Kill Acid Reflux

Friday, February 29, 2008

Pain Management: Hiatal Hernia or Acid Reflux? - How to Cure Both

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Acid Reflux - Hiatal Hernia

The Hiatal Hernia - Acid Reflux has been called the "great mimic", because it mimics many disorders. A person with this condition can get such severe pains in their chest that they think they are having a heart attack. They may think they have an over acid stomach because they will regurgitate stomach acid after they eat, or their stomach may hurt so badly they will think they have an ulcer. This is just a sampling of the symptoms that may occur from this disorder.

We always recommend that you see a medical professional to make sure there is nothing seriously wrong.

What is a Hiatal Hernia?

When you swallow, your food passes down a long tube known as the esophagus into the stomach. This tube must pass through a muscle known as the diaphragm, which is located near the bottom of your rib cage.

This opening in the diaphragm, which permits the esophagus to pass through, is regulated by a sphincter muscle (or "valve"), which relaxes and opens, when we swallow, to permit the food to pass through the diaphragm and into the stomach. This sphincter or valve closes to prevent stomach acid from coming back up into the throat.

A hiatal hernia-acid reflux occurs when the top of the stomach rolls or slides up into this opening and becomes stuck there.

Naturally, when part of the stomach is forced up into the diaphragm the sphincter muscle cannot close properly.

Thus, stomach acid may travel back up into the esophagus causing burning sensations (heartburn), esophageal spasms, inflammations and ulcers. (known as the Acid Reflux)

Your diaphragm is a muscle. The diaphragm has three large openings for passage of the aorta, esophagus, and vena cana. When you don't use your diaphragm to breathe, it weakens, and becomes flaccid.

This allows your stomach to be pushed through your diaphragm by gas pressure in your digestive tract in what is known as a hiatal hernia. The resulting pain is often confused for the onset of a heart attack.

A flaccid diaphragm most often results from chest breathing or shallow breathing.

The digestive tract has a series of one way valves to keep food material moving in the correct direction: the esophageal valve in the esophagus, a sphincter muscle valve between the esophagus and the stomach. The pyloric valve between the stomach and the small intestine, the ileocecal valve between the small intestine and the large intestine, and the Houston valve in the descending colon.

When one or more of these valves malfunctions, pressure from gas in the intestines may force food material to back up, pushing stomach acid into the esophagus.

The interesting discovery that we made with our studies in kinesiology was the relationship between these valves and the diaphragm muscle.

The valves generally do not malfunction as long as the diaphragm muscle remains strong and in balance. Once the diaphragm muscle weakens one or more of these valves may malfunction leading to a hiatal hernia and/or acid reflux.

Once the causes of mock heart attack (hiatal hernia) and acid reflux are properly identified, the preferred treatment becomes apparent. Both conditions can be corrected by doing diaphragmatic breathing exercises that both strengthen the diaphragm muscle and force the stomach down and out of the diaphragm.

Technique in Practicing Using The Diaphragm

1. Place your hand on your stomach When you take an in-breath your stomach goes out. 2. When you release your breath your stomach goes in.

This may be difficult to do at the beginning. To practice, you can lie on your back and put a book on your stomach. Concentrate with your in-breath pushing the book up and letting it fall when you release your breath.

This exercise can be done on the spot in whatever position you happen to be, standing, sitting, or lying down.

What I have discovered is that when I went to bed at night and did not feel very well, I would put my hand on my stomach and concentrate when taking an in breath to push my stomach out and feel it relax when I let my breath out. I would do this slowly.

The ultimate answer is learning to breathe with your diaphragm all the time. This involves regular practice of diaphragmatic breathing, and a continuing consciousness of how you are breathing.

As you continue this over a period of time, diaphragmatic breathing will become automatic.

A further benefit of diaphragmatic breathing is improved airflow into the lower parts of the lungs and better oxygenation

Once again we have found that helping your body to heal itself through muscle and energy balancing often provides satisfactory results in the long run.

Proper diaphragmatic breathing is important for our overall well-being. Proper diaphragmatic breathing assists us to properly oxygenate our body, particularly during physical exercise, reducing chronic fatigue due to shallow breathing.

It also helps us to maintain proper muscle tone in our diaphragm. This in turn helps us to hold our abdominal organs in the proper position and to reduce abdominal and chest pains. This is often helpful after eating to reduce gastronomic distress.

Another important feature of the Barhydt basic balances is that they always drive the body-mind toward equilibrium (or balance).

A person cannot harm himself or herself by doing these balancing exercises. Just do the exercise if you feel it may be helpful; it generally takes just a few seconds in any case. This makes basic balancing exercises appropriate for self-help.

Another benefit I have discovered when I learned to breathe using my diaphragm is that I can eat most anything like tomato-based foods (ketchup, spaghetti sauce), citrus fruits, mint, and even chocolate within moderation.

Visit for tips and tools for stress management and pain management. Visit my blog at Dr. Elizabeth Barhydt, A Muscle Stress Specialist on How To Relieve Stress, Pain and Learning Blocks Emotionally and Physically without Drugs.

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Number 1 Acid Reflux Diet Tip - Eat Frequent, Eat Small

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Diet does not really directly cause acid reflux. But acid reflux can be aggravated by the food and drinks we take. Hence to look for a cure for acid reflux, we also need to create a good acid reflux diet plan that helps to ease the condition. And the number 1 tip we are going to learn today is to eat frequent, small meals instead of less frequent big meals.

There are 2 ways to carry out this step. You can either eat smaller and more frequent meals in a day, or avoid eating a big and heavy meal in a day. A lot of people, especially those who are always busy in work, tend to skip meals and eat 1 big meal at a time. This can perhaps be a tough habit to stop. Just try to remember this key point that may help you to keep your diet in check: eat when you are hungry and stop eating when you feel comfortable.

By constantly remind ourselves with this point, we will start to eat smaller sized meals over time. And by eating smaller meals we get hungry sooner and ends up eating more often, which is what we want to achieve. Keep your stomach full is not ideal if you have acid reflux condition. A stomach that is full is more like to have an acid reflux attack that cause stomach acid to flow into the esophagus, resulting in heartburn.

Hence eating more often and smaller amount at a time is particularly helpful for people with acid reflux. Smaller, low fat meals do not stay in the stomach for a long time and move more quickly into the intestines as compared to large meals. The shorter the time for food to be in the stomach reduce the chance for acid reflux to occur.

Also large meals are not welcomed because it put more pressure on the stomach, especially the esophageal sphincter and cause it to open easily. Once the sphincter opens, it will give the stomach acid a chance to splash up the esophagus. Researchers have confirmed that the large volume the food takes up in the stomach can easily induce an acid reflux attack.

So, start making this first change to your acid reflux diet plan by eating frequently and eating smaller meals each time. This is not only good for acid reflux, it is also good for health. A heavy meal in the afternoon always makes one feel sleepy right? Stay tune for more food tips to acid reflux.

Click for more top and latest info on Acid Reflux Diet or visit

Christopher Wen is the webmaster for greenHealth information site where he provides articles, news, and remedies to current health issues we faced in our everyday life. Check out his blog at

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Acid Reflux, Hereditary and Tips For Control

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Have you ever asked the question if your acid reflux disease and symptoms are hereditary? Some studies have been made and suggest to a degree that hereditary may play a part in acid reflux conditions.

Many doctors believe that just under 50 percent of those suffering from chronic heartburn and acid reflux can find the condition traced back to the genes. Those not in the gene pool usually finds their problems come from other sources, including work stress, diet and foods they consume.

The most common digestive disease or disorder in the world is acid reflux with about 1 in 5 suffering from heartburn and/or experiencing the burn of acid in the throat or esophagus. A greater risk exist for those who experience this burning / churning regularly to develop esophageal cancer.

Hereditary may play a part but many other potential areas for cause need to be considered, many of them focus on the foods we eat.

Top of the list and the foods most people link with acid reflux is fried and fatty foods. You know how you feel after eating these foods ? slow and dragging, the same description could be applied to your digestive system. These types of foods slow down the digestion process causing food to remain in the stomach longer. Large meals can also be a problem by increasing the pressure on the stomach and can allow the acids or contents to move upward into the esophagus.

Other foods can cause the lower sphincter muscle to relax causing the came results as the fried or fatty foods. These foods often contain caffeine like tea, coffee and soft drinks. Citrus juices and fruits, chocolate is another and tomato-based foods or products are another common cause of acid reflux.

Alcohol can increase in stomach acid, tobacco and its destructive chemicals and compounds can slowly weaken the digestive system and esophagus making individuals more prone to acid reflux disease.

Although hereditary may contribute to some people suffering with heartburn, GERD and acid reflux disease and its symptoms, by watching the foods we eat and when we eat them can offer increased ability to control the problem.

If you suffer or experience heartburn regularly consult with your doctor for find out what the potential cause and what actions need to be taken to remedy the problem.

Jill Seimer writes on diet issues at and reported on natural healing of heartburn from her experience dealing with acid reflux in her family.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Free Yourself of Acid Reflux Drug Addiction

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Recent statistics from the US Department of Health and Human Services suggest that over seven million people suffer from severe acid reflux in the U.S. alone. It is estimated that over fifteen million Americans suffer from chronic heartburn, as well.

The incidence of acid reflux is greater in people over the age of forty, but it can affect anyone, even infants. Acid reflux affects people of every age, socioeconomic class and race.

Simply put, acid reflux occurs when stomach acid splashes up through the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) into the esophagus and throat. This reflux of acid can be the result of many things including diet, alcohol consumption, smoking, hiatal hernia, stress and even pregnancy. When this refluxed acid hits the tender lining of the esophagus, it causes a painful burning sensation in the chest and, or throat. Other symptoms include difficulty in swallowing (dysphagia), hoarseness, asthma and dental erosion.

If left untreated, this condition can evolve into more severe and life threatening diseases like Barrett?s Esophagus, which is a precursor to esophageal cancer. In an attempt to avoid the more serious consequences of acid reflux, people are resorting more and more to pharmaceutical drugs.

There are three classifications of drugs which treat and acid reflux. The first of these are antacids, which neutralize the acid in your stomach and are at best only a temporary fix. They are loaded with harmful ingredients such as sodium and aluminum. The next group of drugs is called H2 Blockers. They reduce the amount of acid that the stomach produces and provide longer lasting relief than antacids. Finally there are the PPI drugs (proton pump inhibitors), which shut off the proton pumps in the stomach that manufacture hydrochloric acid.

PPI drugs should only be used for eight weeks, at most. It says so right on the package. Doctors certainly know this but allow if not encourage most patients to continue taking these drugs on a permanent basis.

PPI drugs actually shut down the pumps that produce the stomach acid necessary to digest and assimilate food. This is an essential function of our physical anatomy. Another point of concern is that stomach acid keeps very dangerous bacteria, which live in the stomach and intestines, in check.

There are, unfortunately, no studies that can determine the long term effects of these drugs. We do, however, know what the potential harmful side effects are and there are hundreds of them. They include: allergic reaction, back and chest pain, fatigue, fever, flu-like disorder, hypertension, constipation, GI hemorrhage, vomiting, tinnitus, anemia, vitamin B12 deficiency, weight gain, arthritis, fibromyalgia syndrome, anorexia, depression, dizziness, impotence, insomnia, migraine, visual field defect, menstrual disorder, asthma aggravated, pharyngitis, acne, taste loss, fungal infection and Barrett?s esophagus ? just to mention a few!

The medical community would have us believe that drugs are the only answer to the problem of acid reflux. Doctors are not taught nutrition or natural healing techniques in med school. As a result they depend on prescription drugs to treat the symptoms of acid reflux disease. They unfortunately know nothing about how to cure the condition itself.

PPI drugs are very big business. Annual global sales for PPI drugs alone reached well over six billion dollars in 2002. One can only guess what those statistics are today. One can only imagine the extent of the damage these drugs are causing people all over the world.

I am happy to say that we are not limited to pharmaceuticals in order to rid ourselves of the acid reflux condition. There are many alternative techniques and procedures which can be employed to accomplish that end. As a veteran of the acid reflux drug battle, I am living proof that one can heal themselves of acid reflux by using what I call natural medicine.

When I found out that my doctor had exhausted all possibilities of helping me, outside of the PPI drug regime, I knew that I was on my on. I had to heal myself. To my surprise, through research and study, I found that curing acid reflux disease is really quite simple.

With a few modest changes in lifestyle and with the help of several natural remedies, one can absolutely win the battle against acid reflux without the use of drugs.

There are many natural ingredients found in any health store, which can help during the acid reflux recovery period. Herbs, such as marshmallow, slippery elm and bladderwrack have wonderful healing properties. Aloe vera, licorice and natural honey can sooth the esophagus and assist in the healing process. Chewing gum between meals actually neutralizes stomach acid.

There are many simple things which contribute to the acid reflux condition which most people overlook; insufficient water consumption is one of them. Eating too rapidly and chewing food improperly is another.

Eating smaller, more frequent meals is helpful. Substituting Kukicha Twig tea for coffee makes the body more alkaline. Have fruit, like bananas and melons instead of cereal for breakfast. Snacks of walnuts, almonds and more fruit will keep you going throughout the day. At dinner eat lightly and at least two hours before retiring. You certainly don?t have to starve yourself, but try to stay away from those acid reflux ?trigger? foods.

It does take a new approach to life, in general, to heal a stubborn acid reflux condition. Think of it as an exciting challenge. You will feel so much better and your health will improve. It will have been worth the effort.

In a society where convenience sometimes takes precedence over common sense, pills have taken the place of ancient healing techniques and natural therapies. Drugs taken on a regular basis can be more dangerous than the illness itself.

Take command of your health and use natural resources to free yourself of those acid reflux drugs.

? 2006 Wind Publishing

For free recipes, articles and information, visit:

Charles Stewart Richey is a self-educated expert on how to cure acid reflux disease by natural means. He has written an extensive report entitled, REFLUX GONE FOREVER, Natural Acid Reflux Remedies.

For free recipes, articles and information, visit:

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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Remedies For Acid Reflux Disease - 7 All Natural Tips!

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Acid reflux or GERD (gastroesophigeial reflux disease) is caused when stomach acid leaves the stomach and enters the esophagus. When this happens, a mild to severe burning sensation can be felt in the esophagus. Because of this uncomfortable burning sensation, the term heart burn was coined to describe this disorder.

The cells of the stomach lining are equipped to handle exposure to hydrochloric acid.These special stomach cells secrete large quantities of mucous that creates a barrier between the acid and the stomach lining. When functioning properly, the lower esophageal sphincter stops stomach acid from moving into the esophagus by creating a barrier between the esophagus and the contents of the stomach.

With GERD, the sphincter relaxes between swallows thereby allowing acid to escape into the unprotected esophagus. Unfortunately, the cells of the esophagus are not equipped to handle exposure to hydrochloric acid. Because of this, acid reflux can cause very uncomfortable burning sensations in the lining of the esophagus.

The safest approach to controlling acid reflux disease is to actively manage the factors that are know to cause acid reflux. Follow these tips to begin taking control of your acid reflux today!

#1 Work to maintain a healthy bodyweight. Obesity increases abdominal pressure which can force stomach contents into the esophagus, because of this it has been linked to acid reflux disease. Limit the amount of foods that you eat and add regular exercise to your daily routine. This will help you to maintain a healthy bodyweight.

#2 Avoid eating within 2 - 3 hours of bedtime. This will allow your body adequate time to digest the foods that you have eaten. Eating a large meal prior to bedtime will ensure that your body will be digesting the foods as you sleep. If your body is digesting foods and you are in a sleeping position, you are increasing the chance that stomach contents and acids will leak out into your esophagus.

#3 Limit greasy foods, chocolate, caffeine, garlic, onions, spicy foods and citrus fruit. All of these foods have been shown to increase occurrences of acid reflux.

#4 The choices that you make in your everyday life will have an impact on the frequency of acid reflux flare-ups. By limiting your alcohol intake and refraining from smoking, you will be eliminating two of the most common causes of acid reflux.

#5 Work to maintain good posture. Slouching, especially while seated, can allow your sphincter to relax. This in turn allows stomach acid to reflux into your esophagus.

#6 Avoid working out, bending, or stooping on a full stomach. If you are prone to acid reflux flare-ups, any type of movement on a full stomach is a bad idea.

#7 Elevate your head while you sleep. Lying down flat creates pressure in your abdomen. By elevating your head a few inches, you can alleviate some of this pressure. Try elevating the top portion of your bed by placing wood blocks underneath the feet of your bed.

Hopefully these tips will help you to take control of your acid reflux disease. If you implement them today, you will be on your way to feeling a difference tomorrow!

Did you find these tips helpful? For more information on controlling heartburn and acid reflux disease visit:

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10 Nuggets about Acid Reflux.

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1. Acid reflux is common and increasing in the developed world. A Gollop Poll in USA reported that 44% had symptoms on a monthly basis. GERD is higher in whites and the obese. There is also a higher prevalence in people aged 60-70 years. It is rare in blacks. It is also lower in Eastern countries. In India it is 7.5%, Malaysia 3% and China 0.8%. It is suggested that this incidence will increase as these countries introduce Western diet higher in fats.

2. Lifestyle change is an important aspect of treatment of acid reflux. Some patients show marked improvement after losing only a small amount of weight.

Obesity increases abdominal pressure and affects the lower esophageal sphincter(LES). Large meals distend the stomach and adds pressure on the LES. Certain foods affect the sphincter. Avoid or comsume in moderation, food such as fats, coffee and alcohol.

3. Antacids neutralise acids in the stomach. This reaction raises the pH and is likely to relieve heartburn or other symptoms of reflux. Trials, however, show that antacids will not heal esophagitis.

The antacids commonly used are magnesium hydroxide, magnesium trisilicate and aluminium hydroxide.

4. Acid Suppressant drugs should be used if lifestyle changes and antacids are ineffective. The first group introduced are the H2-receptor antagonists such as ranitidine. Side effects from this groups of drugs are rare.

The newer proton pump inhibitors like omeprazole and lansaprazole are more effective than H2-receptor antagonists. They are safe and long term use has shown no ill effects. They are so effective that most GERD patients that were unresponsive to ranitidine were effectively treated with omeprazole.

5. A complication of GERD is bleeding from esophigitis. This can lead to anaemia especially in children. Stricture is a distressing complication. It can cause pain and difficulty on swallowing. Barrett's esophagus, experts think, develop after damage to the mucosal lining by acid reflux.

6. Most infants reflux, and conservative measures such as thickened feeds help. Reflux generally subside before the end of the first year. In the past Barrett's esophagus was thought to be confined to adults but with the introduction of smaller fibreoptic endoscopes, more biopsies are done and Barrett's esophagus are being diagnosed in children.

7. Surgery for acid reflux is very uncommon since the advent of effective acid suppressant medical treatment. Today stricures are not common and there are only a rare few that do not respond to omeprazole as acid reflux treatment.

The commonest procedure is Nissen Fundoplication. Today laparoscopic fundoplication is popular.

8. Smoking makes acid reflux symptoms worse, especially in children. Nicotine relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter allowing acidic stomach contents to reflux up into the esophagus. In addition deposited nicotine in the back of the throat when swallowed is corrosive to the esophageal lining. Stop smoking if you have acid reflux.

9. Raising the head of the bed is an effective acid reflux treatment. It is useful for nocturnal acid reflux symptoms and reduces sensitisation that results in problems during the day. Tests have shown that adding additional pillows is ineffective.

10. Do not ignore your symptoms. Lifestyle changes may be all that is necessary to control your symptoms but if, in addition to over the counter medications ,your symptoms persist see your family doctor. If you have GERD, complications can be severe and the symptoms very distressing.

Dr.Phil Hariram is a retired General Practitioner. He has treated Acid Reflux for 27 years. Find out more about Acid Reflux at

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Acid Reflux vs LPRD

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GERD and LPRD. They sound like top-secret government programs, or maybe the names of computer programs. But they?re actually very common medical conditions, and chances are you?ve suffered one or both of them. What are they? And what?s the difference between them?

GERD stands for gastroesophogeal reflux disease, commonly known as acid reflux or just heartburn. LPRD is laryngopharyngeal reflux disease. To understand their causes and their relation to each other, let?s look at how the body is assembled.

At the back of your throat is a sphincter (or muscle) that opens when you swallow something, allowing the material into the esophagus. Then, at the bottom of the esophagus, there is another sphincter that opens into the stomach. Both of these muscles are closed most of the time, opening only when something is supposed to pass through. There is no open-door policy with the esophagus; you have to knock every time.

One of the purposes of that lower sphincter is to keep the stomach?s digestive acids from splashing up into the esophagus. The stomach is lined with material to protect it from its own acids, of course, but the esophagus has no such protection. So when something happens to compromise that sphincter, allowing acid to rise up where it doesn?t belong, you feel it. That?s heartburn, or GERD.

Now, if the acid comes up into the esophagus and then KEEPS GOING, coming all the way up past the upper sphincter and into the back of the throat, that?s LPRD. In layman?s terms, you could consider LPRD to be what happens when the acid from GERD doesn?t know when to quit bubbling up.

You?d think that you wouldn?t feel LPRD without feeling GERD first, but in fact most people who suffer from LPRD don?t notice any significant heartburn. This is because for it to be LPRD, the acid must have passed all the way through the esophagus and up into the back of the throat. Had it lingered in the esophagus, it would have done some damage and caused heartburn. But since it kept going, it basically skipped that process altogether.

The symptoms of LPRD are hoarseness, frequent throat-clearing, problems with swallowing, a bitter taste in the mouth, and a pain in the throat. It?s very much a throat-related syndrome, whereas GERD is felt more in the chest area.

However, while GERD and LPRD have different symptoms, they can be prevented exactly the same way. They are both caused by acid rising up from the stomach, so if you can stop that from happening, you?ll prevent both conditions. Avoid eating huge meals or lying down immediately after eating. Avoid fatty foods, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco and chocolate -- yeah, yeah, all the fun stuff, but it comes with a price. Tight clothes or belts can also cause reflux simply by physically forcing acid up from the stomach.

If you find yourself burdened with either GERD or LPRD, don?t fret. In almost all cases, both ailments are fairly easily treated. Finding the cure that works for you specifically may take some doing, but it?s a small price to pay to keep your stomach happy.

Kathryn Whittaker has an interest in Acid Reflux. For further information on Acid Reflux please visit Acid Reflux or Acid Reflux Symptoms .

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Is My Chest Pain Cause By Acid Reflux Heartburn Or From My Heart?

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Usually, the early symptom of a heart attack is very similar to heartburn and can be mistaken as acid reflux heartburn. And this kind of mistake can be very dangerous as any delay of medical attention to a heart attack can cause serious consequences. Hence it is very important to understand whether it is heartburn acid reflux symptoms or a heart condition that is causing the chest pain. Let us find out the difference here.

The more likely symptoms that is related to acid reflux are that the pain can continue for hours, or retrosternal pain without lateral radiation. Also, pain that interrupts sleep, or that happened after meals, may be related to heartburn from acid reflux. Heartburn pain is also easily relieved with antacid agents, unlike heart disease or heart conditions.

Sometimes, one can have both acid reflux heartburn and heart disease issues both at the same time. Some people with coronary artery disease may develop chest pain from their acid reflux, which is believed that the acid in the esophagus may provoke nerves that temporarily impair blood flow to the heart, hence causing chest pain. This however, is probably not a heart attack. That is why it is important, especially for people with heart problems, to have their chest pain checked immediately by a doctor to determine the cause of the pain.

So what symptoms are immediate signs of danger? You must contact the doctor or call 911 immediately if you never had heartburn or acid reflux before, and that you are experiencing chest pain, pressure of chest and heart, and difficulty in breathing. This is confirmed sign of a heart attack! Also, if you take antacids but it does not relieve the chest pain within 10 to 15 minutes, call the doctor immediately.

In addition, if you are experiencing shortness of breath, profuse sweating, nausea, dizziness, fainting, weakness, and pain from your chest, back, jaw, arms, these are all symptoms that you are having a heart attack. So seek medical attention immediately when you experienced these symptoms.

Click for more top and latest info on heartburn acid reflux.

Christopher Wen is the webmaster for greenHealth information site where he provides articles, news, and remedies to current health issues we faced in our everyday life. Check out his blog at


Acid Reflux - Causes and Emptying the Stomach

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The cause of GERD or Acid Reflux disease symptoms can come from a variety of things ? emptying the stomach is one of them. Many who suffer from the heartburn symptoms only look at fatty foods or foods high in cholesterol, but the fact are many events in ones life can cause and contribute to acid reflux.

Some sufferers simple produce more stomach acid above the normal range, others may experience stress at work. Whatever the cause understanding the process of how the stomach is emptied is important in handling the heartburn symptoms.

Most people experiencing acid reflux symptoms usually suffer them after eating a meal.

After eating a large meal the temporary relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter caused by the swelling in the stomach may occur. The stomach will empty over a long period of time causing greater discomfort for a longer period of time as acid reflux skyrockets. This condition found in those suffering from GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease) it is not common that, only occurring in about 20% of those with the condition.

If you experience heartburn or acid reflux symptoms but you are not sure of the cause it is advised to consult with your doctor or medical professional on addressing the problem. If your reflux conditions result from a lifestyle or working conditions a change in diet may need to be reviewed or a variety of medications are on the market. You can find off the shelf medications, which may give some relief from the discomfort but before you try any remedy consult, your doctor first.

Jill Seimer reports on diet issues at and published acid reflux in infants from her experience dealing with heartburn in children.

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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Acid Reflux Symptoms My Stomach Is On Fire!

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Burning, oh the burning in my stomach and even my throat!

Acid reflux symptoms are most often described by sufferers as burning, gnawing, painful and oh, yes, chronic?like the kind that refuses to go away, chronic?and persistent... and burning!

Painful, chronic persistent heartburn that lasts three or more months and occurs at least twice each and every week is often diagnosed as Acid Reflux Disease or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). This pesky little nuisance can cause long term damage to the esophagus if left untreated.

Erosive esophagitis, wow... that even sounds painful just reading those words..., occurs when the gastric acids bubbling backwards through the LES, the lower esophageal sphincter, and into the esophagus eventually eroding away the lining of the esophagus causing not only the erosions but often times inflammation and tissue damage as well.

This leaves the patient with a very painful esophagus which can make swallowing undesirable and quite difficult.

In the adult population, acid reflux symptoms are classically seen as heartburn, chest pain, difficulty swallowing (dysphagia), pain or an uncomfortable feeling in the upper middle part of the stomach (dyspepsia) and even difficulty swallowing or the feeling of a lump in the throat.

Less common symptoms include a chronic cough, wheezing, hoarseness, a sore throat and earaches.

When trying to minimize the symptoms of GERD it is important to remember that everyone is different!

Some easy things to try include losing weight if obesity is an issue, avoiding or at least decreasing alcohol consumption, eliminating or decreasing smoking, and avoid foods which may trigger acid reflux symptoms.

Food triggers can include chocolate, caffeinated drinks, spicy foods, garlic, onions, tomato-based foods, fatty foods, fried foods, mint flavorings, citrus fruits. Bummer, sounds like that leaves out a lot of my favorite foods!!

But it is certainly worth making the lifestyle changes necessary to avoid the pain of acid reflux disease symptoms.

For more important information on stomach pain be sure to visit where you will find advice and tips on common stomach pain causes such as acid reflux, ulcers, and more.

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Discover the Causes of Acid Reflux

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Several different factors can lead to acid reflux. The reason that acid reflux occurs is because the muscle at the bottom of the esophagus fails to close properly. This muscle should work like a one-way valve, allowing food to enter the stomach, and stopping stomach acid from splashing back up.

Many factors can influence the way this muscle works, and cause acid reflux. In infants and babies, the muscle may not be strong enough to keep the stomach acid in the tummy. This is commonly called colic. Colic can be miserable for both the baby and the family, but it generally disappears by about six to eight months of age, as the child's muscles develop and strengthen. Another frequent reason why people suffer from acid reflux is pregnancy, or being overweight. Both of these conditions cause extra pressure to build up along the diaphragm, and push on the lower esophagus. This can weaken the muscle, and promote acid reflux.

About fifty percent of all acid reflux sufferers have stomach muscles that work very slowly, and this results in delayed emptying of the stomach. When this occurs, food remains in the stomach longer than normal, increasing the chances that the stomach acid could splash up on the sensitive tissues of the esophagus.

Hiatal hernias can also cause you to suffer the symptoms of acid reflux. The hiatus is a passageway in the diaphragm that permits food from the esophagus to pass into the stomach. A hiatal hernia is when a small part of the stomach actually protrudes up through the hole. This prevents the muscle at the bottom of the esophagus from working properly, and can lead to acid reflux.

Some medications can also cause you to suffer the effects of acid reflux. Medications that can irritate the stomach lining can aggravate the symptoms of acid reflux. The most common medications that do this are Motrin, Nuprin, and Advil. These medications are commonly used as pain relievers, and many sufferers report relief if the take these medications with food.

Different types of foods can also cause acid reflux. If you suffer from this disease, keeping a food diary can help you discover the cause and prevent future suffering.

Gerri Stone publishes information to help you find relief from acid reflux at

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Saturday, February 9, 2008

Heartburn, Acid Reflux and The Side Effects

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There is nothing better than sharing a meal with family and friends. You eat, talk and laugh, and have a wonderful time. All the while you are thinking, when is the heartburn going to start?

Heartburn is often associated with acid reflux disease. This is a serious disease that if left untreated, can have painful consequences, some potential deadly.

For those who choose not to treat their acid reflux disease, dismissing it as mere heartburn, are leaving themselves susceptible to such diseases as Barrett?s esophagus disease.

Not only is this painful disease, but also it is know to be a precursor to esophageal adenocarcinoma. Cancer.

Barrett?s Esophagus is when the lining of the esophagus is damaged so badly by acid reflux disease that it resembles the lining of the small intestines. It can only be diagnosed by a physician. It is very difficult because there are little or no symptoms associated with Barrett?s Esophagus, and only one test to diagnose it. A gastrointestinal endoscopy and biopsy.

This procedure is somewhat invasive. A physician inserts a lighted camera into the esophagus and it is determined if the lining looks abnormal. The physician will decide if a biopsy is necessary and take a small sample for testing.

You do not have to have acid reflux to develop Barrett?s Esophagus, but people with acid reflux are up to five times more likely to develop it than people who do not have acid reflux disease, and the chance of developing this fatal cancer increase up to one hundred and fifty percent over a person who does not have acid reflux disease.

Another problem that a person with acid reflux disease faces is called erosive esophagitis. Although this is a painful disease, it can be treated. Erosive esophagitis is when the acid from the stomach travel back up to the esophagus and causes irritation. This condition is a common for those who have acid reflux disease.

The symptoms of erosive esophagitis can range from a burning sensation to lesion. Tests for erosive esophagitis include an endoscopy or a barium swallow. This is when the person afflicted swallows a chemical dye in order for the doctor to take x-rays of the esophagus.

Erosive esophagus can cause dehydration and malnutrition because the person afflicted cannot eat or drink anything because of the pain swallowing causes. It is critical to seek medical attention immediately at the first sign of discomfort. Erosive esophagitis can be easily treated with medication that reduces the amount of acid in the stomach.

If acid reflux disease is not treated, it can cause serious complications. When you make lifestyle and dietary changes and take the medication that is prescribed, you are taking the proper steps to avoid serious complication that are associated with acid reflux disease.

Jill Seimer reports on health matters at and reported on natural healing for heartburn from her experience with alternative medicine.

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Thursday, February 7, 2008

Acid Reflux - The Silent Killer?

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You may not be familiar with the term acid reflux even though you've probably suffered from it countless times during your life. Acid reflux is also known as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD for short) or even more commonly it's referred to as heartburn. Why are there so many names for such a, seemingly, harmless condition? The correct clinical term for heartburn is GERD although anyone trying to explain that they have severe indigestion will find it far easier to stay they have heartburn instead of trying to blurt out gastroesophageal reflux disease. The acid reflux title is a description of what actually occurs in the stomach during heartburn so as you can see it's far more complicated than you previously thought.

So what exactly is acid reflux? GERD is when your stomach has produced too much acid in its attempt to digest food held there. This extra acid and other fluids then move back up your into your esophagus (the tube connecting your stomach and your throat)and begin to cause both pain and damage in this area. That burning sensation you feel in your chest is the direct result of very powerful stomach acid eating away at the tissue in your esophagus. If this happens every once in a while your body can cope with the damage. If, however, this is a daily occurence then the damage can become permanent and even life threating. Yes life threatening.

Most people pass heartburn off as a temporary problem that they can "cure" by taking a fistful of antacids and avoiding spicy food for 24 hours. This simply isn't so. Acid reflux/heartburn can have far more serious implications than simply being uncomfortable. In the most extreme cases acid reflux can lead to the development of a type of cancer which, if left untreated, can be fatal. That's the most surprising fact for most people - they never, ever assume that something like acid reflux might potentially kill them.

This type of cancer starts off as a condition known as Barrett's Esophagus (also known as intestinal metaplasia). During prolonged bouts of acid reflux (over a period of years) tissue in the esophagus gets replaced with tissues that are normally only found in the stomach and intestine. This abnormal tissue growth can then lead to a type of cancer developing which is known as esophageal adenocarcinoma. The most worrying aspect of this cancer is that normally it's not detected until the patient is in their 60's and at that stage it's normally too late to treat the cancer.

Should you rush off to your doctor to have a full medical because you get heartburn once in a while? No and the purpose of this article is not to cause a panic. If, however, you find yourself suffering from acid reflux almost every day then it is a recognized medical condition and there are prescription treatments available. Don't leave your health to chance for the sake of a quick trip to the family doctor for their advice and guidance on the matter.

This article was provided by Aaron Walker at You can learn a lot more about acid reflux and its causes by reading the information there.

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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Natural Treatment for Acid Reflux

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Finding a natural treatment for acid reflux is what many sufferers are looking for. They are tired of being prescribed medications to fix their problem and not want to work to heal their self with a holistic remedy. Finding a homeopathic remedy that works for you can take a little bit of time. You need to carefully examine what will work best with your reflux disorder.

Alternative Medicine

Alternative medicine is simply medicine that you do not need a prescription for. Usually it is simply things that you can get from a grocery store or your local herbal market. Diet can also be considered an alternative approach to dealing with the acids that result in reflux.

Symptoms to Look For

The symptoms for acid reflux are varied and can also be related to other conditions. Chronic back pain, sinus aches, heartburn, nausea, anxiety, esophagus burning, or even hernia can all be related to acid reflux disorder. Once you have visited with your doctor and discussed your available options it is important to revisit or call them anytime you decide to try a new natural remedy. Many herbs can have side effects or interactions with prescription medications so staying in close contact with your physician is necessary.

The Number One Natural Remedy

Changing your diet and activity level is the number one natural remedy for acid reflux disorder. You can make small changes over time to gradually increase your comfort level and decrease the occurrences of reflux that you have to deal with. Some of the things that you should cut out of your diet include: carbonated beverages, coffee, caffeine, fatty foods, alcohol, and complex carbohydrates.

If all of those foods are too much for you to cut out of your diet right away, you can start small by only cutting out one of the types of foods first. Combine this with daily walking or other exercise and you will start to see a difference in the amount of reflux that you are experiencing.

Your body is very acidic naturally so it is important to fight that natural tendency with proper diet and exercise. Many digestive problems that individuals are encountering today are really just a symptom of bad eating and living habits.

If you are suffering from reflux, it is worth a try to change your diet and exercise routine and see if that helps with your symptoms. Most individuals will notice significant improvement and sometimes a total decline in their reflux. If you are already taking prescription medication for your reflux, start changing your diet and see if you have less occurrences. Then discuss your healthy living results with your doctor to determine if it is possible for you to stop taking your medications. If you have already made the necessary diet changes, your doctor may be apt to let you try your natural diet treatment instead of continuing your current medications.

Acid reflux disease is a painful ailment that affects millions of people. For information, tips and resources that can help you reduce and even eliminate this condition, please visit us at:

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Acid Reflux And Indigestion: What Is The Difference?

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Many construe the conditions of both acid reflux and indigestion to mean the same thing. In reality, there are a number of differences between the two conditions. While it is true that acid reflux symptoms are very similar to those of indigestion, they are a lot more severe and tend to persist for more than a few hours.

Acid reflux can be a serious condition if you do nothing about it. When series, acid reflux is known as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). You experience pain in the oesophagus and throat as the acid from the stomach causes damage to the lining. If you do not treat your condition, the acid reflux symptoms can become unbearable as the lining of the oesophagus is slowly eroded away by the stomach acid. In the worst case scenario, you may develop oesophageal cancer or any of the other serious and potentially life-threatening throat conditions. These will be a lot harder to treat than the initial acid reflux symptoms. Hence it is important to seek early medical attention especially if your acid reflux symptoms do not go away.

Acid reflux is not curable. However, you can make changes to your diet and lifestyle for pain relief and to control your symptoms. Only if these solutions fail, should you consider consuming prescription medications.

Indigestion is often thought to be a milder version of acid reflux. But this is not really true. Only some of the symptoms are similar. For example, one of the most common symptoms of indigestion is gassy episodes and often these episodes are felt by sufferers of true acid reflux. Indigestion sufferers may also have an uncomfortable feeling around the chest and shoulder area that you are unable to relieve by burping.

Indigestion is commonly caused by over-eating or eating too quickly. Your stomach is bombarded with food and it produces acid in extreme amounts. Acid reflux however is caused when the sphincter at the top of the stomach is weakened and the stomach acid is allowed to travel up the oesophagus and then into the throat. Because of this dissimilarity, you often experience the major symptoms of the two conditions in different parts of the body; that is the chest for indigestion and the throat/oesophagus for acid reflux.

Acid reflux symptoms can be easily treated with diet and lifestyle changes. For more information and resource, please visit this site here at

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Monday, February 4, 2008

5 Facts To Acid Reflux Symptoms And Its Triggers

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If you have acid reflux, then it is important that you understand some basic facts about this condition. It is only through understanding of acid reflux causes, symptoms and triggers can you know how best to manage the condition better. Here are top 5 facts about acid reflux symptoms and its triggers

1. Acid reflux is often referred to as heartburn. However acid reflux symptoms extends to more than just a heartburn. Increasingly, acid reflux is a very common complaint. There are now over 60million Americans or one fifth of the entire population who suffer from acid reflux on a monthly basis. Over half of these sufferers are said to experience the painful symptoms on a daily basis.

2. Acid reflux symptoms develop due to the over-production of acid in the stomach and by the inability of the sphincter at the top of the stomach to stop the acid from travelling up the oesophagus. Although this condition is not curable currently, you can easily prevent your symptoms from developing by eating a diet that is less acidic. Doctors also often prescribe medications to keep the condition under control.

3. Very often, you would experience the painful and uncomfortable acid reflux symptoms during the night hours when in a horizontal position. If you do not treat your condition, you can get sleep disorders, tiredness and even mental health problems. During the day, you also experience a sense of irritability, a lack of concentration and do not feel well.

4. You should consider giving up habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol as they tend to worsen your acid reflux symptoms. Smoking and alcohol have been found to have a relaxing effect on the sphincter at the top of the stomach. As your sphincter is already impaired, this can cause much more severe pain than in normal people.

5. Obesity increase your risk to developing acid reflux. The fat around the waist and abdomen presses on the stomach, especially when you lie down. Your sphincter at the top of the stomach, and indeed the one at the bottom of the stomach that leads to the small intestine, become stressed and weakened. This can and often does result in stomach acid leaking in to the oesophagus and causing acid reflux symptoms. This condition also happens to pregnant ladies in their last few months of pregnancy when the weight of the baby pushes on the stomach.

If you allow acid reflux symptoms to develop without taking any treatment action, serious complications such as the damage to your oesophagus can result. In the worst case scenerio, you can also develop oesophageal cancer. Thus, you should always take early treatment action if you are unable to stop the pain with an OTC pain relief.

Acid reflux symptoms can be easily treated with proper diet and changes to a healthy lifestyle. For more information and resources, please visit this site at

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Sunday, February 3, 2008

Acid Reflux Explained

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Acid reflux is a complaint which lets the stomach acids back up into the esophagus. It is a chronic, recurrent disease that will not go away on its own. Luckily Acid Reflux is a treatable condition and you should inquire of your doctor what treatments are available and correct for you. You must realize that if your acid reflux remains untreated for too long a time, you could end up with it for a lifetime. Acid reflux is also called GERD or Gastroesophageal Reflux.

Heartburn, also referred to as acid indigestion, is a very common symptom of reflux. The usual symptom of GERD is a burning sensation to the rear of the breast bone. If you have any symptom of acid reflux, or if you have to take antacids on more than three occasions in a one week timeframe, then you should contact your doctor. One example of a severe symptom is the inability to hold down your food.

A recent study has found that drinking alcohol, tea and coffee may not be the cause of acid reflux disease as once thought. The precise cause-and-effect mechanism of acid reflux and has not up until now been established. Spicy foods do not cause acid reflux disease, although they do appear to make it worse for some. Whatever the cause of acid reflux, it is often a chronic disease. These days, health practitioners are looking towards obesity as one of the main causes of Acid Reflux. Tomatoes and tomato-based products are one example of an everyday food that can be responsible for acid indigestion or acid reflux. Asthma has been known to cause acid reflux disease, and vice versa.

One of the fundamentals of treatment of Acid Reflux is to raise the head of the bed. One of the most common medications for use in the treatment of acid reflux is antacids. Most physicians will first of all suggest changes in lifestyle for treatment of acid reflux. A good and cost effective investment in a treatment program for Acid Reflux should include an adjustable bed with its many beneficial features. Fortunately this is an easy disease to identify, and there are plenty of options available for treatment.

To sum up - Heartburn or Acid Reflux is quite a common disorder amongst folk, and affects all of us at some time or another Acid reflux is a recurrent disease that does not just disappear on its own, it needs treatment and/or a change of lifestyle Acid reflux is also named gastroesophageal reflux.

James Hunaban is the owner of - a site dedicated to Acid Reflux . Go there now and read some interesting articles on the subject.

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Friday, February 1, 2008

Losing Your Voice Due to Acid Reflux

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Acid reflux is a disorder whereby the sphincter at the top of the stomach cannot effectively stop stomach acid from re-entering the oesophagus. The oesophagus is a tube that connects the throat with the stomach. Consequently, your throat becomes sore and you develop a cough. You may mistake your acid reflux symptoms for a common cold or the flu. However, acid reflux symptoms do not go away even though you may take cold treatments.

In some cases, the acid reflux symptom of a sore throat can cause you to lose your voice completely. In addition you may experience a burning sensation in the oesophagus as food passes along it, as well as stomach pains and upsets. In severe cases the stomach acid can travel far enough up the oesophagus so that it reaches the junction that leads to the lungs. This can then result in small amounts of acid entering the lungs; thus resulting in coughs and general irritation.

When the throat becomes affected, your voice will start to change. If left to persist, it can cause shortness of breath and permanent damage to the vocal chords. Changes in the voice can be detected via a loss of volume, a deepening of the tone or hoarseness. This is potentially a very serious acid reflux symptom. You can lose your voice permanently if you do not take treatment action.

In addition to the throat and the vocal chords the lungs and trachea (the tubes leading to the lungs) can also become damaged. The trachea is lined with millions of tiny hair-like structures that trap particles of dust and food before they reach the lungs. Acid unfortunately kills these tiny hairs so that the lungs become vulnerable to infections, which are also a common acid reflux symptom in severe cases.

Generally, treating acid reflux early enough is possible. In fact, making some simple changes to your diet have profound effects. You can best avoid foods that are acidic in nature. Find out from your doctor what you can eat or cannot eat. The objective is to reduce the amount of acid produced by the stomach. Foods that stimulate the stomach are deemed to be bad if you have any acid reflux symptom. You are also advised to abstain from alcoholic drinks.

In long-term cases your throat and vocal chords can become so damaged that your doctor may recommend surgery. Small polyps are a common acid reflux symptom. They continue to grow until they begin to affect the ability to swallow, and can become cancerous eventually.

Although it appears that there is no cure for acid reflux, you can possibly treat it with a sensible diet and appropriate medications. Should you observe that you are experiencing acid reflux symptoms and that your voice is increasingly hoarse, then you should seek medical attention rightaway. Remember if you hesitate too long to take action, you risk losing your voice completely for good.

Acid reflux symptoms can be easily treated with diet and lifestyle changes. For more information and resource, please visit this site here at

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