Kill Acid Reflux

Monday, March 31, 2008

Is Acid Reflux A Musculoskeletal Problem?

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Is acid reflux disease a musculoskeletal problem? Let?s look at a recent patient that came into my office for a headache. She stated that she had the headache constantly for six weeks. She also suffers with pain in her low back, and stated that she has frequent urinary tract infections. She had been to her medical doctor for the pain in her low back, and he had diagnosed her with osteoporosis, and given her a prescription for Celebrex. This patient also had a history of acid reflux.

Her family physician has been treating her acid reflux for a few years now with Nexium. Recently he ordered an endocsope of her esophagus, which showed a hiatal hernia and a condition known as Beret?s Esophagus. This is a condition, which occurs due to prolonged irritation of the esophageal lining, which actually represents the beginning of cellular change, and is a pre-cancerous condition. This patient is postmenopausal, and is taking hormone replacement therapy. Now let?s look at what is going on with this patient a bit closer. She is taking Nexium for the acid reflux, and has been for a number of years. This will effectively lower the acidity of her stomach. Lowering the acidity of the stomach diminishes her ability to absorb calcium, which is needed for healthy bone mass. A lower acidity also promotes the growth of bacteria in the urinary tract.

Taking the Nexium does not address the hiatal hernia, which is a protrusion of the stomach through the hiatal valve. This valve is normally closed, and only opens to the pressure of food swallowed, to allow it to enter the stomach. One must ask the question, ?Why is this valve stuck open?? This patient was prescribed Celebrex for the pain in her back, which is well known to cause gastrointestinal disorders. When this patient came to me, she was a nervous wreck. She couldn?t sleep, she was in constant pain and she was always crying. She thought that she was going to die.

We found that she had several structural problems with her spine. She had lost the normal curvature of her cervical spine, and was developing bone spurs on her cervical vertebrae (bones in her neck). Her spine in her low back, curved to the left. She had miss-alignments (subluxations) in several areas, C2, C3, C4, C5, effecting the nerve supply to the diaphragm. This is the large muscle that we use to breathe, and through which the esophagus passes to get to the stomach. She was also misaligned at T4 effecting the nerve supply to the heart, lungs, and gallbladder, and also at T12 and L1 effecting the nerve supply to the bladder and kidneys. She stopped taking all of her medication. We had her start taking some digestive enzymes as well as some other nutritional supplements to help build healthy bone mass.

She began a series of adjustments to re-align her vertebrae, and take pressure off of the nerves. After 10 treatments, she is smiling, she is without pain, and she is sleeping through the night, and wants to go dancing with her husband. She stated that she is improved 60%. Is acid reflux a biomechanical problem? It was in this case. So getting back to my last article about dangerous doctors. What were all those drugs treating? Just the symptoms. Nothing was done to find out why she had a hiatal hernia, why she was losing bone mass, why she was getting frequent urinary tract infections, why she had pain in her back.

I heard a commercial on Television this morning for Advair. This is a prescription drug designed to treat asthma. The ad said that it treats to two common causes of asthma, ?inflammation, and bronchial constriction?. These are not the ?causes? of asthma, but are part of the symptoms of asthma. These are what cause the wheezing and breathing difficulties of asthma, but what is causing the inflammation and bronchial constriction? Many studies have shown that misalignment of the bones in the neck, and upper back have been associated with asthma, and re-alignment of those structures have had a dramatic effect on that condition in many people. The cause is not always subluxation, but shouldn?t it be looked at before dangerous drug intervention or even worse surgical intervention? Please feel free to comment, and you can also listen to this as a podcast at

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Saturday, March 29, 2008

GERD and Acid Reflux Complications - Ulcers Strictures and More

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Take a subject most people do not want to discuss like heartburn and vomiting, then throw in pain which only the person going through it can understand and you will describe Gastroesophageal reflux disease. But, to better combat the problems and complications GERD can cause, anyone suffering form GERD or acid reflux needs to understand the disease.


When we mention ulcers we are talking about a break in the esophagus lining which can cause irritation or inflammation. The ulcer in the esophagus can damage the cells lining the esophagus or cause bleeding requiring surgery to repair the damage. Just because you show conditions of GERD does not mean you have an ulcer, it is just a reminder to have your doctor watch for.


Once an ulcer has been cured or healed scarring is an issue. The scarring normally shrinks the tissue causing a stricture or narrowing of the esophagus. This narrowing can make it more difficult for food to pass through on its way to the stomach and begin the digestive process making acid reflux more of a potential problem. When strictures occur usually an endoscopic procedure is necessary to stretch out or repair the passageway to allow food through.

Barrett?s Esophagus

This form of GERD can be extremely dangerous and potentially fatal. Barrett?s esophagus gives sufferers the possibility of causing cancer, from cells lining the throat to become damaged and even cancerous. A microscopic examination or endoscopy of the ?live? cells can help determine if esophagus cell are cancerous. This condition should be monitored carefully, only about 10% of patients with GERD experience it, but it never hurts to get checked.

These are three of the seven major complications of GERD.

Jill Seimer shares tips on health at and wrote on acid reflux disorder symptoms from her experience with GERD.

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Acid Reflux in Pregnancy

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Acid reflux is a common condition in the West and there is a suggestion that it is increasing. Obesity is increasing in the West and since obesity can cause or worsen acid reflux, the increase in acid reflux is likely to be related to a combination of our diet, lifestyle and obesity. There is, however, a group that develops acid reflux as a part of life's natural process. Pregnant women develop GERD symptoms as a result of pregnancy.

It is estimated that as much as 80% of pregnant women have GERD symptoms and the symptoms vary from mild to very severe. It is rarely serious in this group and, of course, it is limited to the length of the pregnancy.

Nausea and vomiting is common in the first trimester and is mainly due to the rising level of the female hormone, estrogen and progesterone circulating in the blood stream. Acid reflux symptoms are more common in the third trimester.

In the third trimester, the uterus is large and has pushed up into the upper abdomen distorting the configuration of the organs in the abdomen. The stomach is pushed up against the diaphragm. This can affect the competence of the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES) and cause acid reflux. It can also force part of the stomach up through the diaphragmatic hiatus. This is a hiatus hernia. A hiatus hernia can result in acid reflux.

In addition weight gain during pregnancy (especially in the apple shape) will settle around the waist. This weight will press on the abdomen and increase the intra-abdominal pressure. This pressure on the LES may force food up into the esophagus.

During pregnancy estrogen and progesterone levels need to be high to maintain the pregnancy. These two female hormones are produced by the ovaries until the placenta takes over. These hormones relax smooth muscles of the uterus and are necessary to allow the uterus to stretch to accommodate the developing pregnancy.

Unfortunately this muscle relaxation is not confined to the uterus. The muscles of the GI tract are affected. In the large bowel reduced strength of peristaltic contraction leads to slow transit time and likely constipation. In the esophagus it reduces the tone of the LES allowing reflux and slows down peristalsis along the esophagus. The food swallowed is cleared slower and the LES is lax. A double whammy.

Patients who have had GERD symptoms before falling pregnant tend to have severe GERD in pregnancy. Sometimes in pregnancy GERD can be so severe that hospitalisation is necessary. Also vomiting can be so severe that weight loss follows. In pregnancy regular weight gain is expected. Weight loss suggests a referral to a gastro-enterologist especially if the weight is below the pre-pregnancy benchmark.

Severe GERD can lead to mal-nutrition. This can be harmful to the mother and may put the foetus at risk at a time of vital development and growth.

Ginger is a good safe treatment of GERD in pregnancy and you only need a small amount. It can stimulate saliva production. Saliva is a natural antacid. Ginger helps relieve nausea and vomiting and it is a carminative (relieve gas). Lifestyle change is important. If still smoking and drinking alcohol, then it is time to stop. Elevating the head of the bed is beneficial and lying on the left side is best because in this position the stomach is lower than the esophagus.

Avoid or reduce your intake of fats, coffee, tea, chocolate, certain citrus fruits, certain spices, tomatoes and garlic. When exercising, avoid bouncing up and down and exercises that involve bending forwards. Stick to exercises that keep you upright. Stretching exercises and power or brisk walking are unlikely to aggravate GERD symptoms.

Antacids are safe in pregnancy because they do not cross the placenta into the baby's circulation. However, antacids containing sodium (sodium bicarbonate) can cause fluid retention. Aluminium containing antacids can make constipation of pregnancy worse. Magnesium can slow down labour. These drugs are in Category A. The categories were laid down by the FDA in 1979 and are related to safety profile and potential harm to the foetus. Category A is safe in pregnancy.

The H2-receptor antagonists and proton pump inhibitors are in Category B except omeprazole which is in Category C. These drugs cross the placenta but trials results are not adequate to consider them safe during pregnancy. So far no trial has shown any harm to the foetus.

Dr. Phil Hariram is a retired General Practitioner who has spent 27 years treating acid reflux.

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Friday, March 28, 2008

What You Need To Know About Acid Reflux Disease

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Acid reflux is also known as the Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). Some people simply describe it as heartburn because of the burning effect of the condition experienced by the patient. Essentially, acid reflux is a disorder in which the acid contents in the stomach back up into the esophagus. The acidic nature of the contents results in pain and inflammation in the lower part of the esophagus.

Before finding the cure, it is important to first understand the acid reflux causes. Acid reflux is caused by poor functioning of lower esophageal sphincter. In normal condition, the lower esophageal sphincter is tightly closed. But in the case of an acid reflux patient, the lower esophageal sphincter is open, allowing stomach acids reflux. There are a few factors that can cause such opening. These factors include taking very heavy meals, lying down soon after eating (within two hours), use of certain drugs like diazepam, meperidine, morphine, prostaglandins, calcium channel blockers, nitrate heart medications and others.

One of the most common symptoms of acid reflux disease is a burning sensation in the chest (aka heartburn) that takes place after eating. While heartburn remains the main symptom of acid reflux, a number of related symptoms are reported. These include difficulty in swallowing, cramping, sore throat, hoarseness, pain below the breastbone, spitting up at night, unusually high salivation, coughing, bad breath, shortness of breath, and vomiting. The symptoms may appear when one is in lying position, especially after a meal. The heartburn feeling can also spread to jaw, neck, arms, and back. Reflux of contents from the stomach into the mouth is another common acid reflux symptom, leaving a bitter taste in the mouth. If acid reflux happens frequently, it can be threatening to health because it may lead to reflux esophagitis, esophageal narrowing, esophageal ulcer, and Barrett?s syndrome. Barrett?s syndrome is an alteration in the lining of the esophagus and this can eventually lead to esophageal cancer.

Acid reflux can strike anyone regardless of his or her age or sex. However, it is most commonly found in people who are overweight. People suffering from hiatal hernia, recurring vomiting, or scleroderma (hardening of skin and connective tissue) are also prompt to acid reflux. For women, acid reflux can also happen due to pregnancy.

The most common treatment is to take antacids after meals and at bedtime. You can buy antacids easily from the nearest pharmacy. Lifestyle changes is also important. For example, do not lie down immediately after a meal. Avoid fast food and other fatty foods, soda drinks, coffee and alcohol as they can aggravate acid reflux. If over-the-counter medicine cannot relieve your acid reflux symptom, you may have to turn to a doctor, who may give you drugs like H2 blocker, proton pump inhibitors etc. In severe cases, other treatment such as a surgery may be necessary.

Gloria Fanz is a professional writer. For more independent resources about acid reflux disease symptom, diet, treatment and cause, visit acid reflux cure.

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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Infant Acid Reflux

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Acid Reflux in Pregnancy

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Acid reflux is a common condition in the West and there is a suggestion that it is increasing. Obesity is increasing in the West and since obesity can cause or worsen acid reflux, the increase in acid reflux is likely to be related to a combination of our diet, lifestyle and obesity. There is, however, a group that develops acid reflux as a part of life's natural process. Pregnant women develop GERD symptoms as a result of pregnancy.

It is estimated that as much as 80% of pregnant women have GERD symptoms and the symptoms vary from mild to very severe. It is rarely serious in this group and, of course, it is limited to the length of the pregnancy.

Nausea and vomiting is common in the first trimester and is mainly due to the rising level of the female hormone, estrogen and progesterone circulating in the blood stream. Acid reflux symptoms are more common in the third trimester.

In the third trimester, the uterus is large and has pushed up into the upper abdomen distorting the configuration of the organs in the abdomen. The stomach is pushed up against the diaphragm. This can affect the competence of the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES) and cause acid reflux. It can also force part of the stomach up through the diaphragmatic hiatus. This is a hiatus hernia. A hiatus hernia can result in acid reflux.

In addition weight gain during pregnancy (especially in the apple shape) will settle around the waist. This weight will press on the abdomen and increase the intra-abdominal pressure. This pressure on the LES may force food up into the esophagus.

During pregnancy estrogen and progesterone levels need to be high to maintain the pregnancy. These two female hormones are produced by the ovaries until the placenta takes over. These hormones relax smooth muscles of the uterus and are necessary to allow the uterus to stretch to accommodate the developing pregnancy.

Unfortunately this muscle relaxation is not confined to the uterus. The muscles of the GI tract are affected. In the large bowel reduced strength of peristaltic contraction leads to slow transit time and likely constipation. In the esophagus it reduces the tone of the LES allowing reflux and slows down peristalsis along the esophagus. The food swallowed is cleared slower and the LES is lax. A double whammy.

Patients who have had GERD symptoms before falling pregnant tend to have severe GERD in pregnancy. Sometimes in pregnancy GERD can be so severe that hospitalisation is necessary. Also vomiting can be so severe that weight loss follows. In pregnancy regular weight gain is expected. Weight loss suggests a referral to a gastro-enterologist especially if the weight is below the pre-pregnancy benchmark.

Severe GERD can lead to mal-nutrition. This can be harmful to the mother and may put the foetus at risk at a time of vital development and growth.

Ginger is a good safe treatment of GERD in pregnancy and you only need a small amount. It can stimulate saliva production. Saliva is a natural antacid. Ginger helps relieve nausea and vomiting and it is a carminative (relieve gas). Lifestyle change is important. If still smoking and drinking alcohol, then it is time to stop. Elevating the head of the bed is beneficial and lying on the left side is best because in this position the stomach is lower than the esophagus.

Avoid or reduce your intake of fats, coffee, tea, chocolate, certain citrus fruits, certain spices, tomatoes and garlic. When exercising, avoid bouncing up and down and exercises that involve bending forwards. Stick to exercises that keep you upright. Stretching exercises and power or brisk walking are unlikely to aggravate GERD symptoms.

Antacids are safe in pregnancy because they do not cross the placenta into the baby's circulation. However, antacids containing sodium (sodium bicarbonate) can cause fluid retention. Aluminium containing antacids can make constipation of pregnancy worse. Magnesium can slow down labour. These drugs are in Category A. The categories were laid down by the FDA in 1979 and are related to safety profile and potential harm to the foetus. Category A is safe in pregnancy.

The H2-receptor antagonists and proton pump inhibitors are in Category B except omeprazole which is in Category C. These drugs cross the placenta but trials results are not adequate to consider them safe during pregnancy. So far no trial has shown any harm to the foetus.

Dr. Phil Hariram is a retired General Practitioner who has spent 27 years treating acid reflux.

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Monday, March 24, 2008

The Link Between Acid Reflux and Smoking

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If you smoke, or use any form of tobacco, improving your posture while you eat isn?t going to do much for your condition. Why? Smoking/nicotine is a direct contributing factor to acid reflux and to chronic heartburn caused by gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD). Therefore, engaging in any tobacco use ? cigarettes, cigars, pipes, snuff and chewing tobacco ? can not only become a literal pain in the chest, for GERD sufferers it can even disrupt sleep and interfere with your lifestyle.

The following are six ways in which smoking directly affects acid reflux:

1. Decrease in saliva production - Cigarette smoking inhibits saliva production, and eats up most of the bicarbonates within the saliva produce. Bicarbonates help neutralize stomach acid, and saliva works to coat the oesophagus to lessen the effects of acid that refluxes up from the stomach. Saliva also helps to wash acid in the oesophagus back to the stomach.

2. Increase in acidity ? Nicotine encourages the production of stomach acid.

3. Bile salt movement ? Smoking appears to encourage the movement of bile salts to the stomach from the intestines. Stomach acids are even more harmful when bile salts are present.

4. Direct injury to the oesophagus ? Smoking can cause direct harm to the oesophagus by making it vulnerable to acid reflux injury.

5. Impair LES functioning ? Nicotine can lower the pressure in the lower esophageal (LES) which can cause it to become weak and relaxed. LES is the valve that resides between the oesophagus and the stomach. The decrease in pressure can cause the LES to relax inappropriately, allowing stomach acids and enzymes to be thrust back into the oesophagus.

6. Decreased gastric motility ? It has been discovered in studies that people who smoke have reduced gastric motility while they are smoking. A decrease in gastric movement can lead to poor digestion due to the fact that it takes a longer for the stomach to empty.

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons why smoking can cause and make acid reflux worse. That being said, it shouldn?t come as a surprise to you that the best treatment a tobacco user can do to help their condition is quit.

Of course, quitting smoking isn?t as easy as we think or would like it to be. An addiction to nicotine is a hard habit to kick, especially if you?ve been smoking for many years, hang around others who smoke, and enjoy it. However, smoking, like any addiction, can be overcome. The only trick is, in order to quit smoking, you have to want to.

There are many different quitting strategies you can consider. Therefore, if you find quitting through your own methods is difficult, consult your doctor for other options. Also, many people who want to quit smoking find support groups to be very helpful.

Does quitting smoking really help your heartburn?

It is believed by many medical practitioners that for most acid reflux sufferers, quitting smoking will likely allow them to get better fast. However, some practitioners believe that quitting smoking will only provide modest relief.

Nevertheless, all medical practitioners agree that quitting smoking is a good idea regardless if it helps your acid reflux or not. After all, even if you see little change in your experiences with heartburn, quitting smoking greatly reduces your chances of developing serious diseases such as cancer, heart and lung disease.

In addition, don?t forget that smoking isn?t the only cause of acid reflux. Thus, if you are not seeing improvement after quitting, it?s time for you to take a careful look at your diet.

Kathryn Whittaker has an interest in Acid Reflux. For further information on Acid Reflux please visit Acid Reflux or Acid Reflux Symptoms .

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Herbal Treatments For Acid Reflux Problems

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In the past years, more and more people are turning to alternative medicines to cure different types of illnesses, including acid reflux problems. Most of these people who used alternative medicines, usually herbal treatments, swear that their symptoms were cured. Besides claiming that these herbal treatments are effective, most people using them are convinced that herbal treatments do not have the side effects that are apparent with synthetic medicines manufactured by large pharmaceutical corporations. As herbal treatment continues to become increasingly popular, people with acid reflux problems are now lining up establishments that are selling alternative medicines for their ailments.

Due the numerous side effects that these drugs have on the body, many people who suffer from acid reflux have stopped taking over the counter or prescription drugs. According to some studies, some antacids interfere with vitamin and calcium absorption of the body. In some cases, antacids interfere with digestive activities by shutting down stomach secretions resulting in a temporary relieve for the sufferers but does not really cure the problem. Moreover, people also have different reactions to drugs. Some medications will relieve heartburn in some people but may not work on others. This would cause people to try several brands of antacids in the market, thereby further exposing them to health hazards. As a result of these problems related to antacids, many sufferers are forced to find alternative through herbal treatment. In most cases, a single type of tea or capsule claims to solve many types of health problems. The logic is, the lesser number of medications a person takes in one day, the lesser chances of exposing the body to toxins.

Antacid products use sodium bicarbonate, aluminum hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, calcium carbonate, aluminum phosphate, or a combination of these substances to neutralize stomach acid. This provides one of the strongest and most widely accepted argument why people should shift to alternative medicines to cure their acid reflux problem. Scientifically proven, these types of elements have inhibiting effects on the functioning of the human anatomy. For one, the hydrochloric acid in our body is no longer able to perform its vital functions which is associated with food digestion and absorption of necessary nutrients and vitamins. Another problem with neutralizing hydrochloric acid in the stomach is that our bodies, because of having a natural coping mechanisms to sustain itself, will produce even more acid to compensate for what have been lost. So, instead of curing the problem, we create another problem. "Acid rebound" is common when the stomach produces more acids to replenish what have been neutralized.

On the other hand, more people are seeing hope in herbal medications although they are often not backed by scientific studies. The common selling point of these products is that they work by strengthening the body's immune system. For those advocating herbal treatments, acid reflux is often associated with poor digestion. As such, targeting and strengthening the digestive system can then prevent acid reflux. Herbal treatment comes in various forms. Usually they are in the form of tea, juice, capsules and food supplements. They are often claimed to be all natural and safe. As a result, most of these herbal medicines can be taken anytime without any treats of overdose or side effects.

For more information on curing heartburn and acid reflux visit:

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Causes of Acid Reflux

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A harmful chronic disease, acid reflux, can be caused by many different factors. In this article, we'll be looking at some of the causes of acid reflux disease.

The improper functioning of the lower esophageal sphincter, or LES muscles, is one of the main reasons that people experience the caustic fluid backup that is characteristic of acid reflux. Found at the base of the esophagus, these muscles provide a method of opening and closing the passageway to the stomach. When weakened, the LES muscles are often unable to close fully. As a result, acid from the stomach can find its way up into the esophagus.

Abnormalities of the esophagus are another cause of acid reflux disease. The esophagus may be malformed in several different parts, but two of the most common abnormalities that lead to acid reflux are peristalsis and a condition known as adult-ringed esophagus. In an adult-ringed esophagus, small rings in the throat can cause an inability to swallow properly.

Another factor that can be responsible for acid reflux is improper functioning of the stomach. Impaired stomach muscles are found in over fifty percent of all acid reflux sufferers. They have difficulty responding quickly to stimuli. This can cause an extended period of time before the stomach is emptied of its contents, often resulting in an acid backup in the esophagus.

Another reason why one may experience acid reflux is hiatal hernias. The hiatus, a hole that is located in the diaphragm, helps to secure the passageway between the esophagus and the stomach. It is usually tight, keeping the organs separate. However, if the hiatus is weakened, it can loosen up resulting in a small part of the stomach protruding through the hole. This occurrence is known as a hiatal hernia. This can lead to a lack of functioning in the LES muscles, which, as discussed previously, leads to acid reflux.

Medical conditions of asthma and diabetes are two other things to take note of when considering the causes of acid reflux. It was found that at least half of all asthma sufferers are known to experience acid reflux. However, we have not yet discovered which disease may be causing the other. As such, diabetes sufferers need to be careful of their eating habits when it comes to acid reflux. Many diabetics suffer from gastroparesis, a condition that causes a delay in the emptying of the stomach. This can cause a backup in the stomach resulting in an acid buildup in the esophagus.

Certain drugs may also be the cause of acid reflux. NSAIDs, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be responsible for the development of acid reflux or a worsening of the condition in those who already have it. These drugs are quite commonly available, and some of the most recognized brands of NSAIDs include Motrin, Nuprin, Advil, and Aleve. A recent research study showed that people who regularly took these medications were twice as likely to experience some symptoms of acid reflux.

The above are some of the causes of acid reflux disease. If you are suffering from acid reflux, you should consult with your medical professional for advice.

For more information on curing heartburn and acid reflux visit:

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Friday, March 21, 2008

The Link Between Asthma And Acid Reflux

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Asthma is a chronic lung disorder that causes difficulty breathing. Those suffering from it have higher sensitivity - or even hyper-sensitivity - in their airways. When having an asthma attack, this sensitivity causes the airway to become irritated. It reacts by constricting itself, leading to less air being able to get through and difficult breathing.

There has been some research that indicates that asthma symptoms can be worsened by a condition known as gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD) which is more commonly known as acid reflux. This condition causes stomach acid to rise up into the throat which can lead to further irritation, and more pronounced asthma symptoms.

There have also been studies that have shown evidence that asthma sufferers are more prone to developing GERD. This may be due partly to the additional pressure in the chest during an asthma attack, which may force stomach acid up in the wrong direction.

It has not been shown that acid reflux is a contributing factor in developing asthma, however. If that were the case, treating the GERD should also show positive results on asthma but the two are not linked this way. It would appear that one can make the other more pronounced but is not the direct cause.

If you do suffer from both conditions, however, treating one can often ease the effects of the other. If you think you might be dealing with a combination of asthma and acid reflux, the best thing is to consult with your doctor. They can run some tests to give you a thorough diagnosis, and prescribe the best treatment method for your particular situation.

Jackson Sperry covers topics such as asthma symptoms, asthma treatments and causes of asthma for the Asthma Explained website. For more helpful information, visit

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Acid Reflux - Some Tips in Relieving Its Symptoms

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At least 4 out of every 10 Americans suffer from heartburn at least once every month. Are you one of them?

Heartburn is usually felt as a burning pain originating from the chest and traveling upward through the throat. At times, the burning sensation finds its way up through the mouth. When this happens, an acid or bitter taste is left as a reminder of the condition.

Many people tend to take this lightly. However, this should not be so. Frequent heartburn can be a symptom of a disorder known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (also commonly known as GERD or acid reflux).

GERD or acid reflux is a condition whereby the acid content of the stomach rises back up into the esophagus rather than continue on its normal digestive path. It usually develops when the lower esophageal sphincter or LES is damaged. The LES is the muscular ring which functions to prevent the regurgitation of stomach contents back into the esophagus.

To control the symptoms of acid reflux, many people rely on over the counter or non-prescription antacids (Phillip's Milk of Magnesia, Tums, Mylanta, Maalox, etc.). Others use prescription medications such as Tagamet, Zantac, Pepcid and Prilosec.

These medications are all effective in controlling the symptoms but there are several controversies regarding their use in addressing the problem. Several studies indicate that treating acid reflux with these medications lowers the hydrochloric acid content of the stomach, which may prove more disastrous in the long run.

To effectively control acid reflux symptoms, it may be more beneficial to resort to more natural means. Here are several tips which you can use:

. Avoid taking in acidic beverages. Acidic beverages such as coffee, tea and juices are proven to increase the pain associated with heartburn. Alcohol and carbonated drinks should also be eliminated from the diet for the same reason.

. Milk can sometimes be another causal agent of heartburn. Studies show that there is a high incidence of milk allergy in infants with acid reflux. Further, it was also established that eliminating milk products in the infants' diets drastically improved their conditions.

. Stay away from foods or drinks flavored with spearmint, peppermint or other spices with strong aromatic oils. These are known to relax the LES and thus may also increase the probability of experiencing heartburn.

. Some say that avoiding or lowering the fat in the diet may improve the condition. However, there is still no conclusive evidence to support this claim.

. Avoid smoking. Smoking increases the likelihood of developing acid reflux since it tends to weaken the LES. Results of several scientific studies support this finding.

. Constant psychological stress also contributes to the weakening of the LES and hence, in the development of acid reflux.

. When you are lying down, the contents of the stomach may find it easier to travel back into the esophagus. So, it is advisable that you do not lie down immediately after a meal. Let 3 hours pass before doing so.

. Elevate the head of your bed. It will keep you from losing sleep due to heartburn.

. Get moving. Have a regular exercise routine or engage in interesting physical activities.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Acid Reflux

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Treating Acid Reflux with Natural Remedies

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If you belong to the 40% of the American population suffering from frequent heartburn and acid reflux, you may have been constantly searching for the most effective treatments for this uncomfortable condition. But do you know that the most effective help may be waiting for you right there in your kitchen?

Several naturally occurring foods and herbs may very well be the much-anticipated answer to treating acid reflux. Here is a list for your reference.

. Garlic. Yes, the lowly and smelly garlic! Garlic is one of the most important foods that should be included in your daily diet. It is known to promote the growth and proliferation of beneficial bacteria in the stomach which can effectively wipe up the Helicobacter pylori population in the stomach. H. pylori is a micro organism which causes gastritis and is the only bacteria which cannot be killed by the hydrochloric content of the stomach.

To be able to gain the most benefits from garlic, remember to crush or chew it before ingesting it to unleash the effect of its active ingredient, allicin. Use fresh garlic always.

. Aloe Vera. Aloe vera can be very effective in treating acid reflux. It has a very potent anti-inflammatory component but most people are more used to applying it as a wound dressing, as a lotion or for other such topical applications.

Unknown to many, aloe vera has the ability to spread a protective coating on the esophagus and helps in controlling the stomach contents from regurgitating. Aloe vera is commercially available in different forms. It can be bought as aloe vera juice and as gel capsules.

Taking aloe vera may cause diarrhea for certain people. To avoid this, try taking it with a gas-reducing tea such as mint or lemon balm tea. A word of caution: aloe vera is contraindicated in pregnant women and for people with kidney problems.

. Licorice. Licorice in the form of Deglycyrrhizinated licorice or DGL is a very powerful anti-inflammatory agent. Like aloe vera, it also forms a protective coating on the esophagus and the intestinal lining. It is a proven cure for ulcers, heartburn, acid reflux and other such digestive problems.

DGL can be purchased at any supplements store and is available in pill form. To ease heartburns, it is recommended that you take two 250 mg chewable tablets or you may break open a 250 mg capsule and mix it with water or juice. Warning: DGL is not recommended for people suffering from hypertension.

. Turmeric. Turmeric prevents acid build up in the stomach and aids in the proper digestion of foods. To use turmeric, you may want to incorporate it in your cooking or you may take 2 to 3 ? to 1 gram capsules before meals.

. Banana. Bananas are natural antacids and are very useful in relieving heartburn. You may eat them fresh or as ground dried bananas.

. Almonds. Some people claim that eating a handful of almonds helps easing the pain associated with heartburn.

. L-Glutamine. L-glutamine is an amino acid commonly used by body builders. However, this amino acid also aids in the maintenance of an optimal digestive environment and thus greatly helps in relieving gut problems.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Acid Reflux

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

How to Deal with Your Acid Reflux

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Tackling a medical condition head on is never easy, especially in the beginning, and acid reflux or chronic heartburn is no different. Most people don?t know that acid reflux is an issue in their daily life until after they visit their physician. When you continue to experience shortness of breath, and mild heartburn you may think little of the situation. Yet over time, as weeks roll by a cough may show up, along with the loss of your voice.

Everyone wants to sit down at the table and eat the foods they enjoy, while acid reflux suffers struggle with constantly battling between a normal life and heartburn after meals. Today, by improving your diet and the option of using medications on the market to give heartburn relief, the disease symptoms can be controlled.

The acid build up in the stomach can lead to ulcers brought on from digestive disorders, stress, and coupled with the body?s inability to shut off the controls for acid production in the stomach. When heartburn visits regularly all that may be required is a diet change and or lifestyle. This may involve a job change - because of stress, beginning an exercise program or adding some foods and removing others. Lifestyle changes can be a difficult issue for many, for others your doctor may need to look at medication to combat the problem. Whatever path taken, time is required for anyone to return to a pain free life.

Medication Approach

Some individuals produce excess stomach acid, to counter the problems medications can be prescribed. Medications and drugs can assist in the healing of ulcers that produce more acid than the stomach needs. Once under control the true cause of the extra acid production and cause of the ulcers need to be explored. If stress is the cause, the root of the stress needs to be identified and dealt with ? home life, work related or personal unhappiness needs to be addressed. Behavior change must occur.

Changing Diet to Fight Acid Reflux Disease

Rest, proper eating along with exercise can help in combating and controlling acid reflux symptoms. Exercise can help not only provide more energy in daily task but assist the body in digesting foods more efficiently. A diet based on fruits and vegetables and not full if heavy greasy foods or filled with alcohol will reduce heartburn symptoms. Making a diet change can initially be difficult but dedication to slow daily changes will soon show great improvements in everyday life.

A diet high in protein and low in fat will give heartburn sufferers a big edge in stopping the control heartburn may pose in their life. Learn how to prepare those kinds of foods and change your life and health for the better.

Jill Seimer shares health tips at and wrote on natural medicine for acid reflux from her experience treating heartburn in her family.

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Acid Reflux Blues ?An Easy Antidote!

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The real antidote to acid reflux, gerd, heartburn and indigestion has to do with what we eat, how we eat, where we eat and when we eat. This may sound a little too simple, but it is not. Everyone is different; therefore people have to approach eating in different ways.

There are many foods and beverages which trigger heartburn. Not all of these affect everyone in the same manner. For instance, I have difficulty digesting raw bell peppers, but I know others who cannot eat raw tomatoes, but have no trouble with raw bell peppers. Ironically, I can eat fresh raw tomatoes all day long and not have gerd. So anyone who makes blanket statements regarding this subject has got it all wrong.

Through trial and error, we all discover what we can and cannot digest with ease. There are, however, some foods that cause problems for anyone who is susceptible to acid reflux. Any food or drink that causes the LES (lower esophageal sphincter) to relax should be consumed in strict moderation. The LES is a ring of fibrous muscle which separates the esophagus and the stomach. When this muscle relaxes, acid and pepsin can splash up from the stomach into the esophagus and throat, thereby causing acid reflux.

The hydrochloric acid in the stomach is very powerful. It has been compared to the acid in a car battery, but it is a necessary part of our physical anatomy. It constitutes the initial stage of the digestive process. It not only breaks down the food we eat but keeps potentially dangerous bacteria which live in the digestive tract in check. This is the reason that drugs which stop the acid pumps from functioning are potentially dangerous. These drugs are called proton pump inhibitors (PPI drugs). They interfere with the digestion and assimilation of food and allow the overgrowth of bacteria.

Eating jagged foods like crackers or corn chips can cause little lacerations to develop in the esophagus and LES. Then later consuming acidic foods like spicy over cooked tomato sauce can exacerbate the problem. This scenario is typical of why many people have acid reflux to begin with. It can easily be avoided.

Foods and beverages, like chocolate, caffeine, fried foods, tomato products and alcohol, can cause the LES to relax and should be avoided until the esophagus has had time to heal.

How and where we eat is very important, as well. Chewing food properly is essential to correct digestion. Saliva in the mouth is actually very alkaline in nature. It acts as sort of a lubricant to assist the teeth in grinding food to a fine pulp, making it easier to digest. When I was a little boy, I had an elementary school teacher who constantly reminded me to chew my food twenty-two times before swallowing. She said that if I didn?t I would have indigestion. At the time, I thought she was crazy, but she was right on the money.

Eating slowly in a relaxed atmosphere is also crucial to good digestion. When we eat too fast we don?t chew properly forcing crude clumps of food into a shocked and traumatized stomach. This is certainly a perfect way to insure a good case of indigestion. People who grab meals on the run are the worst offenders and I think you will find many of them at fast food restaurants. Unfortunately, they are teaching their children to do the same.

Finally, there is the important consideration of when you eat. It?s a proven fact that eating several small meals, spaced throughout the day, is far healthier for the digestive system than the traditional ?three big meals?. Eating too much at one time is one of the biggest causes of acid reflux and also contributes to unwanted weight gain.

Last but not least, I must mention the most relevant antidote to the acid reflux condition; never go to bed with a full stomach. If we want to avoid acid reflux, we must allow at least two hours after eating before lying down. Three hours would be even better. This, of course, means that a late night bowl of ice cream in bed would be strictly taboo.

So you see, the real antidote to the acid reflux blues is not so much about ?what to do?, but about ?what not to do?. It is not about drugs, surgery or even doctors. The natural cure for acid reflux is all about common sense.

Wind Publishing

For free recipes, articles and information, visit:

Charles Stewart Richey is a self-educated expert on how to cure acid reflux disease by natural means. He has written an extensive report entitled, REFLUX GONE FOREVER, Natural Acid Reflux Remedies. For free recipes, articles and information, visit:

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Free Yourself of Acid Reflux Drug Addiction!

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Recent statistics from the US Department of Health and Human Services suggest that over seven million people suffer from severe acid reflux in the U.S. alone. It is estimated that over fifteen million Americans suffer from chronic heartburn, as well.

The incidence of acid reflux is greater in people over the age of forty, but it can affect anyone, even infants. Acid reflux affects people of every age, socioeconomic class and race.

Simply put, acid reflux occurs when stomach acid splashes up through the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) into the esophagus and throat. This reflux of acid can be the result of many things including diet, alcohol consumption, smoking, hiatal hernia, stress and even pregnancy. When this refluxed acid hits the tender lining of the esophagus, it causes a painful burning sensation in the chest and, or throat. Other symptoms include difficulty in swallowing (dysphagia), hoarseness, asthma and dental erosion.

If left untreated, this condition can evolve into more severe and life threatening diseases like Barrett?s Esophagus, which is a precursor cancer. In an attempt to avoid the more serious consequences of acid reflux, people are resorting more and more to pharmaceutical drugs.

There are three classifications of drugs which treat and acid reflux. The first of these are antacids, which neutralize the acid in your stomach and are at best only a temporary fix. They are loaded with harmful ingredients such as sodium and aluminum. The next group of drugs is called H2 Blockers. They reduce the amount of acid that the stomach produces and provide longer lasting relief than antacids. Finally there are the PPI drugs (proton pump inhibitors), which shut off the proton pumps in the stomach that manufacture hydrochloric acid.

PPI drugs should only be used for eight weeks, at most. It says so right on the package. Doctors certainly know this but allow if not encourage most patients to continue taking these drugs on a permanent basis.

PPI drugs actually shut down the pumps that produce the stomach acid necessary to digest and assimilate food. This is an essential function of our physical anatomy. Another point of concern is that stomach acid keeps very dangerous bacteria, which live in the stomach and intestines, in check.

There are, unfortunately, no studies that can determine the long term effects of these drugs. We do, however, know what the potential harmful side effects are and there are hundreds of them. They include: allergic reaction, back and chest pain, fatigue, fever, flu-like disorder, hypertension, constipation, GI hemorrhage, vomiting, tinnitus, anemia, vitamin B12 deficiency, weight gain, arthritis, fibromyalgia syndrome, anorexia, depression, dizziness, impotence, insomnia, migraine, visual field defect, menstrual disorder, asthma aggravated, pharyngitis, acne, taste loss, fungal infection and Barrett?s esophagus ? just to mention a few!

The medical community would have us believe that drugs are the only answer to the problem of acid reflux. Doctors are not taught nutrition or natural healing techniques in med school. As a result they depend on prescription drugs to treat the symptoms of acid reflux disease. They unfortunately know nothing about how to cure the condition itself.

PPI drugs are very big business. Annual global sales for PPI drugs alone reached well over six billion dollars in 2002. One can only guess what those statistics are today. One can only imagine the extent of the damage these drugs are causing people all over the world.

I am happy to say that we are not limited to pharmaceuticals in order to rid ourselves of the acid reflux condition. There are many alternative techniques and procedures which can be employed to accomplish that end. As a veteran of the acid reflux drug battle, I am living proof that one can heal themselves of acid reflux by using what I call natural medicine.

When I found out that my doctor had exhausted all possibilities of helping me, outside of the PPI drug regime, I knew that I was on my on. I had to heal myself. To my surprise, through research and study, I found that curing acid reflux disease is really quite simple.

With a few modest changes in lifestyle and with the help of several natural remedies, one can absolutely win the battle against acid reflux without the use of drugs.

There are many natural ingredients found in any health store, which can help during the acid reflux recovery period. Herbs, such as marshmallow, slippery elm and bladderwrack have wonderful healing properties. Aloe vera, licorice and natural honey can sooth the esophagus and assist in the healing process. Chewing gum between meals actually neutralizes stomach acid.

There are many simple things which contribute to the acid reflux condition which most people overlook; insufficient water consumption is one of them. Eating too rapidly and chewing food improperly is another.

Eating smaller, more frequent meals is helpful. Substituting Kukicha Twig tea for coffee makes the body more alkaline. Have fruit, like bananas and melons instead of cereal for breakfast. Snacks of walnuts, almonds and more fruit will keep you going throughout the day. At dinner eat lightly and at least two hours before retiring. You certainly don?t have to starve yourself, but try to stay away from those acid reflux ?trigger? foods.

It does take a new approach to life, in general, to heal a stubborn acid reflux condition. Think of it as an exciting challenge. You will feel so much better and your health will improve. It will have been worth the effort.

In a society where convenience sometimes takes precedence over common sense, pills have taken the place of ancient healing techniques and natural therapies. Drugs taken on a regular basis can be more dangerous than the illness itself.

Take command of your health and use natural resources to free yourself of those acid reflux drugs.

Wind Publishing

For free recipes, articles and information, visit:

Charles Stewart Richey is a self-educated expert on how to cure acid reflux disease by natural means. He has written an extensive report entitled, REFLUX GONE FOREVER, Natural Acid Reflux Remedies. For free recipes, articles and information, visit:

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Acid Reflux and Stress

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Although it has not been proven scientifically, many people believe that stress is a major contributor to acid reflux disease.

Physiologically, stress can cause the digestive system to come to a screeching halt. Food that should be moving along will linger and magnify the effects of acid reflux. Under stress the body sends energy to the muscles, via the blood stream, to help the body cope with a stressful situation. This means that less blood, or energy, is flowing to the digestive system. When digestion is slowed down in this manner, undigested food and gastric juices remain in the stomach much longer enhancing the occurrence of acid reflux.

Stress can also cause people to experience changes in behavior like the immoderate consumption of alcohol and so called "comfort foods". It can also lead to late night binging and excessive smoking. All of these can trigger the symptoms of acid reflux by producing excessive acid in the stomach and relaxing the Lower Esophageal sphincter or (LES). When the LES is relaxed, stomach acid can splash up from the stomach into the esophagus, causing the pain of heartburn.

The "fight or flight syndrome" caused by stress can cause the body to tense up, delivering most of its energy to the heart, lungs and muscles. This intensifies hyperacidity, as the stomach is robbed of oxygen and enzymes necessary for proper digestion.

About half of the people who suffer from heartburn attribute it to stress. Whether stress is related to unpleasant work situations, emotional disorders, money problems, family strife or social conflicts, there are many things which can be done to restore the needed harmony in one's life.

Whether you suffer from chronic acid reflux and find that stress exacerbates the condition, or you experience occasional acid reflux brought on by bouts of stress, consider the following:

? Take the pressure off yourself - Lining up too many goals to be accomplished in too short a period of time can be very stressful. Do one thing at a time. Learn to relax and learn to say no when others become too demanding. Set your priorities straight and make lists that you can stick to. Go easy on yourself.

? Take your mind off of you - "Loosing your mind" is not the worst thing you can do. Meditation, Tai Chi, Hatha Yoga, Chi Gong and self-hypnotism are all great ways to relieve stress. Focusing on a demanding activity will take your mind off what is causing the stress. Not thinking about yourself can be very beneficial. These arts can also be applied to enhance life with positive improvement.

? Exercise your way to peace of mind - Everyone knows that exercise is essential for good health. Besides the physical benefits it is also an important way to relieve stress. Who has time to think about problems when you're about to win a tennis match! The endorphins produced in your brain while exercising create an opiate-like "good feeling" sensation that can take you far away from the cares of the day. It is important to find a way to make exercise fun, whether it be jogging with your dog or playing ball with your friends.

? "Let it be" - You cannot control everything in life. There will always be planes that are late arrivals or departures. The weather may not cooperate with that family picnic that you planned. Your mother-in-law may show up when least expected and there will always be taxes to pay. It is important to learn to roll with the punches. You can always find something good in an otherwise bad situation, but most importantly don't let it stress you out.

? Maintain an optimistic attitude - Never underestimate the power of positive thinking. Focus on the good things - not the bad things. Be excited about the future and believe that only good is in store for you. Better than projecting the future, concentrate on the present and demonstrate gratitude in the moment. Being optimistic not only affects others in a positive way, it gives you the balance that you need to be stress free.

? Have a good laugh! - Laughter is the great healer. A good laugh can relieve more stress than anything else. Watch a funny movie, go to a comedy club or go see Hunter Blue perform at Mimi's in New York City. Try to associate with people who make you laugh, or at least don't make you frown. Maintain a good sense of humor at all times. Stress cannot exist where there is laughter.

? Love a dog or a cat - Pet animals are a sure cure for stress. Their pure unaffected love and funny antics can blow that stress away. If you can't muster the obligation of responsibility for a pet, borrow someone else's pet or volunteer to be a care taker when they are out of town. Pets have a tranquilizing affect on us and their power to diminish stress should not be overlooked.

? Talk to a friend - It's very therapeutic when a trusted friend gives advice and thoughtful support. We all need objective guidance at times. Sympathy from friends and relatives has a calming affect and can reduce stress. It's almost as if you are not bearing your problems alone anymore and that kind of encouragement is invaluable.

? Get a massage - There is nothing quite as stress relieving as a good massage. I find that going for acupuncture is very relaxing as well. If you can't manage a massage, indulge in a long hot bath, whirlpool or steam shower.

It has been said that stress is a killer. Thankfully, its reduction is not rocket science and is quite easily accomplished. By reducing the stress in our lives, we can minimize the effect of the acid reflux condition. Of course there are other factors involved with acid reflux, but stress is certainly one of the big ones and should be dealt with in a serious manner. Relax!

Wind Publishing

For free recipes, articles and information related to acid reflux, please visit:

Charles Stewart Richey is a self-educated expert on how to cure acid reflux disease by natural means. He has written an extensive report entitled, REFLUX GONE FOREVER, Natural Acid Reflux Remedies. For free recipes, articles and information, visit:

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Herbal Remedy for Acid Reflux You Can Use Right Now

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An Herbal Remedy for acid reflux makes perfect sense. You do not have to live with the pain you are having now.

What do you eat? When do you go to sleep or lie down? What do you drink? These may not be the most important questions for many of us. But for someone that has acid reflux these are serious concerns.

If you are suffering more than twice a week you may have acid reflux disease - also known as GERD.

Not all heartburn is caused by GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease). Occasional heartburn can be caused by a variety of factors but if you have regular episodes there are things you can do to help. Heartburn is one of the symptoms of acid reflux.

If you have regular heartburn the first thing you should do is stay away from expected use of antacids. Initially when you take antacids you can reduce the pain. Because they are designed to neutralize the acids in your stomach they can compel the stomach to create MORE acid - a cycle called 'acid rebound'. Some medications can also cause diarrhea or constipation or even increase the risk of food poisoning by inhibiting the cultivation of good bacteria. This is another reason why an herbal remedy for acid reflux is in your best interest.

Foods such as caffeine, alcohol, citrus, chocolate, spicy or tomato-based foods may initiate a bout of acid reflux. Fatty or fried foods, onions or garlic are also on the do not eat list.

Being overweight or smoking also increases the risk of GERD and lifestyle changes may help to control the symptoms. Almost anyone is at risk. But it should be noted that pregnant women, children, overweight individuals and smokers are at the top of the list of likely candidates.

Young babies have immature digestive systems. National Digestive Diseases (NDDIC) says that most children outgrow GERD by the time they are one year old. However, because the symptoms are bothersome precautions like frequent burping and keeping the infant upright for 30 minutes after eating can reduce the occurrence.

Older children may have to take similar precautions in diet and activity as adults. You should always discuss with your specialist when you suspect GERD to avoid future complications.

Being overweight or pregnant increases the pressure in the abdomen. 25% of pregnant women experience heartburn at some time during their pregnancy.

If you suspect GERD it is important to contact your doctor as there can be harmful side effects of persistent heartburn including scaring of the esophagus, asthma, erosion of the teeth and even worsened risk of esophageal cancer. Frequent, persistent heartburn can also be a symptom of other serious conditions and should be checked on by a professional.

Widely used heartburn and ulcer drugs such as Nexium, Pepcid and Prilosec can make people more susceptible to pneumonia, probably because they reduce germ-killing stomach acid, Dutch researchers found in a study of more than 300,000 patients.

Orange peel extract are being researched for their abilities to curb heartburn.

There are three herbs that are well known for soothing stomach muscles which are chamomile, gentian, and ginger. If your problem does not respond successfully to natural remedies within a few days, please see your health care provider.

In today's world more and more herbal remedies are being accepted. The need for many people to move away from drugs is at hand. For some individuals the drugs that are being taken for other ailments are not mixing well with the drugs for the new illness. An herbal remedy for acid reflux restores what you lack.

In closing an herbal remedy for acid reflux makes sense. It is the safer way to treat your body than using drugs..

Resource Heartspring Earth Clinic

Please pass this article on to people in your life you care about.

Aron Wallad has been helped by natural herbs. He has dramatically reduced his blood sugar level from 306 to 160 using a 47 year old natural herbs product. Called Immunicin it conttains over 250 herbs. Go here right now to see his story.

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What Really Causes Acid Reflux

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Acid reflux occurs because the muscle at the bottom of the esophagus fails to close properly. This muscle should work like a one-way valve, allowing food to enter the stomach, and stopping stomach acid from backing up.

Several factors will influence the way this muscle works, and cause acid reflux. In infants and babies, the muscle may not close tight enough to keep the stomach acid in the tummy. This is commonly called colic. Colic can be miserable for both the baby and the family, but it generally disappears by about six to eight months of age, as the child's muscles develop and strengthen. Another common reason people suffer from acid reflux is pregnancy, or being overweight. Both of these conditions cause extra pressure to build up along the diaphragm, and push on the lower esophagus. This can weaken the muscle, and promote acid reflux.

Almost fifty percent of acid reflux sufferers have stomach muscles that work very slowly, this can result in delayed emptying of the stomach. When this occurs, food remains in the stomach longer than normal, increasing the chances that the stomach acid could splash up on the sensitive tissues of the esophagus.

Hiatal hernias can also cause the symptoms of acid reflux. The hiatus is a passageway in the diaphragm that permits food from the esophagus to pass into the stomach. A hiatal hernia is when a small part of the stomach actually protrudes up through the hole. This prevents the muscle at the bottom of the esophagus from working properly, and can lead to acid reflux.

Several common medications may also cause you to suffer the effects of acid reflux. Medications that irritate the stomach lining can aggravate the symptoms of acid reflux. The most common medications that do this are Motrin, Nuprin, and Advil. These medications are commonly used as pain relievers, and many sufferers report relief if the take these medications with food.

Different types of foods can also cause acid reflux. If you suffer from this disease, keeping a food diary can help you discover the cause and prevent future suffering. Many people get into the habit of taking antacids several times each day. This only masks the symptoms of acid reflux, and provides short-term relief. If you find yourself using antacids more than three times each week, then it is time to visit the doctor. Several effective treatments will stop acid reflux, and prevent complications from starting.

Gerri Stone Find out why you have digestive problems, and how to cure them

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Getting Relief From Acid Reflux Symptoms Through Adjusting Your Sleeping Postures

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You may find it extremely disruptive experiencing acid reflux symptoms in the night. However, your symptoms appear to come on more often when you are sleeping. If you are wondering why this is so; well, the reason is that your sleeping postures are causing more acid to back up to your esophagus. This usually happens when your head is not propped up enough. Not having a good night of sleep can lower the quality of your life. You not only have to deal with your pain in the night but wake up feeling exhausted and depressed, thus giving your day a poor start.

Luckily there are products in the market to help address this issue. One such product to reduce your acid reflux symptoms in the night are specially designed pillows. A solution to correcting your sleeping postures would easily have been for you to sleep with multiple pillows. However, if you have tried this, you would have found it difficult to keep to this position the whole night without moving and having all your top few pillows falling off. So this means that you basically end up with just using one pillow, a position that is likely that puts you at risk of developing acid reflux symptoms in the night.

Specially designed pillows such as jumbo pillows can keep you wedged up when sleeping. These pillows have stronger bases and come complete with foam at the bottom so that you would not find it easy to slip off them.

Another great invention is bed raisers which can be used at bedtime. You may think about using bricks or books to accomplish the task of raising the bed. However, add your own body weight to the bed, you may well end up hurting yourself since your bed is propped up in not a very stable manner.

Bed raisers can be used as a better alternative to using your bricks and books. Bed raisers are placed under the upper legs of your bed and can be adjusted to raise your bed at an angle. You may adjust this angle just enough for you to prevent having to experience acid reflux symptoms in the night.

You can find the specially designed pillows and bed raisers at major departmental stores. These items should be located in the bedding section. You can also purchase them over the web and are usually not all that expensive.

There is no doubt that such interesting inventions exist to help people who are seeking relief from their acid reflux symptoms. You should seriously consider these options if you wish to sleep through the night without getting any disruptions any more.

Acid reflux symptoms can be easily treated with diet and lifestyle changes. For more information and resource, please visit this site here at

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Apple Cider Vinegar Vs Acid Reflux

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Acid reflux has been around forever, and one home remedy has been around nearly as long is apple cider vinegar.

All forms of vinegar have been touted as having medicinal uses for thousands of years. The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates is said to have prescribed it for everything from ear infections to rashes, and the Chinese have long used it to prevent the spread of viruses. Its use as an astringent, where it is more effective than icepacks, is well known.

Apple cider vinegar specifically has been cited as a remedy for acid reflux, or gastroesophegeal reflux disease (GERT). D.C. Jarvis? bestselling book ?Folk Medicine? promoted its use in 1958, and the remedy has been popular ever since.

But does it work? Claims of apple cider vinegar?s effectiveness are anecdotal at best. It?s rarely been tested methodically, the way a drug would be, simply because that kind of research is usually funded by pharmaceutical companies and apple cider vinegar isn?t a pharmaceutical product so of no interest to them. The companies that could benefit from it being proven effective don?t have the money to fund the kind of research required.

Furthermore, most acid reflux remedies vary widely in their efficacy. They work for some people and don?t work for others. Apple cider vinegar may well help some sufferers, but there is no evidence to suggest it would help every person, every time.

It?s important to note that acid reflux isn?t a ?condition? in itself. It?s the SYMPTOM of a condition. The real problem is that the muscle that separates the stomach from the esophagus is weak or compromised, thus allowing stomach acid to splash up into the esophagus. Overeating can cause it (when the stomach becomes overfull; acid is forced upward), and so can lying down after a large meal. Those instances are situational. When you don?t do the things that cause it, you don?t get heartburn.

If you suffer from acid reflux regularly, even without overeating, it may be a chronic condition that requires treatment. That?s where remedies like apple cider vinegar come into play. The Internet is teeming with anecdotes about its usefulness, with almost as many articles explaining that it?s nothing more than folklore. But try telling that to the people for whom it has worked!

Why the variance in opinion? Clearly some cases of acid reflux being cured by apple cider vinegar are just psychosomatic: The sufferer believed it would work, and so it did. In other cases, perhaps the heartburn would have gone away on its own whether the patient drank apple cider vinegar or not.

And there is the possibility that it actually does work for some people. As mentioned, different remedies work for different people when it comes to GERD. It?s hard to cite any one cure as THE best option in every case. The point is, don?t pin all your hopes on a folk remedy whose usefulness is anecdotal and unproven. However, if you are interested to see if it can help your GERD, you could try taking up to 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in 8 oz of water, adding a little honey to taste. Giving it a try won?t hurt (once you get past the bitter taste), and if it doesn?t work, you can move on to something else.

Kathryn Whittaker has an interest in Acid Reflux. For further information on Acid Reflux please visit or

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Bad Breath and Acid Reflux

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Is there a connection between bad breath and acid reflux? Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition where stomach contents return up the esophagus, sometimes all the way to the mouth, causing heartburn and an unpleasant bitter taste. Many professionals and health writers list GERD as a possible cause of bad breath, but few go into any detail about what produces the bad odor. Given that there may be a demonstrable connection, there are a couple of explanations we can consider.

First, symptoms of bad breath and acid reflux often strike after consumption of a large meal. Many foods, though we love to eat them, don't smell too good on the breath afterwards. These include garlic (probably the best known food cause of bad breath), onions, strong cheeses, spicy foods, alcoholic beverages, and a number of other foods. When a recently consumed meal is pushed back up the esophagus, it wouldn't be surprising that an unpleasant smell is produced on the breath.

Secondly, it's no secret that one's stomach contents don't smell too good. The stomach is an acid environment where foods start to break down in preparation for digestive processes in the intestine. If enough time has passed since the food was consumed, stomach contents that return up the esophagus in a case of GERD will have the sharp acidic smell of vomit - an unpleasant odor producing an atypical halitosis and suggesting a link between bad breath and acid reflux.

Thirdly, in cases of chronic GERD, acid stomach liquids repeatedly come in contact with, and burn, the lining of the esophagus. Because the damage recurs frequently, the tissue never has time to heal completely and is thus chronically irritated with continual production of dead tissue. Dead tissue has an unpleasant odor, and when it is present in the esophagus, it's likely to produce an indirect connection between bad breath and acid reflux.

But, the truth is, there doesn't seem to be a really strong correlation between bad breath and acid reflux itself. A relatively low percentage of people with GERD experience chronic halitosis. Instead, researchers recently reported at the 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the American College of Gastroenterology (2006) that there is an apparent connection between proton pump inhibitors (drugs commonly used to treat GERD), and chronic bad breath. The drugs, it seems, may cause an overgrowth of odor producing bacteria in the mouth - and anaerobic odor producing bacteria in the mouth are by far the most common cause of chronic halitosis.

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Bad Breath Guide, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.

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Saturday, March 8, 2008

Acid Reflux Can Fool You - It Might Really Be a Heart Attack or Vice Versa

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Pain radiating from your chest or surrounding areas can be frightening! The first thing you probably think is that you've had a heart attack -- but that's not necessarily so. You may be having an acid reflux attack instead. Acid reflux causes burning sensations in the chest and throat which can easily be confused with heart pain.

The symptoms of heart pain and acid reflux are similar, but there are some differences. However, don't take a chance with your life! Seek medical care at once if you experience any symptoms that could be related to a heart attack.

There are some distinguishing characteristics you might want to keep in mind, but don't resort to being your own doctor. With that firmly in mind, here are five ways in which heart attacks and acid reflux symptoms differ:

1. A strong feeling of pressure accompanies most heart attacks. The pressure could also be a powerful squeezing sensation. If you are having a heart attack, you may experience a lot of pain or just this feeling of pressing and squeezing. With heart attacks the pain or discomfort will usually go on for more than 10 minutes. If the pain or discomfort rapidly subsides, it probably is not related to the heart. However, you may be having symptoms of angina and that requires medical care as well.

2. If the pain is largely centered around your throat, it is probably due to acid reflux. The burning discomfort is probably the result of stomach acids that have backed up into your esophagus.

3. With heart conditions exercise can be followed by chest pain. This is not usually true of acid reflux since physical activity seldom makes acid reflux act up.

4. After you've eaten a meal, if you experience pain -- that's probably the result of acid reflux or heartburn and not a heart attack.

5. If pain or a tingling sensation spreads from your chest to nearby parts of your body -- such as your shoulders, neck, jaw and arms -- those symptoms may be telling you you're either having a heart attack or angina.

Whenever you experience any discomfort or pain in your chest or surrounding areas, you need to take that as a serious warning signal. Don't ignore the warning, but seek medical care as soon as possible.

Help yourself to a more energetic life with health tips for you. Patricia Wagner writes about a .variety of ways you can be healthier at

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Thursday, March 6, 2008

Can you cure acid reflux?

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Acid reflux is regurgitation of acidic contents from the stomach into the esophagus. Reflux is prevented by the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) which remains tightly closed and opens when peristaltic waves herald the imminent arrival of swallowed food. When the LES becomes incompetent acid reflux will result.

So can you control your acid reflux? If it is due to true LES incompetence, then there is no cure. You will need maintenance treatment with acid suppressants like omeprazole, or if very severe or you develop secondary problems then fundoplication will relieve your symptoms.

There are, however, various factors that can affect the efficiency of the LES and acid reflux. Consider eliminating these factors that may impact on GERD before seeing your doctor or taking over the counter acid suppressants. Sometimes all you need is a change of lifestyle.

Obesity can cause or contribute to acid reflux. This is especially so in the apple type distribution of weight. The extra weight increases bulk in the upper abdomen and makes it difficult for the esophagus to discharge food effectively into the stomach. In addition obese individuals are prone to developing hiatus hernias. A hiatus hernia can weaken the LES. Losing weight is an important aspect of acid reflux treatment.

Wearing tight fitting clothes can cause acid reflux especially if it is two sizes too small. The increased pressure in the stomach may force acid back up into the esophagus. Wear loose clothes and your reflux symptoms will go away.

Large volume of food in the stomach will put pressure on the LES and can trigger acid reflux. It has happened to us all at some time or other. The large volume also reduces gastric clearance time allowing more opportunity for reflux. Eating smaller portions more frequently will counter this problem.

Certain foods can affect GERD. Cow's milk protein intolerance can cause esophagitis. It is called Allergic Eosinophilic Esophagitis. This is controlled by removing cow's milk protein from the diet. Other foods that can affect the LES include fats, coffee, tea, alcohol, and some spices.

Some drugs can affect the LES and cause acid reflux. These drugs include broncho-dilators such as theophylline, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), tri-cyclic antidepressants ie amitriptylline and drugs for Parkinson's disease.

Female hormones can affect acid reflux. In a Scandinavian Study, women on hormones had increased risk of GERD. These drugs include the contraceptive pill and hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Sedatives and tranquillisers can slow down peristaltic waves in the esophagus affecting clearance of food from the esophagus.

If you are on medication and you have GERD, opt for liquid medication. Certain drugs ie tetracycline are corrosive to the esophageal lining. Tablets and capsules (gelcaps) can lodge in the esophagus. Always drink a glass of water after medication to wash it down into the stomach. Avoid taking medication while lying down. GERD patients should always take medication sitting up or standing and avoid lying down immediately after.

Smoking relaxes the LES and nicotine is corrosive to esophageal lining. Stop smoking and your GERD might improve.

Certain exercises can increase the risk of GERD. This is the case in competitive weightlifting and cycling. Joggers can develop acid reflux symptoms.

If you have acid reflux symptoms, look at all the potential risk factors and eliminate them. If by doing so, your symptoms disappear, you have actually cured your acid reflux. However, if the symptoms persist, the next step is a visit to your doctor.

Dr. Phil Hariram is a retired General Practitioner. He has treated Acid Reflux for 27 years. Find out more about Acid Reflux at

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Acid Reflux Symptoms - The Ill Effects Of Bulimia

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Your bulimic eating behaviour can create harm to your digestive system and also cause you to develop acid reflux symptoms. You are considered bulimic when you have regular binge eating episodes and then you follow these episodes with purging either through vomiting or taking laxatives of your food. You force yourself to vomit or take laxatives as you do not want to gain weight.

During the binge eating phase, you have found it hard to stop yourself from eating. You end up over stuffing yourself. Instead of consuming one burger, you are eating ten, for instance. When you do this, it may be that you are undergoing some psychological trauma and look for ways to overcome or forget your grief. You are also likely to have a low self esteem and confidence in yourself. It may also be that you are not actually overweight but because you feel extremely guilty over your inability to stop eating, you feel that it is necessary to purge all that food after that.

However, forcing yourself to vomit immediately after eating can cause plenty of harm to your body. Vomiting after eating removes both the food from the stomach and also the acid produced by the stomach for digestion. As you vomit, the stomach acid is forced up your esophagus. Eventually, as you vomit on a regular basis at least once or twice a day, your esophagus becomes itchy and stinging. You develop acid reflux symptoms and also GERD. Increasingly, you will find it tough to even swallow the food properly.

Over the long run, bulimia not only damages your esophagus but can also wear down your stomach lining and eventually result in death. Indeed, people have died because of bulimia and its consequences.

If you do not treat bulimia, then over a long period, you may suffer from malnutrition. Damage to your body can also become permanent for the rest of your life. Sadly, many do not realize the importance of getting treatment until it is too late.

The only way to overcome your eating disorder and get relief from your acid reflux symptoms is to first recognize that you have bulimia. Once you recognize this, then you should get into a treatment program meant to help bulimics. You will need to go through some psychological counseling as it is important to boost your self esteem and confidence. You need to realize that you are hurting yourself with your bulimia eating disorder.

Then again, although you may recover from bulimia, you may continue to have acid reflux symptoms. This is because damage to your esophagus has already been made internally. You will need to consume some medication to help prevent the acid from returning to the esophagus. Some changes also need to be made to your eating and lifestyle habits to keep your acid reflux symptoms under control. However, these changes should place you in good stead to lead a healthy normal life.

Acid reflux symptoms can be easily treated with diet and lifestyle changes. For more information and resource, please visit this site here at

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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

10 Nuggets about Acid Reflux

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1. Acid reflux is common and is increasing in the developed world. A Gollop Poll in USA reported that 44% had symptoms on a monthly basis. GERD is higher in whites and the obese. There is also a higher prevalence in people aged 60-70 years. It is rare in Africans. It is also lower in Eastern countries. In India it is 7.5%, Malaysia 3% and China 0.8%. It is suggested that this incidence will increase as these countries introduce Western diet higher in fats.

2. Lifestyle change is an important aspect of treatment of acid reflux. Some patients show marked improvement after losing only a small amount of weight.

Obesity increases abdominal pressure and affects the lower esophageal sphincter(LES). Large meals distend the stomach and adds pressure on the LES. Certain foods affect the sphincter. Avoid or consume, in moderation, foods such as fats, coffee and alcohol.

3. Antacids neutralise acids in the stomach. This reaction raises the pH and is likely to relieve heartburn or other symptoms of reflux. Trials, however, show that antacids will not heal esophagitis.

The antacids commonly used are magnesium hydroxide, magnesium trisilicate and aluminium hydroxide.

4. Acid Suppressant drugs should be used if lifestyle changes and antacids are ineffective. The first group introduced is the H2-receptor antagonists such as ranitidine. Side effects from this group of drugs are rare.

The newer proton pump inhibitors like omeprazole and lansaprazole are more effective than H2-receptor antagonists. They are safe and long term use has shown no ill effects. They are so effective that most GERD patients that were unresponsive to ranitidine were effectively treated with omeprazole.

5. A complication of GERD is bleeding from esophigitis. This can lead to anaemia especially in children. Stricture is a distressing complication. It can cause pain and difficulty on swallowing. Barrett's esophagus, experts think, develops after damage to the mucosal lining by acid reflux.

6. Most infants will reflux, and conservative measures such as thickened feeds help. Reflux generally subsides before the end of the first year. In the past Barrett's esophagus was thought to be confined to adults but with the introduction of smaller fibreoptic endoscopes, more biopsies are done and Barrett's esophagus is often diagnosed in children.

7. Surgery for acid reflux is very uncommon since the advent of effective acid suppressant medical treatment. Today stricures are not common and there are only a rare few that do not respond to omeprazole as acid reflux treatment.

The commonest procedure is Nissen Fundoplication. Today laparoscopic fundoplication is popular.

8. Smoking makes acid reflux symptoms worse, especially in children. Nicotine relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter allowing acidic stomach contents to reflux up into the esophagus. In addition deposited nicotine in the back of the throat when swallowed, is corrosive to the esophageal lining. Stop smoking if you have acid reflux.

9. Raising the head of the bed is an effective acid reflux treatment. It is useful for nocturnal acid reflux symptoms and reduces sensitisation that results in problems during the day. Tests have shown that adding additional pillows is ineffective.

10. Exercise is a healthy option for everyone and generally will not trigger acid reflux. A study, however, in 2000 showed that competetive weightlifters were more likely to have acid reflux. Competetive cyclists and long distance runners were also studied and the results indicated a higher incidence of GERD. Jogging can increase GERD. If this is the case, then an alternative exercise regime is recommended.

Do not ignore your symptoms. Lifestyle changes may be all that is necessary to control symptoms of GERD but if, in addition to over the counter medications, your symptoms persist see your family doctor. If you have GERD, complications can be severe and the symptoms very distressing.

Dr. Phil Hariram is a retired General Practitioner. He has treated Acid Reflux for 27 years. Find out more about Acid Reflux at

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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Acid Reflux Relief With Coconut

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Tropical countries like the Philippines grow coconuts in abundance. The coconut tree is a very useful tree. People in these areas found plenty of uses for the coconut tree, from its trunk, leaves, and to its fruits. Not a single part of the coconut plant is wasted as all of it has specific uses. With recent developments, the attention of Americans has been brought to the medical values of the coconut fruit. Especially in the past few years, clinical studies showed that components of the coconut have remarkable effects as antihistamines, anti-infectives/antiseptics, enhances and strengthens the immune system as well as a glucocortcoid antagonist. It has also been found that coconuts can effectively relieve acid reflux symptoms.

Acid reflux is a problem faced by many and is caused by common irritation on the walls of the esophagus. This comes about after consuming a meal or a snack. Acid reflux is also commonly known as heartburn because it is often characterized by the tightening of the chest couple with breathing difficulties. Acid reflux may cause some patients to feel a burning sensation in the stomach and the esophagus. Vomiting and a general feeling of being so full are also experienced by these patients. Physicians and other medical practitioners explain that acid reflux is the result of the failure of the Lower Esophageal Sphincter or LES to remain closed. By nature, the Sphincter closes and keeps acid and food in the digestive system. However, when the sphincter fails to close due to an abnormality, food seep back into the esophagus and causes that burning sensation which we commonly call as heartburns. Heartburns are usually associated with poor digestion.

In tropical countries, people rely on coconuts to relieve gas pains and heartburns. How do we use coconut to relieve acid reflux? . There are two ways of administering coconut to relief acid reflux. Firstly, coconut oil can be applied on the stomach as a form of liniment. Secondly, virgin coconut oil can be taken internally by the acid reflux patient. Before administering coconut oil as a form of liniment, you need to prepare the solution by extracting the oil from the coconut fruit. This can be done by grating the pulp of a mature coconut fruit and then squeezing the milk out from the grated pulp. The milk extracted from the coconut pulp will be strained to remove all solids. The coconut milk is then cooked slowly over a low fire until the milk evaporates, leaving the oil behind. The coconut oil extracted will be used as liniment for relieving acid reflux by inducing the sufferer to belch.

The second way of using coconut to relieve acid reflux is to ingest virgin coconut oil. Virgin coconut oil can be extracted from the coconut fruit by placing the coconut milk in an even container for 48 hours until the cream, the water and the oil separates naturally. The oil extracted through this process is a potent anti-oxidant. Research shows that coconut oil, especially in its purest form, is very rich in short and medium chain fatty acids. This shorter chain length allows for faster metabolism and without use of the carnitine transport system which is associated with the oxidation process. This means that with a high quantity of coconut oil in the body would result in a high anti-oxidation capacity.

For more information on curing heartburn and acid reflux visit:

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Acid Reflux Heartburn Symptoms May be a Sign of a More Serious Condition

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You just lay down and here it comes, acid reflux is flowing up your esophagus to your throat. It burns and you start to choke and cough. You get up and resign yourself to another night of sleeping in the recliner. Your old nemesis acid reflux heartburn has come again to make your life miserable. You should have invested in the companies that make antacids years ago, because you have spent so much money on their products. You assume it is just ordinary heartburn, but is your diagnosis correct? You have not been to the doctor in a couple of years. Why pay for him to tell you to take Pepsid AC or Maalox, right? Problem is your symptoms may be part of a more serious problem.

Take a couple of minutes and complete this survey:

1. Has your acid reflux heartburn continued to bother you despite changes in what you eat and drink?

2. Do you wake up in the morning with sore throat more than 3 days a week?

3. Do you have to sleep in a recliner or in an upright position to keep acid reflux from flowing up your esophagus?

4. Does your heartburn wake you up several times each night?

5. Do you take over the counter antacids each night before going to bed? If you have answered yes to 3 or more of these questions you may be suffering from more than simple heartburn. You may have GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease and in some severe cases, something called Erosive GERD.

Acid is eating away at the lining of your esophagus and doing permanent damage. Ignoring this problem will not make it go away and everyday that goes by means more damage to your esophagus. Now what do you do? Well depending on how you did on our survey you need to call your doctor and ask for a referral to a specialist that treats severe cases of acid reflux disease. These specialists are up on the latest treatment options. The next thing to do is begin researching your condition on the Internet. There are thousands of websites that provide information on acid reflux heartburn diseases. Do not put it off or the damage may be permanent.

Why live in misery? It is up to you; take control of your symptoms and disease now.

Acid Reflux Heartburn Cures,

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Monday, March 3, 2008

What Really Helps? Acid Reflux Remedies At A Glance.

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Stomach problems can make a person totally sad. Conditions like acid reflux disease can make your days long and nights even longer. There are many instruction medications available today for such conditions but many people prefer to avoid taking many medicines. Natural acid reflux remedies provide welcomed relief for many sufferers.

Basically, acid reflux disease is a result of inflammation in the esophagus. The irritation is caused by liquid from the stomach working its way backwards into the throat. Many people identify the symptoms of this stomach problem known as heartburn. This painful symptom has many of us running to stores looking for acid reflux remedies.

I was not interested in finding acid reflux remedies myself because I had never experienced stomachache until last week. My first bout with the symptom of the stomach problem came as a kind of frightening shock. I thought that something was stuck in my chest and I couldn?t work it out. The feeling was that I would associate with chocking deep in the chest.

After that short experience with stomachache I decided that I had better check out some natural acid reflux remedies. I wasn?t really looking for myself. My husband complains of stomachache every day. I had never really understood what he was feeling until I experienced stomachache.

I can?t get my husband to take an aspirin let alone instruction medication. Mediations that were used in the past as acid reflux remedies had bad consequences. The medicine Propulsid that was used for the stomach illness was taken off of the market after many people died from the medication.

My husband isn?t really excited about taking medication of any type and the track record for medications for this stomach problem is unwelcoming. We decided that natural acid reflux remedies would be the best approaches to his pain. If there is a natural way to take care of a problem that is the way to go.

We found that drinking a lot of clean water each day helps to raise the symptoms associated with the stomach problem. Water helps to balance the pH in your stomach which neutralizes the acids. This is the easiest of the acid reflux remedies to follow.

Other acid reflux remedies include fresh garlic. This came as a huge surprise to both of us. You would think that garlic would disturb the natural balance in your stomach but it does the opposite. Just adding water and garlic to my husband?s diet has proved to be useful acid reflux remedies.

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