the acid is stronger and remains in the esophagus even longer causing more pain.

Many a times, you will experience this especially when you are upright, sitting straight, or standing and it occurs during the daytime. You body handles this reflux by the fluid flowing back down into your stomach. One tends to swallow more during the daytime as a result draining the acid back to where it belongs. Your salivary glands create saliva that also contains bicarbonate that acts to neutralize the acid your stomach has kicked up.

Though at night, you may experience a greater problem when acid reflux disease takes place that is because while sleeping, gravity does not work as well lying down, your constant swallowing stops, and the production of saliva is reduced.

For GERD, there are certain conditions that tend to make a person more prone to acid reflux disease. For instance, this can be a serious problem while you are pregnant. Elevated hormone levels of pregnancy probably cause reflux by lowering the pressure in that part of your body known as the lower esophageal sphincter. Moreover the growing baby puts more pressure on the abdomen. Both of these effects of pregnancy tend to increase the risk of GERD.

You will experience only minor symptoms if you?re acid reflux disease is a minor condition. This would include mainly heartburn, regurgitation, and nausea.

However for more complicated conditions, then one would need to watch out for the following symptoms:

Firstly the liquid that comes back into the esophagus damages the lining of the esophagus. The body in turn tries to protect itself from the acid reflux disease by 'inflaming' the esophagus. In many cases when trying to speed the healing process through the inflammation, the wall of the esophagus may form an ulcer. Thus an ulcer is a break in the lining of the esophagus wall. Then what happens is that there may be bleeding. In case the bleeding is very severe, patients might need a blood transfusion or even surgical treatment.

If your heartburn is severe or acute, or if it takes place very frequently, you need to see a doctor.

What can you do for yourself to alleviate the condition? You can try sleeping on a pillow at night that raises your chest up slightly so that gravity can bring the acid back down more easily. Many a times this condition regularly arises on a full stomach; hence one needs to eat earlier and eat less to keep the stomach from being too full. Cut down on the chocolate, peppermint, caffeinated drinks and alcohol. Lessen fatty foods and for sure, either cut down or quit smoking. Other foods may aggravate the conditions. Also pass up on both spicy or acid-containing foods, like citrus juices, carbonated beverages, and tomato juice.:

John Wellington provides readers with up-to-date commentaries, articles, and reviews for health, fitness as well as other related information.


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Monday, May 26, 2008

Are Painkillers Making Your Acid Reflux Worse?

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Regardless if you suffer from occasional acid reflux, GERD or Barrett?s Oesophagus, did you know that taking certain common painkillers can actually cause or make acid reflux worse?

Acid reflux that results from medication, whether it is over-the-counter (OTC) or prescription drugs, is often called acid drug reflux. The frequent and prolonged use of certain drugs such as aspirin can aggravate your stomach and lead to heartburn. In addition, it?s a fact that when used for a long period of time, these acid reflux inducing drugs cause damage and increase the risk of developing GERD.

The most common types of painkillers that cause acid reflux include, but are not limited to:

NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatroy drugs) ? NSAIDs are commonly used for pain relief and include common drugs that many people have in their household such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and naproxen (Aleve). NSAIDs are used to relieve headaches, body aches and pains, reduce fevers, and for people who have conditions involving inflammation such as arthritis.

Unfortunately, medical studies have revealed that NSAIDs are frequently the cause of peptic ulcers. It has also been found that they may cause GERD, as well as increase the severity of symptoms people with GERD experience. In fact, a three year study found that those who use NSAIDs were two times as likely to experience GERD symptoms compared to those who didn?t use NSAIDs at all.

That being said, understand that those who take NSAIDs on occasion to treat pain (IE a headache), are less likely to develop a case of acid reflux than those who take these drugs on a regular basis. Thus, due to the fact that NSAIDs is the most common treatment for those with rheumatoid arthritis, those who suffer from this condition are far more likely to be at risk for acid reflux and GERD.

Other Medications ? There are other drugs that can lead to GERD and make the disease worse. The following is a list of some of these drugs:

? Antibiotics

? Anticholinergics ? Drugs that are used to treat glaucoma, allergies and urinary tract disorders.

? Beta adrenergic agonists ? Medication prescribed for asthma and obstructive diseases of the lungs.

? Bisphosphonates ? treatment for osteoporosis

? Calcium channel blockers ? treatment for angina and high blood pressure

? Dopamine ? treatment for Parkinson?s disease

? Sedatives

? Supplements ? Potassium and Iron Pills

What can you do?

If you need to take any of the above mentioned medications to treat a chronic condition, or are taking other medication that you think may be causing you to experience acid reflux, talk to your doctor about alternatives.

Your doctor may be able to prescribe or recommend other non-NSAIDs pain medication you can take. Your doctor may also recommend that you take medication in combination with your painkillers to help neutralize the acid within your system. The following are two common types of medicines used to deal with acid problems.

1. Antacids ? Antacids are drugs in the form of tables or alkali liquids that are designed to neutralize acid. One dose usually provides the sufferer with fast relief of mild symptoms. Most antacids are sold OTC and include: Maalox, Pepto-Bismol, Rolaids and Alka-Seltzer. Some antacids can also be prescribed.

2. Acid-suppressing medicines ? There are two types of acid-suppressing medicines: Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) and Histamine Receptor Blockers (H2 antagonists). These drugs are designed to decrease and suppress the amount of acid production in the stomach. They are often used by those who have severe symptoms and are usually prescribed. Some PPIs include: esomeprazole, lansoprazole, and omeprazloe. Some H2 antagonists include: ranitidine, famotidine, climetidine.

Kathryn Whittaker has an interest in Acid Reflux. For further information on Acid Reflux please visit Acid Reflux or Acid Reflux Symptoms .

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Friday, May 23, 2008

How Your Posture Is Affecting Your Acid Reflux

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Although there are many types of antacids and other medications you can take to help relieve symptoms of acid reflux, did you also know that the right posture can have a positive impact on the way you digest food, thus preventing acid reflux from occurring?

That?s right, the postures you adopt while you ingest food and directly after you eat are important, because they can either make food digestion an easy or difficult process for your body. For instance, sitting in a hunched forward position while you eat, and lying down directly after a meal, places additional stress on the stomach and can promote indigestion or heartburn.

Furthermore, wearing anything tight around your waist (belts, tight pants, corset, etc.) while you?re eating, places pressure on your stomach. Taut clothing constricts your tummy from expanding and moving freely, which is a natural process during eating and digestion.

When you put excess pressure on your stomach, it takes longer for your stomach to digest food. The longer it takes for your stomach to digest food, the higher your chances of developing indigestion and/or acid reflux. Therefore, improving posture during and after meals may help or prevent symptoms of heartburn.

Proper posture that encourages good digestion

Sit down at meals - When you eat, you should be sitting down at a table. You should not eat standing, walking, lying down or while driving.

Sit up ? Don?t slouch or hunch over the table to eat your food. Sit close to the table and bring your utensil to your mouth, instead of your mouth to your utensil. To ensure proper posture while sitting follow these tips:

? Sit in a chair that provides your back with support (IE. High back, firm cushions, etc.)

? Keep you knees level with your hips and sit as far back in the chair as possible. To keep your knees level, your feet should be flat on the floor

Note: If your lower back bothers you when sitting, put a round cushion or towel between the chair and the small of your back to provide support.

Take your time and eat ? Don?t rush through your meal. Eating too fast also causes digestion problems. You need to allow your stomach the time to register the food ingested.

Don?t lie down ? Although you should allow your body to rest after you?ve eaten, make sure you are sitting or standing. Do not lie down as this slows digestion.

How can I improve my posture?

1. Exercise ? performing regular back and abdominal exercises (IE yoga, Pilates, etc) will strengthen muscles and help maintain good posture without causing you discomfort.

2. Firm mattress and sleeping position ? Sleep on a mattress that is firm and will provide your back with good support. Either sleep on your back and keep your legs straight or place a pillow under your knees, or if you sleep on your side, keep your legs slightly bent and make sure the top leg is straighter than the bottom leg. Do not sleep on your stomach.

3. Constant conscious awareness ? Always be aware of how you are sitting or standing. That way you can correct your posture if your body slips into its familiar bad habits.

Good posture improves your health and your overall appearance. When you stop slouching you?ll discover that not only will this aid in digestion, it will also help ease and prevent other problems that may occur that involve the neck, shoulders and back. Straightening and strengthening the muscles in your back does wonders for your wellbeing. Give it a try!

Kathryn Whittaker has an interest in Acid Reflux. For further information on Acid Reflux please visit Acid Reflux or Acid Reflux Symptoms .

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Thursday, May 22, 2008

GERD, Heartburn and Acid Reflux - Prescription Meds for Controlling Indigestion

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There is a multitude of prescription medicines available for treating acid reflux and the subsequent symptoms. Though no cure has yet been found, diet change, avoiding late night eating and using prescription medicines can minimize the number of episodes. All prescription drugs have to be prescribed to patients by a doctor after the doctor has made a diagnosis and knows what symptoms need to be treated. However, if the prescribed medicines do not help acid reflux symptoms, it is vital to seek further intervention by a doctor. Other causes or problems may be at work. In some cases, the symptoms may be because of GERD or an ulcer, and in certain cases may need corrective surgery. Once some medications have been tried, the doctor in charge will order a series of tests.

One such drug used to treat ulcers and acid reflux is called Rabeprazole. It comes in pill form and is taken daily for up to eight weeks. This will stop acid being regurgitated from the stomach. However, it does have side effects, as with all drugs. People can experience changes in sleep patterns, and the ability to work and other daily activities. Other side effects include stomachaches, headaches, lowered appetite and restlessness. In order to benefit from this drug it is essential to follow the daily prescription as designated by a doctor. Missing one dose does not mean that you should make it up later, just continue as directed. Taking an extra pill can result in very serious side effects.

Nexium is another useful acid reflux drug. It helps to treat ulcers and GERD, and similarly to Rabeprazole, must be taken exactly as prescribed, in a responsible fashion. Other helpful medications also include Protonix, Prilosec and Prevacid. These work by lowering the amount of stomach acid and thus reduce the occurrences of acid reflux. They should all be taken as directed by a doctor or according to the packages' instructions. Combining any of these drugs at the same time can be a serious health risk and should be avoided.

In people who suffer more than two times per week with acid reflux, the prescription medications can make life more bearable. All of them have to be taken under the strict supervision of a doctor. If you think you may be suffering from acid reflux then you should not take any medicine unless your doctor has prescribed it to you. If you take medicines without your doctor's recommendation then they may not help as the symptoms you are suffering may not be an indicator of acid reflux, but symptoms of other underlying diseases or illnesses. Only a doctor is qualified to diagnose acid reflux disease.

If you are just suffering from heartburn then there are various over the counter drugs available. These can be tried a couple of times before getting advice from a doctor. They may settle the symptoms suffered from acid reflux somewhat, but they are no substitute for a healthy diet and proper exercise. Therefore, in order to better manage acid reflux occurrences, it is essential for a sufferer to combine life changes with doctor's recommended drugs. Most importantly, only revert to prescription medicines when the suffering is something you can no longer cope with and you are in need of urgent relief.

Jill Seimer offers tips for a healthy lifestyle at She recently discussed natural medicine for acid reflux with her views on natural cures for acid reflux.

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

An Asthma Diet - Taking Control Of Your Asthma

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Asthma ? a respiratory disease that renders its victims breathless during an attack ? can be a terrifying affliction. In response to a specific allergen or other trigger, an asthmatic person?s airways will become inflamed and constricted so that normal breathing is significantly hindered.

Consequently, asthmatics are dependent on a number of medications to ease their symptoms and prevent attacks. But nothing does more for preventing asthma related symptoms then significantly limiting exposure to those allergens known to trigger symptoms.

For some these can be environmental triggers, seasonal components, or everyday exposures ? such as pet dander or dust ? that must be limited as much as possible. But some asthmatics are just as seriously affected by the foods that they eat. So in order to decrease their symptoms and chance of attacks they must adopt a strict asthma diet so that they can increase their chance at health.

An asthma diet is different for every asthma sufferer. While some people are highly aware of the foods to which they are allergic, others must keep careful and specific records of their eating so as to notice which foods seem to correlate to increased symptoms.

Some preservatives in food also trigger asthma. So as part of an asthma diet, ingredients of food products must be scrutinized. Once it is determined what specific foods ? or the preservatives included in them ? are the culprits then they can be avoided through the use of an asthma diet.

For those who wish to experiment with an asthma diet, a food journal can be quite helpful in determining your specific triggers. Keep it with you at all times so that you can keep careful track of what you are eating and how you are feeling. If a food allergy is your culprit, you should be able to notice a pattern very quickly. Then you can make lifestyle changes accordingly.

If you are unsure if food is the cause of your asthma, then you may want to consult your medical professional. Your doctor will be able to test for specific allergies so that you know for sure what to avoid. This combination of medical care and proactive self-advocacy in the form of an asthma diet can put you back in control of your asthma.

Asthma does not have to rule your life. An asthma diet is just one way in which you can put yourself in control of your day so that you can enjoy a healthy and symptom-free life.

For easy to understand, in depth information about asthma visit our ezGuide 2 asthma.

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Bad News; Once You Develop Acid Reflux Disease You Are Going to Have it For Life!

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Gastroesophogeal reflux disorder (GERD) or more commonly referred to as 'acid reflux' disease is a painful and common disorder in adults of all ages, particularly in people 40 and over. The disorder is caused by the juices of the stomach backing up into the esophagus, causing a burning sensation and sometimes damaging the lining of the esophagus itself. The burning sensation is also referred to as 'heart burn', since it is often felt in about the same place the heart rests in the chest cavity.

Many of the digestive enzymes of the stomach, such as pepsin, work best at an extremely low pH, or in other words a very acidic environment. It is for this reason that 'parietal' cells of the stomach lining produce and pump large quantities of the chemical hydrochloric acid into the stomach. Stomach fluids are therefore highly acidic, reaching pH's as low as 1, which is about ten times more acidic than common battery acid, and a million times more acidic than water. It is this acid that causes the discomfort and damage associated with acid reflux disease.

The disorder can develop for a number of reasons. There is a lot of evidence suggesting that a likelihood to develop the disease can be genetic. Also, any trauma or injury to the esophageal sphincter, the circular muscle responsible for keeping stomach fluids out of the esophagus, can lead to the disorder. Such injury can be caused by frequent vomiting, or by a hiatal hernia.

The bad news is that once you develop acid reflux disease, you are going to have it for life. The good news is there are a wide variety of excellent treatments for the disorder that are now available, some by prescription and some over the counter. There are also a number of measures people can take to reduce the symptoms of acid reflux in addition to the use of medication.

There are three basic medication types popularly used for acid reflux. The first and most famous being the 'antacids', which all use some kind of strong base such as calcium carbonate, or magnesium carbonate to neutralize the acid of the stomach. Though fast acting, these treatments only last a short period and are not recommended for use in treating reoccurring heart burn. Some examples of antacids include Tums, Rolaids, and Alka-Seltzer.

Like antacids, 'acid reducers' are available over the counter but they work by actually lowering the amount of acid produced by the stomach and are usually effective for a longer period of time. The more popular acid reducers include Zantac, and Pepcid AC.

Acid reducers are often enough to counter milder forms of acid reflux disorder, but more moderate forms of the disease may require a doctor prescribed 'proton pump inhibitor' (PPI). PPI's also function by lowering the amount of acid produced by the stomach, though by a different mechanism than acid reducers. For this reason they can be safely be used in conjunction with acid reducers. Some PPI's include Prilosec, Prevacid, and Aciphex. Prilosec has recently been made available over the counter, though its continued use should be only be done under the advice of a medical professional.

Muna wa Wanjiru is the Web Administrator and has been researching and reporting on Internet Marketing for years. For more information on Acid Refux visit his site at<</font>

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Monday, May 19, 2008

Heartburn - Common Symptom of GERD and Acid Reflux

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Gastro-esophageal reflux disease or GERD is what most people will refer to as acid reflux disease. It is a medical condition where the stomach's liquefied contents will travel back up the esophagus, sometimes into the throat. These contents contain seriously damaging levels of pepsin and stomach acid. In smaller cases, patients can suffer extreme damage to their esophagi.

Unfortunately, once you get gastro-esophageal reflux disease your will most likely suffer it for some time because it is a chronic problem. When the esophagus is damaged, it also becomes a seriously chronic problem. There are treatments available to improve the condition of the esophagus, but if stopped the original symptoms and suffering can return in as little as a few weeks. However, when your doctor diagnoses you with gastro-esophageal reflux disease or GERD, he or she will use five specific things to be sure.

One of the most common symptoms of acid reflux disease is heartburn. If your doctor suspects that your heartburn is due to acid reflux, then he or she will prescribe medicines that will reduce stomach acid production. Your doctor will then assume, should your condition stop because of the medication, that you were an acid reflux sufferer. The second diagnosis tool your doctor may recommend is endoscopy. Your doctor will get you to swallow a tube so he can view your esophagus internally. However, acid reflux sufferers usually have a perfectly normal looking one. So, this form of diagnosis is only good for people with long-term acid reflux and subsequently damaged esophagi. Note that this procedure may show other problems including an ulcer.

The next option is to have a biopsy. Usually your doctor will recommend this if they suspect esophagus cancer. However, it is also a good diagnostic tool for acid reflux, and can help the doctor see if there are any other causes.

The other option to diagnose acid reflux is for the doctor to examine your larynx and your throat. The doctor may find that your larynx or throat is inflamed, which can indicate acid reflux or other serious conditions.

The final diagnostic tool your doctor will use is to do an esophageal acid test, which is considered to be the best way to diagnose gastro-esophageal reflux disease. It is also considered to be not so intrusive. Basically, a tube is inserted through your nose and moved down your throat into your esophagus for up to twenty-four hours. A sensor at the end of the thin tube will measure the total acid that is refluxed during this time period.

Dependant on how serious your condition is, the condition you are suspected to be suffering, and the duration of time you have been suffering your symptoms, the doctor may use one or more of the tests. Your doctor may choose to do the tests in a specific order to help eliminate other causes for your acid reflux.

Jill Seimer shares healthly living advice at Recently she published an article on natural acid reflux cures from her experience on heartburn disorder symptoms.

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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Looking For Suggestions For Acid Reflux Treatment?

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Anyone who has suffered through acid reflux knows just how painful a condition it can be. Also known as GERD (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease), this annoying state occurs when acid in the stomach back up, or reflux, into your esophagus. The muscular tube that leads from your throat straight to your tummy is known as your esophagus. Usually during acid reflux, the materials from the stomach remain, which causes heartburn, and can cause nausea. If left untreated over time, it can lead to damage of the esophagus.

If you are experiencing acid reflux, you will find that the materials in your stomach will move back up your throat and into your mouth, with the acid causing a burning sensation in your throat. You may even find undigested pieces of food make its way back up.

What Causes Heartburn?

Normally blamed on a defective lower esophageal sphincter, there is treatment for acid reflux once you establish the causes. The esophageal sphincter can be found as a tough rim of muscle that surrounds the lower end of the esophagus. The sphincter contracts, which pushes your food into your stomach.

GERD occurs when the sphincter can not push the food into the stomach, either because it is not strong enough, or, it relaxes completely, resulting in allowing chemicals and food in the stomach to rush back into the esophagus.

Other potential reasons associated with acid reflux include a hiatal hernia and a "weak" or "slow" esophagus that doesn't contract strongly enough to move the food to the stomach in a timely manner.

How Is Acid Reflux Treated?

Before you speak to your doctor about what pills you can take to relieve acid reflux, you may want to consider a few lifestyle changes first. Eat smaller meals, lose some weight, quit drinking alcohol, quit smoking and remain active and awake for at least a couple of hours after meals. These are all sound suggestions whether you have acid reflux or not.

There are some over the counter drugs that can ease symptoms of heartburn such as Pepcid and Zantac. These Histamine Receptor Antagonists work by decreasing the amount of acid in your stomach. If you want to neutralize the acid, consider Mylanta and Tagamet.

A couple of quick points to consider:

- acid reflux cannot be cured, but it can be treated and managed if you modify your lifestyle, and with some medications designed to help remedy heartburn

- recent studies from the US Department of Health suggest that 7 million people in the US suffer from acid reflux

- while not being the main cause for acid reflux disease, spicy foods can in fact worsen symptoms associated with acid reflux disease in some people

Finally, if there is still no relief from acid reflux symptoms, doctors may prescribe proton pump inhibitors such as Nexium and Prevacid. These medicines prevent the release of acid into the stomach and intestines. Finally, promotility agents, such as Reglan, may be used to force the esophagus to empty more quickly and to speed digestion. If you are experiencing acid reflux, talk to your doctor to determine which treatment options are best for you.

Learn more about acid reflux symptoms, pregnancy symptoms and heartburn and natural medicine for acid reflux at

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Friday, May 16, 2008

Acid Reflux Cooking and The Family

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It is sometimes difficult to deal with indigestion and acid reflux, especially if you are the person having to cope with it. However, it can be equally as difficult for family members to cope with a chronic indigestion and acid reflux sufferer.

Sadly, the one thing every family will concur with is that cooking for an acid reflux sufferer is hard because they do not want to make them anything that might bother their stomach. This is most definitely a legitimate complaint. However, the sufferer must show understanding and empathy with the family members also.

Contrary to popular opinion, acid reflux sufferers are not deliberately complaining. They cannot help being fussy about what they eat because they want to be awkward. The fact is that acid reflux sufferers have to avoid certain foods. However, as a family member of someone who suffers from this condition, you should not adjust your own diet to suit the suffering person, but allow yourself to have what you enjoy, although they cannot.

As a family member, you can still have your favourite foods when you eat out, or simply just make something separate for the sufferer, while the rest of you eat normally. The acid reflux sufferer will not be offended, and you won't feel trapped by an illness that should not affect you.

A good strategy is to be supportive of the acid reflux sufferer. You should avoid treating them as if they are bad or different. However, it is hard to do.

Most families are caught between showing the sufferer that they are considering them and they require special food or other treatments. However, it is not necessary to make the sufferer assume guilt because they have special needs. In fact, this is critical when your sufferer is either a child or a teen. They did not choose to suffer from acid reflux or indigestion.

The only way to handle this is not by words, but actions. Try by preparing foods that everyone can eat. Research which foods can be eaten and which cannot. Keep their illness private - do not discuss it with people outside the family. Such actions leave the sufferer embarrassed and different. However, the sufferer should be allowed to talk freely when they need to, but not on your cue. Many people are very private about how they eat and the fact that they suffer from acid reflux or indigestion.

Obviously, it is hard to cope with a family member who suffers indigestion or acid reflux. Being supportive is critical. In the end, the support the sufferer receives will make all the difference in the world. They will feel happier, and live healthy and happy lives.

Natural is key for JIll Seimer as she shares healthly living at Recently she published an article on Natural cures for Acid Reflux from her experience on heartburn disorder symptoms.

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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Do You Suffer From Acid Reflux?

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If you suffer from persistent heartburn two or more days a week, you may have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Usually, if you suffer from heartburn 2 or more times per week for at least 12 weeks, there?s a good chance that your diagnosis would be GERD. Many suffer from an occasional bout with heartburn, but acid reflux disease, as a diagnosis, should only be made if the heartburn causes impediments to your lifestyle due to severe, chronic discomfort over prolonged periods of time.

Long-term or persistent heartburn should be evaluated by a doctor, as heartburn can imitate the symptoms of heart disease. An infant is most unlikely to be able to complain of heartburn or any symptoms of the disease. Simple things like changing the child's food, keeping him/her upright for some time, especially after eating, keeping a eye on the child for any sign of chest pain or heartburn and a host of others.

Antacids reduce the acidity of the stomach, thus ameliorating heartburn and other symptoms generated by acid reflux. Other symptoms of stomach cancer include burning heartburn or indigestion. The most common of all the symptoms is heartburn, which is something that we see widespread in the media, with advertising for various products that are meant to control heartburn.

The diet we are use to is destroying our body. Our body was not designed to break down this type of food. I believe it is a symptom of the quality of the food we eat today, our eating habits and the stressful times in which we live. Most people who go to fast food chains eat a burger with fries and a large soda. Stomach fluid helps break down the food we eat so that it can be digested.

When we get the munchies we grab a bag of Doritos and tear open the bag and scarf them, we eat them too fast, without chewing properly. I loved to eat a jalapeno burger loaded with chili and raw onions and jack cheese, but it has become my worst nightmare. One should try to eat four or five little meals each day.

In addition, try to eat more complex carbohydrates and fewer fatty foods. You should also eat more fiber and eat smaller meals so that your stomach does not become too full.

Avoiding a diet high in fatty foods and alcohol is very important and quitting smoking can also help decrease your symptoms. Try replacing fatty, deep-fried foods with healthier options, such as tasty summer salads and steamed vegetables. Try to avoid those foods which you know trigger acid reflux until you have healed your irritated esophagus.

The highest incidence of stomach cancer is in people who have a diet high in foods which are preserved by drying, salting, pickling or smoking. Some food materials are known to aggravate acid reflux, some of the foods include; citrus, caffeine, chocolate, fatty fried foods, garlic, and onions.

Have you ever wondered what really causes digestive problems? Acid reflux disease, or GERD, is a common compliant of the digestive system, often characterized by persistent burning or discomfort behind the breastbone. Nearly everyone has a digestive problem, but many people develop these diseases because of lifestyle, poor diet and lack of physical activity.

Author William Dittman editor of

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Is This Acid Reflux Or Heart Problems?

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The typical cause of heartburn or acid reflux is when acid from the stomach backs up into the esophagus. Indeed for most people, a proper eating habit may help fixing the heartburn problem. Though heartburn is the most common of the acid reflux disease symptoms, other signs may also manifest themselves.

Although heartburn usually goes away, the bad news is that it is usually a lifelong problem that will eventually return. Acid reflux symptoms can range from mild heartburn to pain that can feel like you're having a heart attack. If the heartburn comes back often and you wake up with acid refluxes you should see this as a warning signal.

Acid reflux symptoms can range from mild heartburn to pain so bad you think you may be having a heart attack. If, however, you have a simple case of acid reflux, there are some changes you can make to your lifestyle to help keep heartburn to a minimum or possible eliminating it all together. Smoking can also increase heartburn symptoms.

Worst still, heartburn tends to rear its ugly head at night. Painful, chronic persistent heartburn that lasts three or more months and occurs at least twice each and every week is often diagnosed as Acid Reflux Disease or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). Heartburn may be a problem during exercise.


Again, always consult a physician on treatment options whether you experience signs of acid reflux or possible heart related problems. Some people, however, fail to respond to treatment with PPIs and H2 blockers and their only option are more radical drugs known as promotility agents. For more information and in-depth analysis of the treatment of acid reflux, visit Acid Reflux Treatment.

Though there are a number of acid reflux symptoms, there are also a variety of effective treatment plans for this condition. There are various acid reflux symptoms and treatment plans. Heartburn, a sour or bitter taste in the mouth or back of the throat and difficulty swallowing are the most common acid reflux symptoms and treatment may include prescription and over the counter medications, dietary and lifestyle changes or botanical and herbal remedies.

It?s important to get treatment for a heart attack as soon as possible. It's important to get treatment for heart attack as soon as possible.

Author William Dittman editor at

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A Closer Look At Acid Reflux Disease

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Generally known as ?heart burn?, acid reflux disease is a condition wherein the liquid content of the stomach refluxes into the esophagus. It can be both agonizing and annoying. But if you want to know the truth, the reflux of the stomach's liquid contents into the esophagus occurs in most normal individuals. Though, when heartburn becomes acid reflux disease or Gastro esophageal reflux disease, also referred to as GERD, it is s real problem. This is because with GERD, the acid is stronger and remains in the esophagus even longer causing more pain.

Many a times, you will experience this especially when you are upright, sitting straight, or standing and it occurs during the daytime. You body handles this reflux by the fluid flowing back down into your stomach. One tends to swallow more during the daytime as a result draining the acid back to where it belongs. Your salivary glands create saliva that also contains bicarbonate that acts to neutralize the acid your stomach has kicked up. Though at night, you may experience a greater problem when acid reflux disease takes place that is because while sleeping, gravity does not work as well lying down, your constant swallowing stops, and the production of saliva is reduced.

For GERD, there are certain conditions that tend to make a person more prone to acid reflux disease. For instance, this can be a serious problem while you are pregnant. Elevated hormone levels of pregnancy probably cause reflux by lowering the pressure in that part of your body known as the lower esophageal sphincter. Moreover the growing baby puts more pressure on the abdomen. Both of these effects of pregnancy tend to increase the risk of GERD.

You will experience only minor symptoms if you?re acid reflux disease is a minor condition. This would include mainly heartburn, regurgitation, and nausea.

However for more complicated conditions, then one would need to watch out for the following symptoms:

Firstly the liquid that comes back into the esophagus damages the lining of the esophagus. The body in turn tries to protect itself from the acid reflux disease by 'inflaming' the esophagus. In many cases when trying to speed the healing process through the inflammation, the wall of the esophagus may form an ulcer. Thus an ulcer is a break in the lining of the esophagus wall. Then what happens is that there may be bleeding. In case the bleeding is very severe, patients might need a blood transfusion or even surgical treatment.

If your heartburn is severe or acute, or if it takes place very frequently, you need to see a doctor.

What can you do for yourself to alleviate the condition? You can try sleeping on a pillow at night that raises your chest up slightly so that gravity can bring the acid back down more easily. Many a times this condition regularly arises on a full stomach; hence one needs to eat earlier and eat less to keep the stomach from being too full. Cut down on the chocolate, peppermint, caffeinated drinks and alcohol. Lessen fatty foods and for sure, either cut down or quit smoking. Other foods may aggravate the conditions. Also pass up on both spicy or acid-containing foods, like citrus juices, carbonated beverages, and tomato juice.

John Wellington provides readers with up-to-date commentaries, articles, and reviews for health, fitness as well as other related information.

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Monday, May 12, 2008

Indigestion Heartburn - 5 Things to Help Your Indigestion and Acid Reflux

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Heartburn and indigestion is something we all get from time to time. Usually indigestion happens after eating a big meal, and it affects about 5 million American men. However, some of them will suffer problems that are more frequent. Luckily, there are many ways to prevent it and further improve the health of the digestive system - five specific ways.

Firstly, eating the right amount of fiber daily will lower the risk of indigestion. Unfortunately, most people consume fast and junk foods, not too mention lots of fatty foods and meat. These are a great way to worsen this condition. A fiber rich diet is not just good for digestion, but it can prevent heart disease, diabetes, coloctoral cancer, hemorrhoids and various other types of diseases. So adding whole grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables will help. However, should avoid gassy foods - baked beans, broccoli, cauliflower, baked beans and fizzy drinks. Drinking lots of water is a good digestive lubricant. Water can dissolve minerals, nutrients and vitamins, enabling absorption.

Secondly, how you chew is vitally important because it is a process that breaks up the food and tells the body to release enzymes for digestion. However, it is important to not overeat. Large portions will generate larger quantities of stomach acid because more is needed to digest your food. This will greatly increase the chances of suffering indigestion and heartburn.

Thirdly, exercise and avoidance of stress will also alleviate indigestion. This will improve your overall health and aid digestion. Insufficient exercise and being overweight can result in irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea and other stomach problems. Stress is another critical point that can aggravate digestion. It reduces abdominal blood flow and enzyme production, slowing down digestion. This will result in indigestion and heartburn.

Fourthly, overusing antacids is not a good way to resolve heartburn and indigestion. Acid reflux can result and indigestion will occur when foods backup in the esophagus. Many people immediately grab their medicines as soon as there is a hint of a problem. Most of the time these antacids do not work as well as they claim, and they will reduce the amount of acid needed for normal digestion if overused. This will greatly reduce the stomach's ability to digest the food and leave it vulnerable to infections.

Finally, another way to combat indigestion is to take digestive enzyme pills. These enzymes are sourced from plants. They help aid digestion and assist in the absorption of needed nutrients. A bad diet can reduce the amounts of these natural enzymes. However, these supplements are a great help in lowering the occurrences of sick stomachs and indigestion. Even healthy people can benefit from taking these natural pills.

Passionate about helping others Jill Seimer reports on healthy lifestyle at Recently publishing Acid Reflux in Children she shares her views on dealing with infant acid reflux.

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Sunday, May 11, 2008

GERD or Acid Reflux - Swallowing a Critical Process

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Esophageal contractions can be one of a few causes for gastroesophageal reflux disease or acid reflux. Most people are sadly under the impression that just high cholesterol or fatty foods are the problem, and thus eliminating these from your diet is the only solution to avoiding further suffering or the need for medication. However, there are certain life changing events that can also trigger it. There are people who produce above average amounts of stomach acid, and others who have a multiple of triggers, but generally there are four main ones, the esophageal contractions being the most important.

Swallowing is the most critical process when trying to avoid acid reflux or to simply just eat food and digest it. It may appear to be a fairly easy thing to do, but no two people are the same and everyone definitely does this differently. It is important because it designates how well one can have food pushed down the esophagus and down into the stomach. In other words, it will affect a person's ability to simply eat food and digest it. The swallowing process causes the top part of the esophagus to contract (peristalsis) in a ring like fashion. When the food gets to the lower part is has been carried to the stomach by a series of continuous wave of contractions.

Unfortunately, people who suffer from acid reflux have a flaw in their contraction ability, and acid that is generated is not flushed through their stomachs properly. As all sufferers know this can be a very uncomfortable and sometimes painful experience. The problem is that the overall pressure normally produced by swallowing is insufficient to keep the cycle going or there are simply not enough of them to get the food down to the stomach for digestion. This is not just a defect found in acid reflux suffers, but even those who get more serious reflux illnesses.

The nighttime is usually the worst for sufferers because when we sleep we lack the gravity needed to assist the process. This will further weaken any already weakened swallowing, preventing the acids from getting to the stomach. However, esophageal contractions are not present in all acid reflux sufferers, but is only usually found in the most serious cases. Ultimately, this means that the more you suffer with acid reflux, the better your chances are that you are also suffering from weakened esophageal contractions.

Jill Seimer reports on health issues at covering on healthy natural lifestyle. Recently she discussed Natural healing for Acid Reflux from her experience on acid reflux disorder symptoms.

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Friday, May 9, 2008

GERD Acid Reflux - Slow Digestion Medical Attention Best Way to Address the Condition

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Some things can cause the uncomfortable and sometimes painful gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or acid reflux, including emptying the stomach. Simply thinking that just high cholesterol and fatty foods are the only trigger is a mistake as there are other events that can be the root cause. Some people do produce abnormally high levels of stomach acid and others may have other underlying conditions, but generally speaking, there are four main triggers affecting the emptying process.

The majority of people suffer acid reflux shortly after finishing eating a meal. This condition can go on to cause further problems, even damage to the heart, lungs, vocal chords and esophagus. However, some of them simply have a slower digestive pattern whereby the stomach empties more slowly and allows for more stomach acid to be produced. Most of the time this is as a result of stomach distention from eating a huge meal. This can cause the lowest esophageal sphincter to relax and not close properly.

The longer the stomach emptying process goes on, which usually takes a long time, the chances of acid reflux increases and the length of suffering is extended. However, this particular cause is by no means common, only accounting for 20% of sufferers. The fact is that in the majority of cases there is not necessarily any clear-cut triggers or results or a sliding scale that can measure the trigger levels in all people across the board.

If you suffer from acid reflux and cannot identify the root cause then seeking, medical attention is the best way to address the condition. Acid reflux can be as a result of life experiences that may not be readily known about or may only be resolved with the use of certain medications. This is also true of other medical conditions, where simple home and grocery or drug stores remedies do not work. It is then that only prescription medication can help.

Jill Seimer shares healthy living at and reported on acid reflux disorder symptoms from her experience using on natural cures for acid reflux.

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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Help with Acid Reflux

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There are antacids that can be bought over the counter. Prescription medications to reduce acid production in the stomach can be prescribed by a physician. Acid reflux also known as gastro-esophageal reflux, occurs when stomach contents churn and rise up into the esophagus, the tube connecting the stomach with the mouth. In some cases, the stomach contents rise up all the way into the mouth, only to be swallowed again.

The pain and discomfort felt by person suffering from heartburn is caused by the reflux of acid contents from the stomach to the esophagus. We all hope that our reflux problems are no more than a minor problem associated with too much food or alcohol, but there is always the underlying danger of stomach cancer.

Most reflux attacks occur during the daytime, but during the day the top halves of our body are upright meaning that the reflux automatically flows back down to the stomach and any problems are prevented.

Some regurgitation of acid and/or foods may be present. There are supposed to be foods that cure acid reflux, but all people may not be affected the same way. So with foods there is probably not a simple cure all.

Losing weight, avoiding coffee, alcohol, spicy foods may be necessary for long-term control of acid reflux symptoms and treatment of the condition. But at the same time, there may be some foods that do this that you are not even aware of.

Here are my top 3 acid reflux foods to avoid. There are foods to avoid for acid reflux, and food to enjoy too. Try to exclude caffeine, spices, fatty foods and citrus fruits from your diet and restrict the consumption of alcohol.

Try to replace synthetic medications with natural cures for acid reflux and introduce healthy, carbohydrate rich foods in your diet (rice, bread, pasta). Due to the fact that excessive production of stomach digestive fluids aggravates the condition, an appropriate acid reflux diet should contain only foods that don?t add to the stomach?s acidity.

Overeating Avoid Eating foods which contain high acid content. If you tend to feel bloated after eating only a small amount of food, an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy is an option for ruling out cancer that may be lurking. A person should monitor their eating habits and record each time they have acid reflux.

Chewing gum and eating hard sweets cause excessive air to be swallowed, thus causing wind and reflux. In adults, acid reflux can also manifest itself as heartburn after eating spicy food. Everyone is different; therefore people have to approach eating in different ways.

These symptoms get worse when you lie down right after eating a meal. If any of the above tests do diagnose the presence of GERD then doctors normally first suggest a change in lifestyle as many cases of acid reflux are caused by poor diet, stress and poor eating habits. Hence in order to lose weight effectively, you need to avoid eating too much fatty food and plan a healthy acid reflux diet that is low in fat content.

Article by William Dittman editor at

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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Natural Cures for Chronic Indigestion and Acid Reflux

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Suffering from chronic indigestion can be tiring and frustrating, what with the constant need for medication, but there are other ways to remedy or control this condition. There are a few natural remedies that can assist in reducing the overall effects and help treat the symptoms of indigestion, heartburn and acid reflux. These contain no aluminum, which is commonly known to cause Alzheimer's and senility.

Other powerful alternatives include herbal, fruit and vegetable remedies, such as anise, peppermint, lavender, papaya, pineapples, chicory root, cinnamon, and dried grapefruit skin. Anise or aniseed has three varieties that are both healthy overall and will aid digestive illnesses - European, green and sweet. The other two varieties are of no use - caraway seeds and star anise.

Peppermint can help with all varieties of digestive conditions including gas, cramps, ulcers and other stomach problems. Lavender, a complete body healer, helps by reducing stomach acid levels. Papaya's papain (digestive enzyme) is well known for digesting proteins and can be consumed in quantities of 500mg at every meal. Pineapples also contain enzymes, including bromelain, another protein digester, which reduces inflammation resulting from indigestion and damage to the esophagus. The juice is especially good because of the high concentrations of the enzyme, but can be bought in tablet form, with doses ranging from 200mg to 500mg recommended for each meal.

Chicory root, and its close relatives, escarole and endive, can be boiled in quantities of half a cup for up to 10 minutes, cooled and then drunk as a tea. It is one of the oldest remedies and it is also recommended that it is added raw to your salads. Cinnamon, a known antiseptic, settles stomach acids and is a delicious addition to both savory and sweet meals.

Finally, grapefruit skin that has been grated and dried is a quick alternative to antacids and can be chewed on as a possible snack alternative whenever indigestion arises. The number of pieces required is dependent on the person and is based on simple experimentation to see how few are needed.

All in all the medically recommended alternative is to adjust a person's diet. Avoiding non-alkaline foods can greatly help in controlling, relieving and sometimes ridding a person of indigestion, heartburn and acid reflux. The most critical thing is to ensure that a salad is included on a daily basis as this will help clean out any trigger ingredients and help avoid repeated episodes of indigestion.

Jill Seimer shares tips for a healthy diet at She recently discussed natural medicine for acid reflux with her views on natural remedies for acid reflux.

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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Acid Reflux Diet - Lifestyle Change From Greasy to Healthy

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After a person has been diagnosed as having acid reflux, they will need to change their diet. This can be difficult for some, but not for others. It depends on what a person's current diet is and then finding ways to alter it to fit into their lifestyle. Once a person has been diagnosed, they should look for a few cookbooks for those who suffer from acid reflux. Filled with lists of acceptable and unacceptable food as well as recipes, a person can begin to add other food to their diet and remove ones that aggravate.

Foods that are greasy or contain too much daily should be avoided. These foods can cause the acid reflux to return. Too much red meat is also discouraged. For those who enjoy drinking wine or other alcoholic beverages, they should try to drink them in moderation as alcohol can have adverse effects on a person who has acid reflux. Fast foods, such as hamburgers, French-fries, and chicken nuggets should also be avoided. While this seems like a lot of food that one would miss, once a person discovers new recipes, they will learn how to prepare food in different ways. It is not only about avoiding certain foods; it is about how they are prepared as well.

This does not mean that all recommended foods should be avoided. This will depend on the person's stomach and the kinds of food that bother them. Experimentation is the only way to really tell. Nevertheless, for the most part, this list is a good reference guide especially when eating in a restaurant and not at home. Some food that are on the to be avoided list may be acceptable as long as they are prepared another way. Deep frying most foods will not work for someone who has acid reflux. However, baking these foods instead may be better. A person will have to experiment when preparing these foods as well.

Ask the doctor for a list of foods that are to be avoided and a list of foods that are good for those with acid reflux. Eating more vegetables and fruit that is not acidic is actually better for those who have acid reflux. Also, ask which beverages should be avoided as well. The more a person knows about the kinds of food they should be eating, they better off they will be. At first, a person will miss eating whatever they feel like. However, after a while they will begin enjoying better quality food and will no longer want greasy fast food. They may even develop a fondness for cooking like they never had before. Preparing good food will also make a person healthier in the long term. It is better to miss certain foods than have to go through an acid reflux episode. Acid reflux can always reappear. Eating a healthy diet will help keep the episodes to a minimum and help a person live a long life.

Jill Seimer offers tips for a healthy lifestyle She recently discussed natural medicine for acid reflux with her views on natural cures for acid reflux.


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Monday, May 5, 2008

Acid Reflux More Than Heartburn - Lose Your Voice

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Acid reflux can bring on what seems like a mild cold or the flu. People can experience a raspy cough, a sore throat, and possibly laryngitus. However, with a cold these symptoms can last about a few days or so, then disappear. Symptoms that remain for longer periods may be an indication of acid reflux. Other additional symptoms may include an upset stomach, burning sensations after eating highly acidic, greasy or fatty foods, and possible headaches. If this is the case then medical treatment needs to sought as further medical problems can develop that can cause permanent damage.

The sore throat results from acid traveling from the stomach into the esophagus and even the lungs. The acid mixes with the mouth's saliva, which contains digestive enzymes, and can cause voice loss. It can also result in a feeling of lack of breath or shortness of it because the condition hinders the amount of air getting into the area for speech. Then, the vocal chords become strained and damaged. The voice can become deep, thin or just a whisper.

What most people do not realize is that the damage from acid reflux can extend to the lungs and heart. The only way to combat this is to get medical help. The first step in healing is a diet change. Acidic foods like citric fruits and vegetables have to be avoided. Alcohol consumption will have to minimized to the occasional drink of wine. The result is time for the throat to heal and the reduction in the production of acid.

Damaged vocal chords are a more serious matter that may need surgery. Growths like little polyps can result in a raspy voice and pain during speech. Only with a proper medical examination can this be properly diagnosed. Note - it is important to get a doctor's immediate opinion if your vocal chords continue to hurt passed three days and your voice is getting no better. The critical thing is to do damage control before the situation worsens. The wait for surgery may be so long that the surgery may only cause further damage.

The condition of acid reflux is common. It can be resolved, but there is no known cure. Diet and medication can help. Damage to the voice does need medical intervention before permanent damage occurs. Remember that only your doctor is qualified to make the diagnosis and prescribe remedies that will help.

Jill Seimer shares tips on health at and reported on acid reflux disorder symptoms from her family experience with GERD.

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Sunday, May 4, 2008

Identifying The Causes Of Acid Reflux

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If you experience some acid reflux disease symptoms and suspect that you might be suffering from acid reflux disease, also known as GERD, it is important that you make a trip to your doctor for a diagnosis. Acid reflux causes pain and inflammation in the lower part of the esophagus.

There are a number a possible contributing causes of acid reflux disease, although doctors are still not sure what the original cause might be. Some argue a recent increase in those suffering from acid reflux is due to our modern sedentary lifestyle, and (at least in America), a diet high in fat, sugar and caffeine, all of which are believed to worsen the condition. Acid reflux is generally believed to result from the contents of the stomach washing up into the esophagus. Strong stomach acids, necessary for proper digestion, cause intense pain and burning, and when acid reflux is left untreated, can cause tissue damage.

It has also been found that people with asthma and diabetes have a higher incidence of acid reflux disease. Peptic ulcers and an insufficiency of digestive enzymes in the stomach can also be conditions that cause stomach acids to build up and back up. In prone individuals, greasy food and certain food items like chocolate and peppermint can also relax the LES and increase the chances of reflux.

Most times during acid reflux, the materials from the stomach remain in the lower part of the esophagus, where they can cause heartburn and nausea. There are many possible acid reflux disease symptoms that a general practitioner will check for, since the signs can vary from person to person. It should be noted that these acid reflux symptoms do not occur every meal or even every day.

Acid reflux treatment can vary from person to person once it is diagnosed. Some people, regardless of how it makes sense, will decide to create a home remedy for acid reflux. Some doctors will recommend staying away from caffeine, alcohol and smoking. Other things to avoid or limit if acid reflux is diagnosed are overeating, alcohol, coffee and smoking.

The important factor is in getting into the physician to have your acid reflux disease symptoms checked before the problem gets worse and damage occurs. Although there are many causes of acid reflux disease, there are also many treatment possibilities to keep the symptoms at bay. The good news for acid reflux sufferers is that the disease can be diagnosed and treated fairly efficiently and easily in most cases.

Gloria Fanz is an expert writer. For more information on acid reflux causes, visit acid reflux cure.


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Friday, May 2, 2008

Acid Reflux vs. Non-Acid Reflux

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Have you ever experienced a burning sensation in your chest, almost as if your heart is on fire? Have you ever felt a burning sensation in your throat followed by a foul taste in your mouth? If you have, then what you?ve experienced is acid reflux, commonly referred to as heartburn.

Acid reflux is a common condition that almost everyone experiences at least once during their lifetime. During digestion the stomach produces enzymes and acid to digest food. When the mixture of stomach acid and enzymes are refluxed into the oesophagus more frequently than they should, or for an extended period of time, acid reflux occurs. The most common symptom of acid reflux is a burning sensation behind the breast cavity.

A number of factors can contribute to acid reflux including: ? overweight ? excess pounds put pressure on your abdomen and can push your stomach up causing acid to reflux into the oesophagus

? Overeating ? Eating too much food can slow digestion.

? Posture and tight clothing ? Sitting hunched over while eating or wearing constricting clothing around your waist puts pressure on your stomach

? Foods ? many types of food trigger heartburn including: caffeine, fired or fatty foods, salty food, chocolate, excessive alcohol, garlic, peppermint, onion

? Smoking ? nicotine aggravates the stomach and oesophagus and inhibits saliva production.

? NSAIDs ? Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin and ibuprofen can aggravate the stomach.

Antacids and acid-suppressing medicines can help relieve and prevent acid reflux from occurring. There are many types of these drugs available for over-the-counter (OTC) purchase such as the antacids Rolaids and Pepto-Bismol, and acid-suppressers such as Pepcid AC.

Nevertheless, in rare cases, despite the medications an acid reflux sufferer is given to treat their symptoms, they continue to experience symptoms. Many medical researchers are beginning to believe that the ineffectiveness of the treatment may be due to the fact that those who are being treated for acid reflux are actually suffering from agents within the oesphagus that are not related to stomach acid. This condition is known as non-acid reflux.

What is non-acid reflux?

Non-acid reflux is when other potentially harmful agents (not stomach acid) are refluxed into the oesophagus such as bile. It has been discovered that non-acid reflux is defined as a reflux that has a greater pH level than 4. Unfortunately, not much is known about non-acid reflux, its symptoms, or the affects it has on the oesophagus.

It has been found that most cases of non-acid reflux occur after mealtime when the contents of the stomach are being neutralized, and the condition is more present in children than adults.

Medical researchers are still trying to figure out the exact cause of non-acid reflux. Currently new technology is being used that can accurately determine the presence of acid or non-acid in the oesophagus by measuring the Ph level.

If you believe you are suffering from acid reflux, but you find that OTC antacids are not relieving your symptoms, it is a good idea to seek the advice of your doctor. It is important for you to know what type of reflux you are experiencing so you can properly treat your condition. The reason is if you are suffering from non-acid reflux, taking an antacid will not cure your symptoms because this drug has been designed to neutralize acid - acid which would not be present in the case of non-acid reflux.

In addition, if you suffer from frequent episodes of acid reflux, you should still consult your doctor. It may be possible that your common condition has developed into a chronic disease known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Kathryn Whittaker has an interest in Acid Reflux. For further information on Acid Reflux please visit Acid Reflux or Acid Reflux Symptoms .

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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Natural remedy for acid reflux

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I'm going to show you some natural remedies for acid reflux or heart burn. A good natural remedy for acid reflux is something simple, something we can find in our kitchen cabinet or our fridge. Here are some natural remedies for acid reflux or Heartburn.

A good natural remedy for acid reflux could be to drink a whole glass of cold water. Also you can eat ginger or drink ginger tea. Gingerols and shogaols in ginger help to neutralize stomach acids, enhance the secretion of digestive juices, and tone the muscles of the digestive tract. Another -not so good tasting- remedy is to drink half teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. In some cases, milk or yogurt -on an empty stomach- will work to neutralize stomach acids.

Peppermint is said to be a natural remedy for acid reflux. Try with peppermint gum. Also the tea will help indigestion but does not contain enough menthol to cause heartburn. You can eat raw carrots, potatoes and apple. These are all acid neutralizers. Another good natural remedy for acid reflux is a tablespoon of distilled white vinegar. If you don't have access to any of these natural remedies, may be the following one could help you. It is the chewing gum. Gum chewing stimulates the production of saliva. And because saliva is alkaline, it can help neutralize the acid.

Did you find these tips on natural remedy for acid reflux useful? You can Receive a free acid reflux prevention mini course at or get all the information you need for a natural remedy acid reflux in this book

About the Author

Gustavo G. is the creator of where you can find many mini courses on different topics - in short, free instant education for you.

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